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Everything posted by DreadzKaiser

  1. Sting is the T2 Scout Also known as the ******** scout, the battlescout, the nerfmescout and many other less pleasent names. It and the T1 Gunship are the 2 most influential ships in GSF so no its not a good choice, since you really shouldn't need to choose. the sting is that good, nothing compares none of the SFs are good, if you really want to go with one......I would say Pike or Imperium, the missleboat or the supporter, whichever you prefer
  2. Damnit, and now half of whats left of Pot5 is gonna leave............. Kinda surprised the only east coast PvP server is the one dying , thought the PvP server would be the popular one. Well I'm not leaving Pot5, too many toons I'd have to transfer, and I'm REALLY attached to my mains name, not giving up "Veloren" for anything
  3. Well this worked out about as well as I thought it would oh well, worth trying
  4. DAMNIT HYDRA, NOT HELPING. Yeah I saw the post. talk about horrible timing. just as we decide to do something like this to help out, Bioware offers a discount on the ticket out. Not that I'm going anywhere, I'm staying on Pot5, so is Barro Barro doesn't want to lose his guild ship, and someone took my name on Harbinger.
  5. So in an attempt to help out new players on Pot5, and hopefully fix the dismal situation the Ques are in here. A few Pilots (Myself, Barro, Fluffhead and Reghas, to name a few) have created a Skype group. We hope to; A recruit as many POT5 aces as we can (Yallia, we're looking for you...) so we know whos quing and when and to keep them all from quing on one side. We'd like our primetime to not die after the first match ends up as a 50-2 TDM. Try and Curb the Curbstomps. B Make a nice Training ground for new pilots. Having Literally almost ever Ace on a server around to teach noobs whatever they need to know. If your first thought is "Not Teamspeak?" (I got that alot already) We picked Skype since its just the easiest VOIP to get and use (in our opinion) So if you fly on Pot5 and want to learn things from the best pilots on the server, WE WANT YOU. post skype info here or contact Veloren Imp side (that's me) in game or..........Just ask for Veloren on /Pilot chat on either side and I will get you in. And for the love of crap, stop going to Harbinger. And if anyone here has tried something like this before, Advice opinions and whatnot would be appreciated
  6. 1, Pop wingman, fire 2-3 slugs, next target. Unless RNGesus is out for my head, thats how I compete with that. 2, *** is a scorpion, gonna assume you mean the Sting, AKA the Imp Battlescout. 3, 2 hits from Bursts kill things pretty fast, stock or no. Battlescouts can melt mastered bombers in literally seconds if they get the chance, they do the same to anything else. You are seriously overestimating how much impact upgraded gear has. No gear gap in GSF that will make them take 3 times the amount of damage to kill. Also, there is nothing that can be done about it, unless you want to back that horrible Bolster plan in that other thread (Hopefully you can read, because THAT GUY certainly can't) my advice? Learn2playbetter I don't mean that dismissively, I mean that is your solution. Skill and experience is not just more important then gear in GSF, its a whole different level more important, you cannot compare them. Yes you will get your *** slagged a lot, you are the new guy in the middle of a bunch of vets, its how the system works in any PvP. GSF is more unique in that it has more room for skill then other PvP games. Example, Battlescout VS gunship and battlescout is already within 5000m and just popped their kill buff (in your sights I believe it was called?) sounds like that Gunship is screwed? Not Quite I am a gunship Pilot, that scenario happens to me several times a match, and my deathcount at the end of that match is usually 0 How can I do this? Because I am very good at defensive flying and making use of LoS. Only a few scout pilots on my server can actually shoot me down (Yallia topping that list...), the rest SD, get peeled or give up after chasing me for so long (and then get a slug to the back for the trouble). in short, I know how to fly better then most of the scout pilots, so I can OUT fly them using.....nothing more then boosting and knowledge of the map really, I rarely need to pop any abilities. Another gunship is more of a threat to me then a group of scouts. Well to me anyway What Gear helps me do this? Not barrel roll (I run Interdiction drive) and Not Distortion field (don't USUALLY need it anyway) BTW. And in other, hopefully more breaking news..... Anyway, if your issue is spawncamping......well thats why there is more then one spawn point in all but 1 map. Any other issue is with Skill or Gear, for reference, this is the pecking order in scale to importance Stable Internet>>>Skill&Knowledge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gear>>>the Upgrades to the gear gear makes nowhere near as much difference as it does in normal PvP Upgrading can take time, but just getting the stock equipment has a massive impact, and THAT is easy to get. Play a few games and get the req for the equipment for teh important things, THEN upgrade them when you have the right equipment coming to the forum to learn is a good thing, but there is no sense in complaining about a gear difference in a PvP game, it comes with being new to the game, nothing you can do about it cept gearup yourself.
  7. Well Isn't this convienent, I just got 2 of my IRL friends to try out GSF one is hooked, this will be useful.
  8. Skill & Experience > Everything else I am one of the best gunships on my server (Pot5, not really saying much), I have a mastered Mangler and I rip teams apart with it One day, Despon dropped in flying a stock mangler, and he outscored me every time in every category on the scoreboard Gear means nothing if you are good Also you can just avoid that scout or get a gunship, Shooting down scouts isn't THAT hard Rage moar? that sounds like it will make you a better pilot, totally won't kill ques If 2 equally skilled pilots face off, One should be smart enough to run away and come back with friends. This is a team game so a 1v1 should never happen since "running to node/spawn/team for help" is always an option. also I am fairly certain that winning a 1v1 isn't a victory condition. Also match-ups are things, A stock gunship can pretty easily beat a mastered Strike. Gear difference comes with PvP, there is exactly nothing you can do about it except get better, its something everyone has to deal with, we did it, so can you. Also, You can fly solo, I did so for the longest time. Good awareness of the game and plenty of experience helps. to this day I have never used VOIP in GSF.
  9. I remember that.....(Veloren here) Yeah trying to get people in the Pilot chat but.....ugh Most of our aces are imp side and we flatten any team we fight.....even when holding back just yesterday, 1000-1 instant 3cap I was just screwing around on a mostly stock strike and Zuchi was advertising the Pilot chat the whole game.......and we still did that. try asking people to go easy to not kill ques (they stay dead for about 2 hours after that kind of whoopin), and the responce is "screw that need to master this Rycer" the Pub aces are almost never on, and when they are they are only around for 1-2 games and leave ugh, Big problem is big Cross server would be nice, but don't see that happening anytime soon....if ever
  10. True enough, and even then matchups are a thing. need a huge skill gap for a gunship to down a battlescout in a dogfight...
  11. in GSF, Skill >>> everything else. Generally speaking, Battlescouts and Gunships will be the dominating ships, but there is no one best ship. ......cept Strikes....
  12. Aside from the fact that you basically summed up exactly why they deserve a buff. Some people would like the Idea of using Not!Clustermissles and having them be viable. Others would like the Idea of having all classes of ships be Viable Strikes have the potential to be quite good, just that almost everything is stacked against them from what I can tell In my case, I want to see the battlescouts nerfed a tad so that the Strikes can actually be the ones doing the dogfighting. Probably won't happen, but hey. and of course the Quintessential "Why Not?" Do you NOT want them buffed? Why?
  13. Later Afternoon 7-11 is when I (Veloren) am usually Flying, most fly around then too but I have seen earlier Join Pilot Chat (/cjoin Pilot) and you will usually see people talking about quein up
  14. Yeah, how dare they not buff us harder now if you excuse me, ima go cry --Merc
  15. Is it wrong that I stopped reading at "Its very Simple"??
  16. .....huh and I thought I knew it all @Nightrunner, I think we all have someone like that. I have Several on 2 lists the friendly rivals and the ****list. I then got to know my Rival better and it turns out he doesn't like playing against people he knows.
  17. Ahhh, I remember that feeling. The feeling you have when you see your name on top of the scoreboard for the first time. The feeling you get when you dominate a match. the feeling you get from Surviving a whole match. of course now i go nearly every match without getting killed, thanks to a ****ton of defensive flying practice I eat all but the best battlescouts alive with my gunship (No shame in bragging when its true) and do all of the above almost every game Enjoy teh feeling and get used to it boy, for you have officially Graduated from "Dead Weight" and things will only be getting better from here. and out of curiosity, what ship and what server?
  18. Mangler. I'm bad with Strikes and scouts, so they aren't even options to me. and bombers are no fun I am also REALLY good at not dying, only .....what 3-4 scout pilots on my server ever take me down regularly....and they are on my team more often then not so I usually walk out of a day full of GSF with a grand total of 1 death, if that.
  19. I've basically ignored him but yeah i have a bastion toon
  20. Not that we haven't been trying to fix that Veloren Here BTW
  21. you log into the game and que up for matches its built into the TOR itself also servers usually have some Pilot chat or GSF chat so you should join that channel when you get the chance Que up and learn to play, we need a larger community here and don't get discouraged when you get your *** handed to you. because that will happen alot at first
  22. Be careful with that, I see this happen to me plenty enough but they can just be switching targets and rotating slightly while having the camera still pointing at you, depending on the distance, ready to shoot you down or bait you into other GS firing squads I personally love doing that, but i don't see many scouts actually doing this so i don't get to use it often
  23. Dom match, lost 999-1000 unfortunately i didn't take a screenshot of it http://i.imgur.com/OHL2Yhv.jpg so have a 998-1000 instead
  24. what server you on?on Pot5 (At least when I'm around) there are not that many gunships, at most there are 4, total no where near 70%. and most of them are meh at best, our battlescouts end them, assuming i don't snipe them down first. I think i was ever in.....3 Gunship-fest matches Good thing for me really, I'm actually really damn good at evading all but the best of scouts (Zuchi, Hydra and Yallia are usually the only ones i have to worry about) so other (Good) Gunships are what i worry most about.
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