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Everything posted by ebreezyman

  1. And you sir, are exactly the kind of people i'm talking about. If you don't like swtor why on earth are you even on the forums? Just to troll those of us that do I'm assuming because for the life of me i can't fathom your intentions for being here if you don't like the game.
  2. I'm posting this thread because I for one am extremely tired of hearing nothing but haters talk bad about the game that they're logging more time on then most people do at full time jobs. I can't take reading another post talking about how horrible swtor is. My goodness people if you hate it so much why not go back to wow for the love of God please leave so we can read one post that's not hating on the game a lot of us love. So i figured we could take this time to talk about the things that we all love about swtor "wishful thinking i know" Please anyone with negative comments go elsewhere, there's a lot of us who love the game and enjoy talking about it constructively and without criticism.
  3. lol star wars is ancient???? kid star wars is the biggest title you 12yr old butt will ever have the pleasure of speaking of. And no I'm not a fanboy I'm just stating the obvious. Star wars isn't going anywhere buddy.
  4. i hear it mentioned all the time in the swtor podcasts i listen to. they say stuff like "there's a item with this type of lore/lor
  5. Hey guys n gals i feel like this may be a nub question but what exactly is LOR?
  6. i hear it used all the time in the swtor podcasts i listen to and ingame.
  7. Hey guys n gals i feel like this may be a nub question but what exactly is LOR?
  8. FINALLY a positive thread!!!! Kudo's to you dude for starting this one
  9. So figured out a simple fix to shut all these flamers and kids cryin about no end game content. Put a time lost proto drake in the game problem solved hours of content:D
  10. Bioware just announced an emergency patch. Here comes the flames about how they patch so much when all they're trying to do is shut all these kids up. How do you expect these problems you all cry about to be fixed??? We gotta patch get over it
  11. People please please tell me why can't you realize that its only been a MONTH since launch?!?! You guys are pointing out all these problems with pvp in such a negative way how do you think that will help??? Obviously 90% of you are relativily new to mmo's and jumped into lynch king or cata and think mmo's should just be like that from launch. I for one along with many others have played mmo's for years and realize that these things take time to prefect. Vanilla wow for instance started out sooo broken with a sad excuse for a pvp system. But guess what wow has had close to a decade to prefect and hone the game to what it is today and its unfair and downright unrealistic to expect that from a launch title. Give dev some time guys there's millions of lines of code and thousands of hours that go into fixing these bugs and whatnot. Take some time to make an alt and go back and enjoy the game and the story. Trust me its awesome and while i know the endgame and pvp problems can be frustrating, your missing out on a great game by trolling the forums with negative comments all day. Trust me guys bioware is on top of all these issues and they will be addressed as quickly as they can get through them. I have yet to see a developer that is as aggressive as bioware has been with fixing issues and trying to cater to the community. For those of you who are close minded and impatient by all means please unsubscribe and jump back into the troll filled hell of world of warcraft.
  12. funny enough i think that re summoning them is faster than actually rezing them. Am i correct in thinking this? that's the only reason i thought it was odd. But never again will i wait for them to heal themselves up bye bye hello it is:P
  13. So I've ran into this issue and I'm on the wall to as whether or not this was an intended feature in the game or a random bug that hasn't been addressed. So I'm not sure how many people have noticed this or not but when your companion takes any damage or dies for that matter, you can simply dismiss and re summon him/her to full health. I wasn't sure if this was intend or not just thought i'd put it out there incase it wasn't and for the peace of mind that I'm not exploiting anything. Thanks Bioware and remember haters gonna hate this game is awesome!
  14. I too am currently playing a sentinel and I'm currently hovering at a little over 20. I was wondering have you guys noticed that there are a lot of abilities that you don't use as much or at all after leveling further? I ask this cause I've noticed that as i level a lot of my skills are getting pushed farther back into my rotation until eventually they get moved to my second action bar and i don't use them much at all. Am i screwing up here?
  15. Is it possible to keep the threads clear of these useless comments that do nothing for anyone???
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