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Everything posted by TheToony

  1. If you need a healer, advertise for one. Do not assume someone is one and then say "Well I'll just kick them!". It's not their fault you had false expectations. Also don't try to pigeon hole the sorc/sage into healing because you filled the last spot with your DPS guild-mate or you couldn't find a specced healer. Again: your fault. Don't tell someone to pick up the slack for the terrible healer you invited. Kick the baddie and invite someone else if you have to. And I say this as someone who plays a commando healer. Never tell someone how to play because you have moronic preconceived notions about a class.
  2. Play a non-force user. Force users are shafted heavily and overall weaker if they go neutral. Non-force users are not.
  3. I'm for this. Please stop limiting the game for the sake of the PVP crowd.
  4. My opinion? If no one else in the group needs the item (like a rifle drops and no rifle users are there/need it) then go ahead. However if you as a jedi need a rifle for yourself when that vanguard just tanked the entire instance for you, not only will I kick you but I'll inform everyone everytime I see you about your status as a ninja looter. I'll also never join a group you're in and will inform group leaders that you ninja loot.
  5. At level 50 some classes have so many versatile companions that they could use any loot drop for atleast one companion. So at 50 should I need every single loot roll?
  6. The entire JK class is so weak that I had to see it for myself and I'm astonished. It is the weakest class I have ever seen in a game. I've -played pure healers that were more effective at DPS or tanking. To the naysayers if you don't want to admit it's a bad class, fine. We'll say this instead. JK is not bad. Just every other class does everything better.
  7. So I guess my question would be "Why should I play a sorcerer when a trooper/bounty hunter does equal DPS AND has great survivability and can take on two elites while just straight out DPSing with any companion they want. Instead of playing a class that does DPS but is squishy and requires a specific company for the bulk of the game (elites are very common.)"
  8. It doesn't take a spread sheet to deceipher that the class is hideously underpowered.
  9. I've only played commando healer but I healed Athiss earlier and felt discouraged when at the last boss we wiped several times and the group leader commented we needed more healing and that I should "respec to healing tree" (I had all my points in combat medic). We did end up finishing it. My only wish is that commando had an aoe heal worth a damn.
  10. I healed a flashpoint earlier and we had a vanguard main tank and a guardian off tanking. Both were correctly specced. The Offtank tank specced guardian was incredibly squishy and he wasn't even taking the full brunt of the onslaught. Both SW and JK need a huge buff and have needed one since beta. Why bioware continues to ignore this is beyond me.
  11. You wait about 3 months for everyone else to catch up to you.
  12. I'd also like to say that I believe the MMO is a dying genre that will cease to exist in a few years outside of already existing titles. People are sick of WoW clones but unique snowflake MMO's do even WORSE than the WoW clones (DCUO and Champions did very poorly). I don't think people are just sick of "WoW". I think the entire genre was a novelty that very few truly liked.
  13. 5%. Angry forum goers have always been a minority within a minority.
  14. If MMO's cannot evolve with the times, then they need to die off.
  15. Yes, if the data is hidden you will likely be unable to notice a 2% dip in overall damage.
  16. Yes. People will get on your case for your DPS being even slightly below what they expect. And even the nicer types will jump on you to try and "save you" with "more efficent!" ways. If I wanted your advice, I'd ask. I just hope theres a way to turn off damage meters. You want to see yours? Good. I don't want you to see mine.
  17. You act like it won't happen. Either you're ignoring the inevitable or you're incredibly naive.
  18. Do you mean green lines on certain planets? I have those as well. I even tracked where they were coming from on Ord Mantell.
  19. Oh boy! I can't wait to get kicked out of a group because a lagspike caused a 0.5% dip in my overall DPS!
  20. I'm almost 100% sure they're all on long term contracts. The only worry is if someone dies. Which, sadly, is a possibility when dealing with a voice cast this large. Especially if any of the VA's are older.
  21. Need to list your processor. It's probably the most important part to running this game.
  22. Generally it is the developers fault if they didn't optimize the game correctly. If any similar specced or even higher specced game can run on that laptop yet this can't, then it is biowares fault 100%.
  23. The only bug that needs priority 1 fixing ASAP is the power activation delay bug. I don't care if it requires rewriting the game from scratch. It needs fixing. Yesterday.
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