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Everything posted by Sentanta

  1. Apologies - I in no way meant to insult American people - just think that Europeans are a wee bit more open minded than our US fellow players! But please don't take me wrong - I was in a pug group the other day - and the healer healed nobody but himself - was funny for a bit but half way thorough we had to kick him from the group - on a European server!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fIrajum1DA&feature=BFa&list=AL94UKMTqg-9ChwC8nK6iFBLxXY6Hnwyvv
  3. Obviously all these people thinking the OP is being rude are American - cos only Americans couldn't see this as being funny! Thanks OP - this made me laugh so much - I love those situations where the FPs have become so boring from doing them so many times and when you get someone that is so new and totally lost its hilarious although you don't say anything and try to help them through and remember your first time through!
  4. But doesn't selecting a piece of gear that already matches the colour you want completely negate the whole purpose of the "match to chest" feature?
  5. I have a pair of boots that are not matching colour to the chest piece - Black Chest - Silver boots - thought it might be that the boots just don't exist in black - no biggie - but now I have tried it with a new head piece and a new pair of gloves and they are not matching either - gloves remain the same colour - gold and brown and head piece turns red when I try to match it to my black chest piece! Anyone else having similar issues?
  6. /signed I actually posted something similar not too long ago - a Legacy bank to save having to log in and out of your toons - the more alts I have the harder it is to remember who has what.
  7. Any update on this - I too have been grinding out dalies to get the 400 comms ready for these relics - will we see them in the future or have they been binned?
  8. I agree - wish they had of left this alone - especially quick-shot on the GS - I hate the new sound!
  9. Oh god - this would be terrible if they started slowing down the mails between alts - its bad enough having to go through the loading screens as it is without having to wait a set time to go and collect it!
  10. Like a lot of other things this is also a bit bugged since the 1.4 patch - also you should check if the clothes you are trying to view is for male or female - if you try to preview female clothes on a male character it will make them invisible!
  11. Is there any mention of a legacy bank in the future? Jumping from alt to alt for this that and the other is a pain - would be great if we had a central bank for all our toons. I hope something like this eventually comes in - even in the Cartel shop it would be so worth it!
  12. Thanks for all the responses guys - so it seems that there are too many randoms to avoid the "miss" completely - bloody annoying - otherwise I wouldn't have bothered - I am talking about a GS btw - ranged accuracy is 110% and tech accuracy is 120% - the Merc is my pvp toon - whole other story! :-)
  13. So I have spent a lot of credits and comms to get my accuracy to 110% and I am still getting misses - sometimes it's even just normal mobs - not even silver elites - is this working as intended? Is accuracy just a random thing? I am gearing up another toon now and I am just wondering if I will bother doing the same by getting their accuracy up to 110% or will I focus more on the damage bonus?
  14. YES - I totally agree - along with social points - having to grind out social X on each toon is a complete pain in the you know what!
  15. I noticed this too but no - thats not what I am talking about - I click on the datacron with my companion out and I get the little gold speech bubble you see just before you enter a cut scene and it stays like that - so I have to esc out and put my comp away!
  16. If I have my companion out I can't access the datacrons - so I dismiss my comp and then access the datacron and when the cut scene is over my comp is back out! Known bug? Or is it just me?
  17. SPOILER ALERT - to those that have not completed the Imperial Agent story and are planning to - don't watch this if you don't want to know the list of companions for the class!
  18. How about they do maintenance for the US servers and European servers separately? SWG used to do it that way - say what you like about SWG but that is one thing they got right!
  19. Ah damn - thats annoying! Hope they fix that soon - unfort its too late for the screen shot but thanks for the response - will do it if it happens again!
  20. I have sent Risha on a couple of slicing missions recently - and they have all come back as failed missions - one was even from a purple lvl 340 mission! Is this some sort of bug as I can imagine one failed mission every now and then but with her affection at 10000 and her +1 Slicing crit surely the purple lvl 340 mission shouldn't be a failure? Anyone else having this issue?
  21. Fixed BTW - OP - there is a little lock on the side of your toolbar so you don't accidentally move your abilities!
  22. Here is a link the the site I use for following the codex entries! http://www.swtor-spy.com/codex/ Some of the entries are class specific so I don't think that any one class is supposed to have all the entries!
  23. Excellent - thanks a mil for all the responses guys and thanks NinjaApacHe for that great link! Cheers
  24. So my accuracy is over 100% on my lvl 48 SW but I am still getting miss messages - does it only kick in when I hit lvl 50?
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