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Everything posted by OFAWFletch

  1. What we need is an insider in their Board meetings where they sit on their butts counting their Bonuses and projecting how much more $$$ they can milk out of us and that Insider have the gutts to stand up for the consumer, the subscriber. And if that don't work, find some really strong laxative and put it in their Doughnuts.... LOL:D Think about your Suscribers, READ the comments, suggestions. Make some real good changes that Benefits US for a change.
  2. Quit wasting your money on those Crates. It's a waste of money. You trying to make EA rich or something?
  3. 49/M Oregon Harbinger Server Been here since Launch, took one break at 2.0 gone for 4 months then back since.
  4. Come on dudes its after 9 pst whats the hold up, just cause some ppl cant get in cuase they were paying too late is not the rest of ours fault to wait on their booties
  5. Maybe if you're with a group that knows what they're doing, yes. If via GF won't happen. Can't get a good random GF nowadays, 1 in 15 random FP's
  6. Do not bring this stuff up again, It took me 3 friggen weeks to earn back 30 million credits just for that %@#& Rancor, which I never got!
  7. And a 15 minute trip to the Stall afterwards. Burn Baby Burn
  8. Whats the point your making? A. That its too easy to play even with no gear modifications (naked, basically) B. What's your point? My point is, 4 years ago you had to really put effort into your character and your companions to survive most missions, end game content. Now, you can hardly try at all and still complete them with zero effort. Point being, seems Bioware took the "Effort" out of the game. Except, Blood Hunt in GF, Pain in the butt if you don't know how to beat the 2 Mandos. Unless you do Solo mode, again, no effort really.
  9. Back in the early years of SWTOR you had to REALLY know your Character to survive. Now, it's too easy at times. Not much of a Challenge.
  10. Nope, I could never be HIGH enough to play that.
  11. Since the Cartel Market system was put into place is when the game fell apart IMO. It has become all about the Revenue and how much Profit to content ratio can be managed. Seems to me the so-called Chapters content is a "Throw the subs a bone" and keep 'em subbed for short stories that in previous threads have run true to some long time SWTOR players/Founders like myself. I have seen a lot of good friends disappear from SWTOR simply because of the same opinion of the OP of this thread. Personally SWTOR is more of an interactive Chat room with Star Wars twist. There's no real "challenge" to this game anymore. Contemplating unsubbing myself....time will well.
  12. Anyone have any butter for my Popcorn, mines a bit dry *choke*
  13. Alzheimers Disease is not restricted to just us on Earth afraid to say
  14. i agree. The HK helm was a terrible token, ha. It will NEVER be worn. ugh.
  15. I was thinking about that Drive, probably get that installed in a few months
  16. Yeah, that was my concern is the performance degradation over 4 years. I have been using SSD for about 2 years now and it has been a huge boost, as well as Upgrading to Windows 10 a few months ago. My old pc was a 1st gen I7 and the difference in performance with the new hardware has been better, load times are a fraction of time now then before, I also play Battlefront and COD 3 and have to say it's a huge boost in play now, 4 years of hardware changes made a huge difference.
  17. Just posting Bragging rights to a better gaming experience with SWTOR
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