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Everything posted by abhaxus

  1. Yeah, I tried to account for this with "since the hidden ELO of a DPS farming group may not reflect their actual skill level." earlier in that post. Even with that taken into account, if you're up against a team farming for DPS/HPS, you can easily win if you choose to avoid the cleave ball. I queue solo all the time, as both DPS and heals, and when I get matched against a group of players who are farming and I don't have any help, I just play objectives and try to get SOMETHING out of the warzone.
  2. I'm not sure why you used the word "unfair" here - obviously a more highly skilled player will win more games. We don't know the mechanics of Bioware's hidden ELO/matchmaking for unranked PVP, but we can assume the intent is for it to match players with high win rates so they are balanced across both teams. Plenty of posts in this thread and others that demonstrate how the algorithm is flawed when calculating the hidden ELO for a group of players - since the hidden ELO of a DPS farming group may not reflect their actual skill level. The primary issue in this thread and pretty much any other PVP complaint thread is an L2P issue. Players don't take stock of how good or bad they are in PVP and place all the blame on bioware. If you're worse than average, you're going to lose more than players who are better than average. At a certain point, you're going to lose A LOT more than above average players, because you're making every game a 3v4 or 7v8. I just don't see how this is so hard to understand. And back to Snave's excellent takedown - the "premade detector" thing is so funny. As usual, people don't notice or care if the "premade" is poorly skilled players having fun together. They care when it's 4 players that are better than them, because that's just so unfair.
  3. The only thing in common with all your losing teams is you. If you want to win, you'll need to: 1) Take stock of where your skill level really lies, and what your strengths and weaknesses are as a player 2) Select a class/spec that plays to your strengths, or alternatively choose a class/spec that properly channels your strengths towards winning an objective 3) No matter what other players on your team are doing, do whatever you need to to win or hold an objective. If the other team is far more skilled than you are, tell your team that you are going to guard an objective and keep the call incs saved and ready to ctrl-v into ops chat as soon as you are jumped. 4) If your best contribution is to annoy the other team through harrassment, offer to do that. If you're a class/spec with guard or off heal utility, join the fray and use those talents even though they may negatively impact your own DPS - chances are for a less skilled player you might actually aid the best players on your team the most by just putting guard on them if they don't have a tank. Yes you'll die, but letting someone with 10k DPS live longer is much better for your team than you not contributing anything. You may need to say this in ops chat - as you don't want to interfere with a proper tank's ability to guard swap. 5) if you're an objective focused player, seek out other objective focused players and group up with them. In situations where one team is heavily stacked with skilled PVPers, often the "baby seals" only need 2 or 3 players working together to decisively win the objectives. All this comes down to your own ability to meta-cognate and communicate with your team.
  4. His main is a sin, that's what I knew him as from Legend's 8s team. He's GM of Worthless Squad now.
  5. With an i5-10600k at 4.8ghz all cores and a 1650 super (my gpu died so I had to raid my Plex server due to the gpu shortage) I can get about 30-40 FPS in heavy cleave games in PvP, at 1440p. Occasionally drops into the low 20s if there are several lightning sorcs or engi snipers. It's maybe a tiny bit higher at 1080p but not much. With my old CPU, an i7 4770k @4.2ghz, I got about 20 fps on heavy cleave games. Your main challenge is going to be CPU, but I'd expect 25 fps in heavily populated fights and very high fps when questing solo.
  6. J Sshowdo from I AM LEGEND plays on Satele Shan. I do too but I don't think many people would remember me as any kind of skilled player, although I'm as OG pot5 as you can get
  7. At some point the optics of that become a little ridiculous, but I think that's what I'm going for, while also incorporating an OWPVP component.
  8. I think my suggestion is an elegant fix for this issue: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9919831#post9919831
  9. Many casual players are upset with the changes to the unraked PVP daily and weekly missions which now only reward wins. I suggest a simple fix to restore the ability to complete the weekly for player with either exceptionally bad luck or significantly below average skill level. These suggestions apply only to unranked PVP, I do not think ranked should have anything like this. My suggestion: 1) Modify the daily and weekly to require a set number of wins or a set number of "PVP Expert" medals awarded. 2) The new "PVP expert" medal will be awarded to players who achieve any of the following: a) A certain amount of objective points in an 8v8 warzone. b) Being the last man standing on their team in 2 arena rounds in a losing match. c) A certain number of open world PVP kills. I suggest setting this to 20 "PVP expert" medals earned for the weekly to mirror the old 20 losses number. The main exploitables here are really not terrible for negatives: 1) Players could just stand in stealth next to a node and never do anything and get the medal. Oh well, at least they are defending and this isn't too different from normal objective oriented behavior. 2) Players could meet a friend in OWPVP on opposite factions and farm each other for a medal. Honestly, this isn't that bad either. Any OWPVP is a win, right? If other players happened upon their "duel" it might lead to some fun. This is "beatable" by setting the number of OWPVP kills per medal to be something that takes nearly as long as a "fast" wz - say 10 or 15 kills per medal. Another benefit: You can create an achievement that comes with a cool title for earning a certain number of medals per month/year/season. Maybe even have the title expire every 30 days. This could be great fun.
  10. Depends on what you mean by "destroyed" - if you farmed them for 40+ kills and also won objectives, kudos. If you just won by objectives as the group tried to PVP away from the doors, kudos still but that's not really "destroyed." As stated on every thread about this crazy topic, the problem isn't premades. No one cares if they get matched up against a group of 4 players from a bad guild who group for PVP. People care about getting trounced by players who are playing at a significantly higher level. People would still complain (rightfully so) if the matchmaking system put 4 players on one team who were all superior to the #1 player on the other team. The problem is the population in SWTOR cannot support having a queue that balances out skill levels across different instances. There just aren't enough PVPers. There's a reason why the best games happen during prime time when the most games are popping.
  11. Why thank you kind sir. When I am back on my home internet I may invest some more time in making the interface usable, and perhaps try to start streaming this on TWITCH.TV TOUCHSCREEN TAKEDOWN TUESDAYS It's really a shame that movement is so difficult (since the mouse cursor disappears when you touch the screen, but you can't really move with the touchscreen). I may have to re-bind my A and D keys to turn left and right instead of strafe.
  12. What do you do when you have to travel to Indianapolis in February for work during a pandemic? You get a little drunk and supersize your quickbars so you can use your surface book's touchscreen to play swtor, of course. Hotel wifi just makes it that much better. Enjoy this poor quality content.
  13. As always, the proof is in the pudding. No one cares about getting 4 players from a bad guild on the other team. The issue isn't "premades" -- it's matchmaking. Really, it's the low population and the astonishingly low average skill of pvpers in swtor, so even the best matchmaking algo is going to struggle.
  14. I can appreciate what they want to accomplish, but being locked out because you got roll bugged and couldn't move is ridiculous. They have to end this experiment.
  15. Without HTTPS throughout the domain, any nonsecure website can be compromised by the ISP or any malware targeted at the user/account. I'm not a security expert by any stretch but this seems like an entire plausible chain of events: For example, someone could access the forums from an open wifi network (like at an arirport if any of us were going to them). The insecure forum traffic could be sniffed and someone could serve that user a version of the forum pages where they are directed to a non swtor URL to log in to their swtor account. Credentials compromised. Sure almost everyone should have 2FA at this point, but that's still a big security risk (and with a little more effort could compromise the OTP as well). There's just no excuse for any section of a large company's website to be running without HTTPS and proper TLS 1.2 encryption. It's pure laziness.
  16. Preseason allows players to queue up for 4s or solo without the fear of affecting their permanent rating. While it's a bit worse for competition, it's still better than regs.
  17. I think most would agree with you that class stacking (or stealth stacking) happens often enough that some check should be done to reduce it. That said, the ELO system does work over a long enough timeline. Players that play hundreds of matches tend to end up where their true skill level is.
  18. I just wanted to highlight this statement from snave because it's the ultimate truism of PVP in any game, not just SWTOR. The only thing in common with all of your losing games is you. If you are losing more than 50% of your games for an extended period of time, you're a below average player. I suppose if you're just short of 50% you could make the argument that certain mechanics changes from the developers could lead to you shifting a little higher. But if you're well below 50%, there's no one to blame but yourself. Watch some twitch streams. Join the server or community discords and seek out other players to chat with or group with.
  19. The problem with huttball is how easy it is to score with only 2 player coordinating together, and then how difficult it is to defend without two players defending. Even with what used to be valid strategies (like 4-5 players hold mid while the rest of the team moves with the ball), you can still score so easily now that it's just not fun unless both teams either only play mid or form a moving deathball of cleave that moves with the ball carriers.
  20. It's useful for all the ways that hitting someone for 120-130k in two GCDs, on demand every 20s, is useful. And it's not like you're doing 0 damage between those burst windows either. I just started using agitating energies more but as you said, sometimes the memes call and you must answer with a roll and ambush.
  21. I think my max hit is 109k and it was on a poorly geared sorc who had no DCDs up and I had just picked up the red WZ powerup. I think theoretically if you had a group of two snipers and a mara, you could hit for 130k if one sniper used sniper siege and the mara popped bloodthirst. Would be fun to try ...
  22. Also here's a great thread about resolve: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=837220
  23. Once resolve is full you can't stun them (or root them) until the white is completely drained from the bar. Your roots will become slows and your stuns will do nothing other than whatever damage they also apply. Basic strategy is to only completely fill someone's resolve when you know they can't or won't break the stun and give you a full 4 seconds of whatever you want to do. For example, you could white bar someone when you know they've used their breaker already or when you don't think they will break for tactical reasons. Strategically you have more complex options: early in a fight, you might whitebar a healer after a burst phase, thinking they might not use breaker and let you do a little sustained damage. But you also know your next burst window will line up perfectly with them finally having no resolve after 20 seconds or whatever it is. It's far easier to just avoid whitebar until they have used their breaker, though.
  24. This is kind of a major cyber security issue, so I'm bumping it.
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