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Everything posted by Blankchild

  1. I use to think that everyone was just whinning, because I did great on the pre-50 pvp bracket (except for not having a role in hutball), but after dinging 50 I quickly realized how crap this AC is. I can't believe this class got nerfed as hard as it did and Mauraders are still crazy OP. I'm just so dissapointed in the direction or the lack of it in this AC, and I really don't know if I want to roll another class. I think I might just let my sub run out if we don't get any kind of love in 1.3
  2. For future reference could you use paragraphs? Just a small critique, it makes it all that much harder to read a post when I'm already tired from playing 5 hours of pvp lol. Thanks!
  3. I'm just very curious if anyone knows if the cover mechanic will be fixed in 1.3. It's super annoying and as far as I can tell it was introduced in the last patch. Thanks!
  4. I quit when 1.2 came out and was wondering if the Marauders are still ridiculously OP in PvP, or have they balanced the AC yet? Thanks!
  5. This class is pretty much beaten to the ground; if this game follows the same path as the other games before it, then it will probably remain the same for years to come. On the plus side there is a healing tree.
  6. Is this the level 50 bracket? If so I'm taking my time getting there.
  7. Well I don't have any numbers for you, but my powertech can prolly do as much dps as optimus prime. That's just ball park tho.
  8. There is something very classy about the old school sword and board tank, and it's pretty profound when you witness one that just rolls face through instances.
  9. Okay nubs this ac is good to go. Even with the nerf you can still LOS plenty of groups or at least utilize some control before using DFA.
  10. Okay nubs this ac is good to go. Even with the nerf you can still LOS plenty of groups or at least utilize some control before using DFA.
  11. Quite possible worst class in any mmo. I think my sub ends today. It's today or tomorrow, I can't remember simply because I stopped caring. That's the bottom line, BW did this to us and themselves.
  12. Unless you're from Kentucky. Just kidding Kentucky, I hope we're still friends.
  13. Oh I get it, but I'm still not going to throw a fit because Bioware decided to go a different direction. I'll get upset if Bioware kills my cat, or if they steal my identity and drain my bank accounts, because these things have a real impact on my life. If you are this upset about a decision that Bioware made about a video game then I think you need to really re-evaluate all the decisions that led you to that very moment.
  14. This is a just a video game. One day something life changing could happen to you, something that could seriously impact your life and it will probably happen on a random weekday at 4:00 am. If this is how you react to a video game, imagine how you are going to react to real life if things don't go the way you wanted it to? Seriously, don't argue with me, just sit down and think this through. I guess my point is grow up. The new patch is coming, it's not going to give you cancer, or make you file divorce papers, or kill your dog...because it's just a video game. So just relax, drink a coke, and enjoy.
  15. I rerolled a bounty hunter but I'm there with you man in spirit.
  16. Is it me or is everyone else trolling the forums? I had no idea 1.2 was tonight. What do you guys think is the best feature? Personally I'm all about the UI.
  17. Thanks for the input guys, I dinged 21 last night and I'm still learning a lot about this AC so the replies helped me immensely.
  18. I'm not big into theory crafting, but this is my philosophy: If I can pressure a healer, get him off his guard, force him to heal himself while neglecting his team, and even if lives and runs away then I've won that encounter. If he dies, all the better.
  19. I made a Jugg because I tanked in wow for years as a warrior, so I felt right at home. I haven't had any trouble so far BUT I'm only level 20. I'm told that this is the worst tank out of the three. Is this true or just gibberish? Either way I'm riding it out because MMOs change, more importantly it's just tons of fun. I guess my question is if juggs are really that bad? I'd appreciate any insight but I'm really curious on what other Juggs have to say on the matter. Thanks.
  20. Scoundrel: "Dirty Kick now correctly roots the player"
  21. This is pretty much right on. Scoundrel have a big alpha and then....nothing.
  22. I think maybe you should roll a Jedi or a Sith as an alt and check those out if you haven't yet. I don't think Smuggler is for everyone. I know a lot of people who re-rolled because of the story, which is beyond me because it's my favorite one by far.
  23. Couldn't this apply to all WZ though?
  24. Yes my scrapper is ranged...
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