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Everything posted by MikeParatore

  1. when is pixi going to prom with me
  2. It's ok m8's, GI has never seen the inside of a ranked warzone
  3. hatred isnt dead, neither is zorz. They will return
  4. jordan and i are getting married and we want you to be one of the flower girls m8
  5. I'm streaming club penguin then raid tonight, I hope to see u there m8
  6. exploit all the bosses and watch Justin and the rest of the game QQ
  7. where'd you put those 2 extra points m8
  8. if it goes viral expect an audible audio book m8
  9. I'm 15 but I'm pretty good at the game, can I Join plox??!?!?!
  10. Did the argument reach your expectations? I'm working on hardcover right now.
  11. Still an exploit, exploits are exploits m8. I guess what you're saying is that the Nefra exploit can just slide under and not count. For everyone else on the thread, this should help Its ok m8's
  12. 1st I already had everything except MH. 2nd: What happens when we kill council, is my parse forever not counted because I was dishonorabu toward teh forum guildelines? Will I be banned from Call of Duty aswell for joining a modded lobby? 1 Person ADMITS to something and everyone loses it. Guess I'll have to inspect other ppl to see if they have MH's, and EVERYONE has to have their parses removed bc of "Nefra Exploits" Internet Boss obv 2 hard, brb getting lawyer
  13. its ok m8. dulfy is still going to prom with me
  15. Player - Syphìlis (Swiggity-swooty for the parse) Lethality Sniper 5/5/36 3941 The characters name is swiggity-swooty because it was on the PTS. No changes were made to lethality sniper and no gear was changed since I am BiS 186 (Will provide photos if necessary). I'm dialing in the leth sniper since I have crit now. 4K Leth Sniper Inc. Edit: Currently getting all of my datacrons, and I added an extra crit crystal. Next parse I do will be one live.
  16. Still need people! Lets start in guild ranked 4's!
  17. We are still open to recruiting!
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