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Everything posted by ebreezyman

  1. Listen man I'm just putting an idea out there and that is all. And from your post history I'm honestly not surprised that things your saying here. I found it quite amusing every begging of every post you have ever posted is you flaming someone. Be constructive dude make some honest opinions and don't contribute to what's making the forums unbearable.
  2. I honestly don't care for attention buddy i was just putting an idea out there which we all are entitled to do. If i wanted attention I'd assume I'd be doing exactly what your doing now and going around posting negitve comments in peoples threads.
  3. I was simply entertaining the idea of a new direction for them to take. And I must disagree as i stated about my current Employer Zappos they're are plenty of companies (including game developers) that if you do a little research on you'll find thousands of happy customers. I was implementing an idea that i have personally watched take a company from literally zero customers, to the biggest online shoe retailer in the world in just 10 short years. As i said before we all have our own opinion and there's no reason why my idea's can't be realistic.
  4. Okay yet again let me clarify this for the people that are obviously not reading the thread. At no time have i said anything negative toward Bioware or they're SOP. Read my post history, read this thread over again and take it in. Everything you just stated about this thread makes absolutely no sense in my current topic discussion. Copy and paste what you just said in someones thread who's flaming about not having a damn combat log.
  5. Thank you, Finally someone who can actually read and open they're mind to new ideas without a biased opinion.
  6. Exactly and that's what we need is a FIRST, a developer that reaches they're customers on a whole new personal level, makes them feel important, part of the team ect. And by no means am i saying they should give out valuable coding information or anything like that, just details on what's causing the problems with the most discussed issues of the game.
  7. I absolutely have to disagree here. We all have our opinion and i commend you for that and completely understand where your coming from. That s your opinion and i have mine so thank you for your input. And for the record no where do i say we need to know employee itineraries nor the details on when they're bumping up space combat you sir need to read and quit putting words in peoples mouths, its quite rude. As i said before I just think it would be nice for them to share with us the issues on their end of things and it would defiantly make a lot of people more compassionate about what they're going through that is all. Or of course they could just stick to the standard "we're looking into this" statement which i have no problem with.
  8. Hey man please before you post in someones thread try to read and fully understand what they're talking about. I am fully aware about everything dev has ever stated on this game. I was simply saying IT WOULD BE NICE TO GET A LITTLE BIT OF DETAILS ON THE PROBLEMS THEY'RE HAVING ON THEIR END OF THE ISSUES THAT WE PRESENT TO THEM. And no they haven't not one time done this i'm sorry to say. We have not gotten one statement on WHY they didn't decide to go ahead and launch with guild banks or WHY they haven't implemented character transfers or WHAT type of problems they're experiancing with the auction house on THEY"RE end.
  9. Do me a favor bud just read all of my post history and you will see that I am by no means impatient. I was just throwing a simple customer service idea out there and as i said before no one could expect them to answer EVERY question with a detailed answer. I was just stating it would be nice for a detailed answer on the questions they get THOUSANDS of times over IE guild banks, dual spec, changing servers, not, when do we get new hair? get what im saying now???
  10. Are you guys even reading the thread???? As i said before I am by no means arguing times nor dates simply the fact that hearing exact details of why things are taking as long, and or being put off the way they have. If they would give us honest feedback on the status of a particular issue a lot of these flaming problems would be addressed. Read the thread bud
  11. and by no means am i expecting a detailed answer on EVERY issue we are experiencing. I was simply stating it would be nice to have detailed answers on the HUGE (potentially game breaking issues for some people) things people are waiting for that numerous people are asking about. ie guild bank, dual spec, UI customization. Like i said bud by no means do i have any problem with Bioware or the way they're handling things (check out every thread I've ever posted in) i was just tossing an idea of a way to WOW us customers that's not currently implemented in they're SOP.
  12. It would just be so nice if say we got a response on an issue such as this. "We know a lot of you guys are anticipating the guild bank feature and here is the update on why we can't patch it into the game at this time. As of this moment the guild bank coding is somewhat affecting the cargo hold / inventory space coding lines. We are worried if we implement this in game now it could cause some problems we don't want. We assure you as soon as we get these coding problems resolved we will toss the guild bank feature your way" (probably got the terminology all wrong but I'm not a developer lol just trying to throw an example of what would be nice to hear out of an issue we have)
  13. I am by no means arguing times nor dates simply the fact that hearing exact details of why things are taking as long, and or being put off the way they have. If they would give us honest feedback on the status of a particular issue a lot of these flaming problems would be addressed.
  14. I know man if they would only realize that most of us are adults here and we can handle the truth as well as welcome it! I wish they only knew the positive outcome that would come with keeping customers 100% informed with complete honesty. Maybe by some lucky chance they will realize this soon and quit being scared of the haters and tell people the truth.
  15. I want to start of by saying I am a huge supporter and fan of Bioware and Swtor. I'm writing this post because I'm starting to feel the love i have for you guys slip away. You can look at my post history and i assure you EVERY SINGLE thread i have ever been involved in has been nothing but talking you guys up and defending you. I honestly feel that 90% of the doubt and hate threads you guys are experiencing could be greatly reduced with just a little honesty. I'm very impressed with the rate you guys are handling things but I'm greatly concerned with the amount of problems which are being answered with "we are looking into this" and "This is in the works" as well as the amount that are still unanswered even though you guys were made aware of them in beta. In short, All most of us want is a little bit of honesty and communication from you guys. I would be completely happy if you guys could just tell us the truth and exact status on the problems we are experiencing. I mean BE HONEST GUYS let us know what is going on, explain to us why things are happening the way they are even if its something like "we are extremely understaffed" or "with this particular issue we are experiencing many coding problems". For example I work for Zappos.com and we were recently hacked for a great deal of valuable information. Our CEO handled this by telling our customers THE TRUTH without sugar coating it one bit and we have had numerous feedback on how our customers were WOW'ed with the fact of how they were given the entire truth about a service they were getting even though it was definitely something no one wanted to hear. The same aspect applies here guys, give us the TRUTH, give us honest reasons why we are experiencing the things we are experiencing. I promise you if you do this We the customer will feel a lot better about everything that is going on with this game. I know I'm just one little voice in a huge gaming community but i think i can speak for everyone here when saying, WE JUST WANT THE TRUTH GUYS MAN UP (and no where in this post am i saying they should address EVERY question nor give us ANY type of time frame) I honestly think Bioware has very good reason for any delay's to all content and or bug fixes in the game. I just wish they would explain WHY we're experiencing some of this. I'm sure we'd all be surprised with how understanding and genuinely interested a lot of us would be with they're explanations.
  16. Ughh just sitting here at work (dont get off till 4am) realizing how much i hate how people act like 1st shift is the only shift on the planet. Uggh sucks so bad my peak hours being during maitnece and when no ones on! Ahhhh my rants over glad there's still some 3rd shifters out there
  17. I'm not the one who's angry here bud, I was just going off your previous post history. Its nothing but hateful trolling do you deny that which is in front of everyone's face to see?
  18. Something is seriously wrong with you man, I just went and looked do you realize EVERY SINGLE thread you have ever posted on is hateful meaningless trolling? Seriously people like you are what is wrong with the game, things get fixed by constructive feedback and from the looks of your post history a constructive thing has never left your mouth. You are the EXACT type of person i started this thread about. A hateful, angry, lonely person that obviously has nothing better to do besides spreading hateful comments across the internet. Get a life man your ridiculous and have a serious problem.
  19. Bud you got more issues than just your problems with the game. I really think you should consider anger management or some form of counseling. And yes I'm sorry but i don't think you have any place to EXPECT anything. At most you have sank 75 dollars into the game thus far and I'm sorry to say but content and playability wise the game is easily worth that. Take a Xanax man and calm the hell down your scaring the hell outta me with how upset you are lol. And as i said before, why are you even playing the game anymore or in the forums for that matter? You look silly bro
  20. Ya know and that's the thing that's so hilarious to me. 90% of the people on these threads praising wow and saying how much better it is than swtor are between 10 and 18 and never even thought of touching a keyboard when vanilla wow was relesed. People seem to forget how wow looked at launch it was bug ridden, had a sorry excuse for pvp, and had all the troller's and flamers hating on it as well. Don't worry man in a couple years we'll be able to quote these posts and laugh at all these kids hating on swtor when it takes over:D
  21. Thanks man i'll try not to. And omg i didn't realize you could see people's post history! If only Bioware would filter out the people that can't constructively criticize like a decent human being.
  22. I know i know it's just gotten to the point where it's ridiculous. I know I'm only one person but i will do my damnedest to make a difference and at least get the topics of good discussions going. At least there's a few of us left who are better than spreading hatred around online forums.
  23. omg what about the wonderful things about the game man?? The things that have you still playing the game even though you supposedly hate it?? Man there's sooo many awesome things about this game that everyone including you overlook because they're ridden with hate and anger for some reason. Look at the awesome story for one, the amazing leveling you get to do whilst other mmo's are the same bland, talk to this guy gather that rinse repeat story lines. Yes the game has some issues but guys cmon its a new game. I cant grasp why you people can't realize that wow has had almost a decade to become the game it is today. You expect so many things from an already awesome game and you want it NOW. Do you realize that there's a team of about 20 developers that are working they're asses off to get this stuff taken care of only to watch people like you just criticize they're hard work?? Sit back and take a look at yourselves man you guys are going to complain no matter what state the game is in. I'm honestly deeply saddened to see what the gaming community has become. It used to be fun to get on the forums and discuss the games we all enjoy playing but now its nothing more than a hate filled cesspool. Our world is a messed up place with horrible things going on in it do we really have to bring the hatred to the one escape we all have from it? Smh i just don't know anymore and don't understand what makes you people so angry over something that your supposed to enjoy. Nobody is forcing you to play this game so please just leave if you don't like it, nuff said.
  24. Why should it be locked? your leading to helping the "trolling" by not posting what the thread asks, What you like about the game. And i can't say much either because i responded to your meaningless post. So how about it can we get some positive feedback in here???
  25. If you read the thread I'm on the forums to try and get atleast one post going that has a spot for people that want to discuss things they like about the game rather than hear about how horrible and broken it is. And yes i have issues with the game also but they are by no means game breaking nor a reason to spend hours trolling the forums. I have yet to see a developer as on top of issues as bioware has been with this title. The bottom line is haters gonna hate, I'm just starting a thread where the lover's can show some love. So go on hate:D
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