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Everything posted by JediZenn

  1. Do you want to quickly jump on and run a FP with someone you'll never see again who proceeds to roll NEED on your gear despite being the wrong class? And you have ZERO recourse you can take against that person? You want this? Cause I don't. X-Server LFG makes this the norm.
  2. All the content to good twice. Once dark side, once light side. Past that, there isn't much reason to listen again.
  3. How is that a no? We are getting a LFG tool where none existed, so its obviously a yes. Try again?
  4. Can you queue up and go off and solo some content? Yes Is this better than spamming General "LF2M - Blah blah blah"? Yes Does it GUARANTEE A GROUP? No. However, NOTHING DOES. You're all acting like children. "I WANT SOUP! GIMME SOUP!" (Presented soup). "THIS SOUP IS COLD!" Get over yourselves, use what is provided or kindly shut up and find something else to play.
  5. Is LFG better than No LFG? Yes Your argument is invalid.
  6. Yes, but you are missing the point. There are 3 Tanking Classes, 3 DPS classes (DPS only), and 3 Healing Classes, many of which overlap, so once dual-spec comes out, you'll have classes than can switch from DPS to Healing, etc. There isn't the same disparity in rolls in SWTOR that WoW has. Every class in WoW can be DPS, many of which its their ONLY function. Because of this, the % of DPS classes is way out of whack, which is why its such a problem over there.
  7. I hadn't played WoW in years. When CATA came out, I picked it up again (since left, again). I took a fresh toon, from 1 to 85 in 2 weeks. I've been playing SWTOR off and on for 6 months and I still don't have a 50.
  8. Have fun with that D3. Straight Line Levels, zero customization (skills added automatically), no random dungeons, story done in 10 hours. WEEEE Fun, 2 full days of gameplay! So amazing!
  9. Its neat how a thread like this can go on for 11-12 pages. But my POSITIVE thread, gets locked on page 2. Guess I'll just avoid posting on the forum at all from now on.
  10. And that didn't really help either, there was still tons of DPS and few tanks and healers. Mostly because there are 3 healing classes, 2 (good) tank classes, and like 15 DPS classes. SWTOR doesn't have that kinda disparity.
  11. See, this level of ignorance is whats wrong with the community. Its not the people are NOT looking for groups, its that getting a full group together is painful to do. If you can queue up for a 4-man, and go off and do your own thing...then be ported when everything is set to go, to number of people looking to do these things increases dramatically. I can't even count the number of times I've thought about responding to a LFG, but didn't, because it would take 20 minutes to get to it, and that was my ONLY reason. Combined with transfers to help the population problem. LFG should work just fine. its amazing how people can make assumptions about a system they haven't even used yet based on false pretenses from a time where the system was not yet in place...its MORONIC.
  12. Really? Cause my experience with WoW's Cross-Server LFG system was: AFK people on auto-follow People who had no idea how to play on even a basic level No talking Ninja Looting General rude and disruptive behavior. And you know why?! Cause your chances of EVER seeing that person again were worse than getting struck by lightning twice in the same day.
  13. Transfers in 1.3 Your "servers are empty" retort flounders. Also "cater to your every misguided need"...?? What ARE you talking about?
  14. Yeah, I learned a LONG time ago that judging anything by the "number of threads" is pointless and usually wrong. I'm fairly confident I'm not in the minority however, but even if I am, I and BW know this is for the better enjoyment of everyone who still plays this game.
  15. I'd like to thank the developers of SWTOR for making LFG same-server only. I love this game and likely would have quit if you did go with a cross-server LFG system. As it only promotes griefers and trolls (see: WoW). Despite all the doom-sayers who for some reason have nothing better to do than doom-say all day, I can see you guys know what you're doing and are pumping out changes REALLY fast. Keep up the good work!
  16. Log in, bring up queue system Queue for EVERYTHING at your level range Proceed to solo as normal If something pops, all the better. Even if you get to do MAYBE 50% of the content, thats a HELL of a lot more than most people are seeing having to LFG in general chat for 3 hours.
  17. Cross server LFG promotes ninja looting and general dick-headedness. Just look at WoW as an example. If BW ever goes cross-server LFG, I'll cancel.
  18. Hope to stay for a "long time", "give up" after 6 months. Somehow I question their initial resolve. I'm enjoying the game a lot, I can't wait to level my Chiss Sith Warrior in about 12 levels. I'm enjoying my Agent story a LOT, I'll be here for awhile, I'm not a quitter.
  19. Sometimes it matters a little. I've had VOs that suggested "bonus" objectives that I might have missed otherwise.
  20. Sucks when you don't save up, but if you know that expense is coming and don't waste you credits on other things, its REALLY easy to pay for. By level 25, I had 90k on me. Paying for a new mount was easy. Save your credits early game, no reason to spend at all.
  21. Thats a bit vague for a world like Nar Shadda. I have a feeling, even if I did find this person, the quest wouldn't be available since it can't seem to get past the first part which simple says "Travel to Nar Shadda". Something isn't being triggered.
  22. If someone is going to /ignore you for asking if they would like to group up for some content running... Why would you want to talk to them anyway? In a game where the population is small, like SWTOR (compared to WoW for example), being a jerk just means nobody wants to be your friend and you quickly will find yourself all alone. You gotta make an effort to befriend others, thats how communities are born.
  23. Alright, so I'm not that far along in the game, just finished chapter 1 the other night, a bit into chapter two. After a few conversation with Kaliyo, she tells me to go to Nar Shadda to meet somebody. Problem is, I can't seem to find this person or move the quest forward. I went to Nar Shadda, I follow the green mark point out of the hanger and toward the main area. I take the lift. Now the green arrow is pointing back at the same elevator and telling me to return to the hanger. Having Kaliyo out does nothing, talking to her does nothing, find no objects to interact with inside the Hanger. Any tips how to progress this story? I'm stumped.
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