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Everything posted by KingKalbo

  1. Many will not have time for thousands of matches tho...That real life thing; it kinda gets in the way.
  2. Snipes/Slings are Op.... It's just that the community hasn't noticed it yet 'cause we as an AC are on holiday letting the scrubs get a lil limelight.
  3. No..Smart *** replies to the side; the Op has it spot on. Nobody running a melee will agree to it tho because it could lead to them losing control of the melee haven...Ranked. Well done analysis OP. I at least will agree with you. But what would be the fix of this? Less reliance of CC dcd's in the meta? It's my opinion that it should be so anyway. They are now as of 3.0 completely unreliant anyway; maybe its time for BW to get off their collective butts and start fixing UP classes with the same all bases covered DCD's that the OP classes have..or return it to an earlier time; when this game was more like a turn based RPG.
  4. Time will tell; been leveing a toon on GW2 and seems balanced..will determine as I go...seems in GW2 favor as I go tho.
  5. Mercs and snipes would have words with you Sir.
  6. And in between the will be exerting total contral..I would agree with you; but they have been giv'in the keys to the Kingdom so to speak..not that I don't roll shad myself...but too much is too much.
  7. ... IMO MM/SS is not the way to go..just a gut feeling that you should be rolling Sabo/Engi.
  8. And team ranked means nothing as the majority queues solo.. casual game; you baolance for the majority to keep subs...nuff said
  9. This is a Pvp forum; not a PVE. Seems logical to me but maybe you been drinking the BW koolaid IDK. Yes they do solo global; due to having too much control. but we will have this difference of opinion no matter the post..oh..well time for metrics and all-that.
  10. 1 More than snipes/slings..Time for BW to focus on UP classes
  11. Why then are they not focusing on the UP classes as agreed by the entire community? Seems as the best place to start to me. Not seeing massive changes..just minor tweaks to classes that can already be classified as OP.
  12. I'll agree with ya. PVE is king in this MMo. That said we are focused on pvp as an albeit small community in the metagame. Nerf the sins..if I can lol spam complete immunity as a shadow tank it's broken. For classes have been at at disadvantage in solo ranked since inception..all arguments that solo is garbage whatever aside; they need a buff. Wouldn't complain about shad/sins if 3 AC's that were not solo ranked capable were brought up to par. but what do I know. Too many on here wanna keep the crappy status quo and claim L2P and such. SMH
  13. And you want to be pigeon-holed into 1 spec to be competitive why?
  14. I was with him until he said "BLAAAM!"...Nobody say's "BLAAAM!"; it's KAAPOW!!! dude.
  15. Those off-heals are aweful compared to a sorc. Not as aweful as a Slinger/Snipe; but just plain bad for arena play. I was criting 10k+ heals on my sorc just running around Rishi leveling and doing the odd WZ...Seems a buff is in order for that too....But what do I know?..just a casual here.
  16. All this chest-thumping about how OP someone is on an overpowered to begin with class..C'mon people; keep it in the realm of realism. Discuss realistic ways to bring it in line with others or buff the UP classes to viability. Gives me something to read while I'm at work anyway.
  17. True. I feel sabo/Engi discipline should have a quickshot/overload shot buff so we can make better use of the Calculated/hot pursuit utility. It's a more mobile spec after all so why not a buff to an instant instead of casted attack.
  18. What will work is they change the mechanics of the AC..period. what we had b4 is no longer working we all agree on that it seems from what I've read in several threads. PVE is ok but in PVP mobility is king and immunities abound. Time for something different and maybe not keep trying to keep the AC as it was but evolve. Many think one panic button is all we need; but I'm not convinced.
  19. I never use Flash Powder. Flash Nade hasn't been the same since it was nerfed. Only use it to shutdown other ranged for the most part. Sure you can lower its cooldown; but 45 secs is still a long time in an arena Diversion has a longer cooldown but works excellently dropped on yourself. I have taken Plan B&C for the faster DK CD; but mostly I spec for tanking up in an area; in the hopes there will be a heals I can sit on and peel for...Which is why I choose either holed up or riot screen and always compounding impact as heroics... That is why I suggest putting the knockback effect into compounding impact; and the Hold the line effect into reset engagement I get a great peel/defense and a good escape mechanic should things go south as the saying goes. You also free up a masterful spot for something better to be put in. You can roll and root but with all the new movement immunities going around a back-up just seems better to me. (and I'll predict those Mara/Sent changes Musco pre-announced are gonna put slinger current escape/ defenses further in the toilet).
  20. When I used to get pulled as a sabo slinger; and the still had rollbang in place I would punish those naughty PT's by pre-tossing shockcharge then when pulled in pop dodge/ rollbang/ inc grenade/ sabotage reset then roll out.. Not possible anymore obviously. but for a heal OP I think process would be near same. Pulled/ dodge- flashbang- roll out.
  21. Haven't completely given up on my slinger yet. I'm full exhumed geared with offhand/ relics Reaver. The survivability is still abysmal and why does the damage seem so low compared to my sorc and mando; is what I keep asking myself. Had some QOL thoughts on these utilities they gave us. Maybe some changes for the better maybe not; but I feel with some rearranging/ retuning they could be much more useful. feel free to add in your thoughts. [u]Cool Under Pressure[/u]: I don't know anyone that uses this especially in an arena setting. The heals are just too low to make it worth being a considered utility. I'm not a numbers guy but perhaps a 3% heal every 5 sec? Also out of cover defenses are nil so I think it should have the added effect of flat 5% DR out of cover. [u]Heads Up/ Holed up[/u]: why tie defenses to hunker down like these two are? Hunker down is only 20sec/23 in SS. If I need to escape with roll down it would seem better to me to have the heads up effects merged into Reset Engagement and proc off of blaster whip. The penetrating rounds/ SS KB could then be placed into Compounding Impact in the Heroic tree. [u]Holed up[/u]: As I said before why tie it to Hunker down? Especially since is got a time limit and other AC's get to have theirs up always . Lower the AOE DR to 20-30% and have it always up. [u]Riot screen:[/u] This should be a given or moved to a lower utility level like Masterful if not Skillful. Hot Pursuit: I use this always on Sabo and sometimes in DF. I think the 4th Charge should proc Quickdraw (usuable on target with any health level) as sabo doesn't have an on demand/ procced execute because of its non rotational playstyle. Would help it's pvp single target damage better than the gimped rollbang anyway. Just my thoughts anyway feel free to comment. The sling/Snipe forum seems dead to me lately and just wanted express myself. I'm far from the best Gunslinger out there. I'm not insanely insightful but I miss using this AC as my main folks. Sorry I used no Sniper terminology I got one, just never leveled him.
  22. You Mara/Sents act like snipe/slings were not thrown in the toilet like you were this expac. Two DPS only classes and they amount to nothing compared to the damage output of both mercs and sorcs.. Some things are just unbelieveable. You can either give up or keep plugging on and wait for the devs to stop taking 50hour long coffee breaks and pay attention to the live game and fix ***T!
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