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Everything posted by DreadzKaiser

  1. yeaaaah no. since when is the Fleet Cantina, or any section of any location, a designated role play zone? Massively inconveniencing everyone that tries to pass through that area, is not the solution to a few people being inconvenienced. use the VIP Section if you absolutely need to RP on the fleet, it's usually empty. the Cartel Bazaar area works too. or the Cantina on the operation Flagships instead of on the spacedock. got 3 alternative cantinas on the Fleet alone you can try before trying to screw over the general playerbase.
  2. A few suggestions. Can we mix n match certain Titles? Currently we can only do like "Darth Sith" or "Sith, the Emperors Wrath". Why not be able to make "Darth Sith, The Emperors Wrath". Have titles such as Darth, Lord or Master be applied independent of the other titles or just allow any prefix titles to be selected with any suffix titles. Can we have Titles/Legacy titles tied to the outfitter too? It's a minor thing but having "the Corrupted" or "Master of Dread" be tied to my Dreadseed outfit for example would be nice, then switch back to "Immovable object" when I go back to tank specs. the UI needs to be updated for Legacy titles. that Drop down menu flows off the screen for me with how many I have.
  3. let's be honest, the lore of cultures is just stuff in the lore tab most players don't read. pronouns would take effort to implement that is best spent elsewhere, and honestly it'd be to no real benefit to the game. At best it'd do nothing, at worst it'd piss off players that they choose to spend time and effort there of all places when there are more important parts of the game in serious need of TLC, regardless of how you feel about "Woke" nonsense. I don't care one way or another about identity politics, but I'd rather it stay out of the game entirely.
  4. if we want this game to feel more populated, I'd rather they attract more players....
  5. sure lets also remove Fleet. it's immersion breaking that there are like 200 Sith in one place and no one is killing eachother
  6. As much as I'd love the imagery of a wookie smuggler flirting his way across the galaxy.......that's probably not gonna happen tbh, we can probably ignore the lore pretty simply by just saying "it's a game and for the players benefit, don't think much of it" like how we can somehow Poison or bleed Droids. but I doubt the devs are willing to go in that direction, IIRC we were denied playable droids for similar reasons. We will get new planets of course now new COMBAT STYLES, there is no excuse for. now that they are seperated from Origin stories, we can make new Styles without needing to make a new story to go with them, with all the costs that would involve. similarly, we don't need the Tech Styles to mirror anymore now that they are not faction locked. no longer any reason for a Gunnery commando to play like an Arsenal Merc so I'd like to see some differentation start showing up there
  7. too bad the value of Satele's armor isn't up to you, it's up to the market. other people are willing and able to pay big billions for it, that you can't is your problem, not ours. please do let me know if you end up posting Sateles armor for 30,000 creds tho.
  8. and while I'm sure that's a great moral victory for you, meanwhile in reality, inflation is a thing and people would like to actually make meaningful amounts of money to buy things with for the simple fact that things ARE sold in the billions and Biosword would like us to spend large amounts of money so it can be taxed and deleted from the game to help curb said inflation. so yeah, your selling practices actually are making things worse for literally everyone...
  9. good, then you don't get to complain about us working with billions of credits when you are actively avoiding having money.
  10. No, that's efficient. Do you go to the baker and get offended that they have more than 1 loaf of bread for sale too? you make 5 dyes you post 1 dye and 2 buyers come looking. only 1 walks away with a dye and you get paid once instead of twice. if 5 buyers come looking, that's 4 sales you are missing out on. so you are massively gimping your own income twice over, buy slashing the price needlessly and bringing so little to market to begin with. I have to assume you are trolling at this point since you are going out of your way to be bad at selling otherwise.
  11. you'd probably be a 1.73 billion if you didn't willingly slash 2 entire digits off your profits because reasons.
  12. Exactly, craftable dyes are a joke to produce by the shipload. and there is always a demand for certain colors (Black/anything). the stuff requires like grade 4 crafting mats. easy to get, easy to make, easy to flood the market with undercuts
  13. well congrats, you are probably the only person on the planet that'd willingly give up a massive profit for no real benefit no wonder you consider multi-million credit purchases too be absurd, you are going out of your way to NOT be a millionaire..
  14. it doesn't matter if you, personally, undercut that much when a few hundred people can do it and collectively tank it's value. don't undercut, just match the lowest price that you know will sell. if everyone did that, everyone would make more money. would you rather sell a bunch of dyes RIGHT NOW (assuming you don't get undercut in 5 seconds) for 30,000, or for a million?
  15. 100,000 is basically 0 I sell craftable dyes for 1,000,000. they are hard to sell at that price because people undercut that market so hard that it can drive down to the 300,000 range pretty easily, but they eventually sell for 1 mil. I could get more consistent sales by dropping price, but I stick at 1 mil because I know they eventually will sell at that. not gonna be able to do this in 7.4 1 mil is basically 0 to a lot of players too
  16. No, they are the exact same thing: A Time investment. I would be PISSED if either the Characters I've been playing for years (day 1 player here), or all the money those characters have made over those years, were deleted just because some idiot dev thought it'd be a good idea. I'd leave and never come back if I felt the devs can just throw away everything I've done just because.
  17. it's the maximum number you can post for, thus has the highest progressive tax hit while still being nice round numbers so it's easy to work with the numbers themselves don't matter, it's the logic behind the math. replace 3billion with 1 million if it's easier
  18. Because it is. The tax is still there. and it's still coming out of the sellers would-be profit. being visibly attached to the buyout price instead of invisibly removed during the sale isn't changing that a cut of the buyout is being taken as tax. and the new "only buy the cheapest listing" feature assures that you cannot just keep the same unit price and fully shift the tax onto the buyer. If you post something for 3 billion, and it sells. do you actually get 3 billion? the answer is no. simple as that. and before you try, I said "post for 3 billion" not "post for 3.4 billion". Buyout is 3 Bill, not Unit price.
  19. You are trying to compare apples and oranges man. Buyout price and unit price are different things Buyout = Unit + taxes. Our profit is just the Unit price at the end of the day, and cold hard math says I'm making less. use this in 7.3 and: 3billion = 240 mill tax + profit = 2.76bil going to my wallet in 7.4: 3B = 400 mil tax + Profit = 2.6 billion going to my wallet the instant you try to say "but 3.4 billion", you've looked at the wrong number.
  20. I didn't sell something over 3 bill in that example. I made a before/after comparison of a sale with the exact same buyout price from the buyers perspective. and it looks like I'm making less than before as a result. Pretend those were 1s instead of 3s if you want, the actual numbers don't matter.
  21. If I post something on the GTN with a buyout price of 3 bill right now, I lose 240 mil in tax automatically deducted. If I post something on the GTN with a buyout price of 3 bill in 7.4, I lose the posting fee and I lose like .4 billion because some of that 3B buyout price is includes the tax that is not going to my wallet by the end of this transaction. the only difference is when the tax is paid and how visible it is to the buyer. a chunk of the money that was going to the seller is still getting taxed. Doesn't look to me like the tax was shifted to the buyer because you are going to have to adjust the price to compensate if you want to stay competitive.
  22. it also guarantees that nothing will be done with these characters in the future.... nothing meaningful anyway since they potentially die here. most of the KotFE choices amounted to nothing. it was such a waste...but we had to have Kotor 2.5 instead of continuing the popular class stories, made worse by FE basically replacing your entire backstory. You are just the Outlander now, chapter 1-5 don't matter
  23. Much as I'd like a backlash-free credit reset, it'd never happen and I hope that wasn't a serious suggestion. though I'm now imagining The Senate/Dark council making an announcement and saying that your toon owes like 10 years of taxes to justify a mass credit delete in-universe.... if they did that right now, all my toons would have to use the Emergency fleet pass to go to the fleet and either grind a few flashpoints or take the starter/capital world shuttle and go kill stuff for trash to turn into cash before I could even pay the fuel fee to go to anything relevant. on the other hand, some madman hoarding the 25k credit vouchers is suddenly living it up. Curbing inflation requires credit sinks and they need to be implemented smartly or they will just make stuff inaccessible for new players. BioSwords generally been heading in the right direction but should add more to target more endgame stuff. add a Guild tax and up the price to use the summon or other features. Predatory market practices 101. it's pretty easy to justify spending a crapload of money on stuff like this if you are actually having fun. it's a lot easier to convince someone to charge a credit card than it is to physically hand over the same amount of money. There's a difference between a wad of cash and a number on a balance sheet. some people just have some disposable income too. I certainly used to back when I had a job but no real expenses to put that income towards.
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