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Everything posted by MikeParatore

  1. Welcome to our Guild Recruitment Thread! <The Gladias Training Camp> is a newly formed PvP guild, founded by ex members of <The Trolltastic Voyage> which is the guild that Gladias took off in. Gladias has since branched off and assisted other players on our server at excelling in their classes spec. After <The Trolltastic Voyage> collapsed, he joined <Ghost Infantry> to assist them. Needless to say he succeeded. Pixi is now their #1 Healer in the guild. Being an Ex member of <Ghost Infantry>, I can say Gladias has helped me improve my skill in this game. Enough about the history of our guild, what do we want to accomplish? 1. To have a guild of the most Veteran PvP Players on the server. 2. To enhance the play style of multiple players of SWTOR 3. To have a friendly player base of outgoing, interesting players. 4. And finally, to have fun! If you think you have what it takes to apply to our guild, we are more than willing to accept any and all new PvP'rs to Star Wars: The Old Republic! If you want any more information, you can contact Gladias in-game on the Empire Faction of <The Harbinger>. Or you can apply to our website here. We all look forward to seeing you on the front lines of warzones!
  2. Not that it matters (but I think it does), for my sniper (Syphilis) parse my spec was 5/536. When I entered the information on my original post I used my old spec. Not a huge deal but some may wonder how i got 3800 in that spec
  3. The QQ on this post has reached an all time high rating of 9.5 QQ'ers of 10. WE STRIKE NIGHTMARE PILGRIM NEXT MY BROTHERS. Very Soon™
  4. Click me for dem feels Was a fun run. My sins DPS was pretty baller on all fights. Yolo #1 Pugger NA
  5. yes. we recruit players that cant break 4k w/ 186 mh and crit
  6. GM said 100 votes and it will happen!
  7. Myself and other members of <The Vexxed> have recently been thinking about renaming our guild. We already HAVE a guild name picked out which I think a majority of the playerbase of this game will enjoy. If you think we SHOULD rename vote at this link: Click Me! Our GM prolly will say no regardless but IF we get a moderate # of votes he may consider. Please help us rename!
  8. When I viewed the log i lol'd when i saw i beat yours by 1 DPS
  9. Syphìlis Lethality Sniper (4/6/36) 3819 Gear is about half 186. 1810 Bonus Damage. 0 Crit Rating
  10. Maybe Bioware employees ARE the goldspammers, gotta make money some how now that the game is dying/dead. #PLOTTWIST
  11. Why you were 2nd place till i died.
  12. Was streaming our Group 2 raid last night which was going as expected, horribly, and in the middle of Grobthok this occurs. Damn shame, I was doing decent numbers. Warning: Contains a child freaking out more than he should have. YouTube Vid of Bug Edit: I'm not sure if this is a 1st or something, but nothing I've ever seen before since DF has been launched.
  13. Most accurate description achievable. I give you two thumbs up.
  14. Whisp Yssane when hes on, he has schematic on his Mercenary Durgee. We have raid 7PST on June 4th, when he should be on.
  15. Most accurate description that is probably achievable.
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