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Everything posted by sensiblepoast

  1. Oh that's no strange overlap. Only skilled people who have figured out the two OP classes (or shall we better say the two classes that fit their roles waaaay better than any other class does theirs, and sometimes some other class' role to) and are whoring them for as long as they can while at the same time claiming they are "fine" and its a "l2p noob" or "get some skills" issue. Bioware seems to be thinking all is fine there so I'll just bow to their superior knowledge and join the FOTM/Y club despite how much I'd prefer to play with other classes.
  2. Tanky tank puts guard on healer. Healer ignores tank, zerging off or not healing him under pressure only for him to die 2 seconds later. Repeat. Tank gets ****en tired of protecting healer. Healer proceeds to die over and over again, tank proceeds to respec dps.
  3. I'm about to hit 50 with the vanguard and already made up my mind to rereroll to a FOTM.
  4. Are you going to say anything of interest or are you just going to attack him? The problem with the vanguard is that the shield spec is useless in pvp as it only procs on melee and ranged attacks (as opposed to tech and force). To make it worse, when attacked with ranged it's still quite useless as the hits are few in number but strong, making the proc chance derived from the shield something to be laughed at. Its tankability is no match to melee dps classes, as they have enough tools to hold vanguards at the melee's preferred range of engagement rather than the vanguards. The shield mechanic is vastly inferior to bubbles.
  5. We'll have combat meters soon and we'll be able to verify the shield's performance.
  6. Are you so deluded that you can see there's mostly nothing stopping melees from roflstomping on ranged's faces, and that in this game its way easier to catch than to kite?
  7. I had the same happen to me and a few times when I was not storming. Killed a boss while I couldnt stop... was rather funny.
  8. Maybe. But the point is that the OMG IM SO SQUISHY crowd are being dishonest regarding their class' survival.
  9. Enough of the lies. I've witnessed the same case myself, only it wasn't 4 people hitting him as he exited the fire but 6. He happily tugged his way towards the line and scored.
  10. Left and right are absolute in this context.
  11. Tedious. I'd expect warzones to be the filler for the main open world pvp, not the other way around. I guess it's not going to happen given the subtle hints that thees patch notes represent.
  12. That's ok guys. I am now about to roll a marauder. Expect nerfs in 2 or 3 weeks time.
  13. Yea it takes two facerolls to kill four people rather than just one.
  14. SWTOR, where the real shield is a bubble.
  15. open world pvp is real pvp, rather than the kids play that warzones are.
  16. I loled. Is this supposed to be some kind of preemptive whining so sentinels don't get nerfed?
  17. As an open world pvp fan I mourn for the loss of ilum (and no, I don't really need to go for valor)
  18. Is that video supposed to be some kind of trolling attempt? - attack someone surroundde by allies and complain when dead from focus fire - "pushback is very detrimental" stabstabstab dead opponent wit almost no hp loss - whine about gap closers
  19. And I do mind. I can do a quest here and there but pve bores me to tears.
  20. If i play the wz as it should be played, being useful and applying focused damage where it should go I get way less medals than if I go to whore medals.
  21. No body collisions without autoface? Is this ridiculous suggestions day?
  22. Shield only works on melee and ranged attacks, and unfortunately most of the big damage in PVP comes from tech and force attacks.
  23. The most annoying part of the vanguard is how useless the shield is in PVP.
  24. I imagine the ticket more along the lines of: "Waaaaah plz plz BIoware help us the evil repubs are killing us and they're mean and we're supposed to be thea mean guys why do they kill us we rolled on the bandwagon faction omg why WHY THE F** WHY FU** BIOWARE DO SOMETNIGGG"
  25. Works fine for me as it is. I don't need a magic targeting button.
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