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Everything posted by Superman_AZ

  1. I can appreciate your frustration, but your account, characters, name, etc all belong to Bioware. After 18 months, I can see them flushing inactive accounts. Had it been a month or two, I could see the outrage... but even Blizzard flushes inactive character names every 12 months.
  2. DFA is back. I just pushed a Merc through CH 3 and it was a blast (no pun intended). If anything, my Arsenal Merc seems to be the one I had the most mobility with, and certainly held his own in groups.
  3. This was the step I was missing. I managed to locate it on my own after logging back in. Sadly, to my own fault, I was looking for an actual button in the Legacy section under abilities, instead of an "Abandon" button at the bottom of the window. I usually just pic the spec I like based on the research I have done, and seldom feel the urge to switch. In this instance, I had a marauder and tried all 3 specs before deleting him and rerolling a Juggernaut. Thanks everyone for taking the time to respond.
  4. When did you know, for absolute certain, what your main would be? I have 8 70s, one for each class, but I cannot seem to find that one special class that just sticks with me. I would LOVE my sniper more if it wasn't for that damn weasel voice (male), and there are only so many times I feel the urge to play a female character. I love my Gunslinger, but even he has some drawbacks. Scoundrel would be nice (stealth) if it actually had decent AoE dmg. So, I have to ask myself, after playing all of the classes, and even testing some advanced options, why am I not just head over heels in love with any of the classes? Surprisingly, the ONLY force user class I can stand is my Juggernaut. I love a blaster in each hand, but am doubting if Gunslinger really is the class or me. When did you know? Or are you still trying to decide? (late night curiosity and casual conversation. I don't need someone to pick a class for me since I already have them all. just getting a feel for what others have done, and hoping something will click.)
  5. Specifically the gear the Tier 1 vendor sells, or any stat gear that comes in a crate?
  6. **UPDATE -- Answered and figured out. Thanks. ** Hey All, Working my way through the class stories and realized that Carnage Warrior was apparently trampled in the last nerfherder stampede. That aside, I have spent the 200k credits needed for the Legacy Field Respec, but can't seem to find the button anywhere. Also, when I head into the Spec and Talent area, there is no option there either. I basically had to go to fleet and talk to the guy in the Combat Training area. Am I missing it? Where do I find it and can I add it to a Quickbar? Thanks.
  7. I am exclusively light side, and light side choices, but I need the achieves, and really want to unlock the other side. I'm confident that some in game options are going to challenge my resolve, but I really hope to push past it and just make nothing but dark choices. I settled on a sith inquisitor. I figure a double bladed saber and a evil sounding female would certainly help my cause.
  8. Well, it would appear after a lot of research in threads here and outside of SWTOR, a pure DS villain with no light side choices, including releasing some beast would be a Sith Inquisitor. Guess I know which direction to head now. I just keep thinking there are more darkside options with Sith Warrior, but I am just not as interested in my warrior.
  9. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening! I've decided after taking all 8 classes to 70, and doing so with Lightside choices, I should make ONE purely evil character. Someone whose every choice is basically a darkside option and who can be completely evil. The ONLY option I am truly seeing is Sith Juggernaut who will continue to shock Vette until she begs for death. Is there a non-force using class who could just as easily be pure evil and rocket me to Darkside Level 5? As an aside, this is not a Flavor of the Month thread, or help me pick my class thread. I have a Gunslinger on Pub and a Sniper on Imp who are my mains and the other six were just for the class stories. This thread is purely an "I want to make the devil himself" thread and powerlevel my Darkside V. Thanks.
  10. Just for laughs, I went back through my post history and went digging for my first post ever. Turns out, as of January 21st, I will have been with this game 6 years. Now, I am an extremely casual player, so there are probably people who have been playing 6 months who have more achievements than I, but it felt a bit nostalgic. Like a milestone. So, for fun, I thought I would find out when your first post was, and the link to it (like mine above)
  11. Have no idea what that means, but I am sure when I get there, it will all make sense
  12. Wow, I just saw that when I logged into my PT. Really kinda disappointed with that change. It was my go-to Boba Fett kinda move. It set that tank apart in its own way. I hope they reconsider its removal at some point and add back in an aerial attack. After all, there are still mobs in the game who have similar attacks.
  13. It's important to maintain a sense of humor in these threads. While everyone certainly has a bad day (and I have had my share), it pays to step into the forums with an open mind and a smile on your face. There is enough angst in the world. Nice to see folks not taking things so seriously. As to the OP, while it was clickbait, it was cute. Thanks.
  14. This was my assumption, but thank you for confirming it for me
  15. Thanks everyone for the breakdown. Turns out I have 3 boosts sitting on my character creation screen. I was trying to figure out if this were an "in game" item, or simply like the boosts when I log in. Turns out the latter is true. I appreciate the honest information. I was trying to help the OP figure it out, but you all have arrived with the right info at the right time. Much appreciated
  16. While I LOVE being a force user, I think I enjoyed the ranged style of tanking with my BH/PT. I think VG could prove to be just as enjoyable, even though Death From Above is awesome. Once I have my new DSL installed on Monday, I will have to log in and give it an honest go. I don't care for the limited romance option, especially until later in the game, but I suppose I will have to choose between love... and war
  17. Again, just trying to help out: Is the boost intended for an existing character, or do boosts only work when making a new character? Either way, I would assume it would be used at the login screen. It may be worth reaching out to support and opening a ticket if the token is still nowhere to be found.
  18. Was the token listed as a part of the pack and you just didn't receive it? Or did you not look at the list of included items at the time of purchase? Am genuinely curious as I have not looked at the Pack.
  19. I appreciate the candid information about a Vanguard. I'd pondered playing a Jedi, and while my PowerTech still looks at me begging to be played, I can't help but want to see the story from the Republic side. I'm a good guy these days, and even though I can make light side choices, ultimately, I am still a part of the Empire. Just not sure after all this time, and all of my personal changes if I could go back to tanking for the Darkside.
  20. Things are always better as time passes. I do recall there was a lot of action that day, but for the life of me I just don't recall what it was, or who it was aimed at If anyone has a link to the drama feel free to share it in a PM or something. In the meantime, I think I will pop into the game, see if anything looks familiar, and if not, just re-roll a PT to learn it all over again lol Thanks everyone for the well wishes, information, and support. Means a lot to come back to this community. Glad it is off to a great start.
  21. No worries. I was certainly not trying to make anyone feel guilt. Simply sharing the series of unfortunate events that brought a superman to his knees. I am thankful the community not only remembers me, but is welcoming me back after such a long vacation.
  22. I appreciate the return welcome and look forward to galaxy hopping We all go through hard times. Hopefully mine have given me more insight into my own humanity and made me a better person. I don't even remember that version of myself. Guess I got lucky.
  23. In my OP, I was only looking for highlights, primarily about the PT and if it is still a self-sustained tank. As for giving my stuff back, odd thing when I left before, I left everything sitting on my PT, so I have a ton of creds and CC. Doesn't usually happen that way, so an early Merry Christmas to myself
  24. Thanks. I have been watching vids all morning and examining the various classes. Hoping my PT will still be an optimal solo tank class choice. As a casual, I simply stick to the story stuff, so PvP and FPs are probably not going to be a thing for me anytime soon.
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