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Everything posted by Superman_AZ

  1. Glad you approve, cause I really don't remember any of it. Bit of a blind, and somewhat drunk rage at the time. Was a long time ago, and a very different version of myself.
  2. I don't PvP. Ever. So really I just need to figure out which tank class has nice solo survivability in PvE. Thanks.
  3. Yeah, I was going through a divorce, had just lost my job, and my father passed away that morning. I don't recall the meltdown, but I do recall the rage quit. As for the advice, I appreciate the info. I am mostly just trying to make sure my self-sustaining tank is still... sustained
  4. Well, that certainly is a good place to start. I suppose Googling the gearing and "tiering" may be my first stop. Thanks
  5. I am not looking for FotM, or asking for all details. I am happy to read the patch notes as the download continues. Just curious, what are some of the bigger changes I have missed since then? I know there was a big server merge (still have to log in to see it). Did anything bad happen to Powertechs? He was my main.
  6. See, and I am the other way around. I'm not advocating for it's removal, but if they made a PvE only version, I would buy it in an instant. Same goes for WoW, and a few other choice MMOs.
  7. Very much agreed. Since it obviously bothers people they are taking an active interest in trying to stop it. But, like with all things, it likely just needs plenty of time to fine tune, and plenty of reports to go on. If you don't report it, how would they even know there is a concern? Definitely not a concern of mine, but at least Eric acknowledged the OP.
  8. All that had to be said really.
  9. So win trading removes players abilities to have bragging rights... in a video game? Yeah. First world problem to be certain
  10. No so much. I don't pick on girls.
  11. I have to lol that you even think you are a blip on my radar or affecting my mood in either direction. I was simply offering my opinion on the subject and responding to the OP. If you take issue with my opinion, that's your concern. It is not my job to keep your panties from twisting. Have a nice day.
  12. Given the original launch was the most expensive in history, yet only a year later was in a F2P market. You can see why the team is probably not turning out the stellar content of old. Too much $$$ to waste on a F2P model with a cash shop.
  13. I wasn't aware you were a moderator who had the authority to tell people where they could and could not post. So you can take your comment and flush it.
  14. For me, as a Casual, it's nice to just hit level cap, get and color the gear I want, and then just go back and explore, get datacrons, etc. I don't raid, or PvP, so for me, it is more about having max level characters to Role Play with, or just to explore the game in general.
  15. Really all there is to say on the subject. At least the post earned a direct response.
  16. Most classes can be learned just by watching a 1 hour youtube video
  17. It's a patch thing. Every single patch, in every single MMO. Somewhere, someone says, It's a never ending cycle, and if players hate it that much, they should go back to playing an RTS, something that never gets nerfed and the spells never change.
  18. Anyone who makes a real life living playing the game and earning real cash for that playtime would be the one group with a legitimate concern. To everyone else, it is still just a game. When it starts affecting someone's income, those people should take the appropriate steps. Report it and move on. It's all they really can do. Unless of course they want to file a claim with the Better Business Bureau and the Department of Labor, but I'm fairly certain they'd just get some strange looks.
  19. But isn't a game where you play for free, but pay cash for shop items a cheat in and of itself? With enough money, someone could land some top gear from the Cartel Market, or high end items to sell for millions of creds, thus giving them the creds to buy the items on the GTN. You don't see any threads asking to have the CM removed and the GTN shut down... cause it is just a video game.
  20. I honestly don't. If it were an actual life altering issue, I might have more empathy to the situation. But since it is just a video game for Star Wars fans, I have a hard time taking any of it very seriously. It's on the same level as me worrying about some dude who exploited some glitch one time in Super Mario. 2 weeks from now, is it going to affect my real life? Hardly.
  21. Like I said, I don't condone cheating of any sort, but is a video game really that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things? Cheating on your spouse. Bad. Cheating on SATs. Bad. Cheating on a diet. Not the end of the world. Cheating on a video game. No one ever really cares. It's hardly real life and some kid getting better gear than some other kid is hardly more than a first world problem. Hunger, violence, human trafficking, these are actual problems. This kid cheating on this game this time... hardly a blip on a radar. I say just do what you can which is report it an move on. No point in getting up in arms over someone else's gameplay in a virtual world where the points never matter and the reward is replaced a month later.
  22. Don't get me wrong. I'm sure you consider this to be a big deal. But, in the end, isn't is just a video game? It's not like an olympic athlete got screwed out of a gold medal. Some gamer slipped ahead a few points in a video game. Granted cheating is cheating, and it's not fair and all that... but it is still just a video game. Not like you spent years physically training in the real world just to get cheated at an actual sport.
  23. Am I detecting a hint of sarcasm?
  24. While I can appreciate someone not wanting to out level a zone because of double XP, I can't imagine selectively skipping the occasional side mission would be a major concern. Having the ability to turn it on or off would be nice, but after 3 years, it would appear that option is NOT coming. That just leaves the remaining bulk who do want it. I know that each time there is a double XP weekend, at least last year when I was still playing, zones were full, and fleet had more instances than I had ever seen. If anything, people fill up the world during this time, bringing down queue times and increasing interaction. I am still a solo player, but that can't be all bad for people who want to interact with others.
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