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Everything posted by Banetek

  1. I would love a more active server my self but xfering myself from a pvp server to a pve server is about as hard to me as the time I let my girlfriend wax my gems... On the other hand there really is not much difference between a pvp server and a pve server in starwars..
  2. to have a decent size population of players is crazy.. Totally different breed of player and personally I rather stick on a pvp server
  3. You have not completed this mission until you have done so on a 3D monitor..... The train part I think took some 30 times and was fun as hell.
  4. I checked out the East coast pvp server and they are complaining its dead there too... I refuse to xfer to a pve server .. Never played on a pve server and never will. PvP server all the way
  5. Nothing is worse than standing in VOSS or Narshadar next to a pub who is in blue outline and can not attack you or vice versa. I know you do this because a lvl 60 could go there and gank but there is nothing stopping a lvl 60 from the other faction coming to defend. One of the big things WOW got right on pvp servers is pvp means you risk, chance at being killed when you venture outside the newbie starter zone. It seems NO MMO has ever got it right with world pvp ever since wow came out.. Not AION, failed. Not Warhammer, Failed, not any other game of this type. You guys say pvp but the worlds are built to obscure and split mission zones to make sure even people on a pvp server get as close to a PVE experience as possible.. WHY? Some of my best days gaming were in WOW back when it first came out. Tarren Mill versus South Shore. pvp means pvp. You could have several areas where world pve zones are closer or maybe same missions for each faction where there could be more clashing. I love Star Wars, don't want to leave it but c'mon Bioware stop being shy and define a pvp server. I have found I lack any form of excitement out there in the pve zones because due to how split up stuff is I lost that thrill of a fight or being ganked as well as the population problems but that's another gripe. I hope your expansion works towards solving this problem and that star wars does not go the way of Warhammer...
  6. Is this a contest about the quality and realism of the costume we are wearing OR are you guys like League of legends where only really super attractive people get featured? I wanted to know because although Not ugly I am not the best looking thing around ( except to my mom, girlfriend and cats ) ... Thanks. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being super hot and 1 being super not, I am somewhere around a 7 unless you catch me on the toilet or heading home after work. Thanks.
  7. I understand first off that your primary audience and player base is PvE plus most of your content is PvE. I have Played World of Warcraft, Warhammer and others but I want to reference the two games I just mentioned. World PvP. The ability to attack other players any where except newbie starter areas. That's what WoW did right. Warhammer Pushed the PvP but encouraged it to be contained in their PvP zones and discouraged really attacking players in towns etc .. You guys got the world pvp down in that I can attack the other faction in any shared world but over all world pvp is sorta bleh. I would like to suggest something that I feel you got wrong when you originaly made Ilum a battle zone. First off the Objectives were too easy and not involved enough to intrest pvers even though I understand people who mainly pved and did both went to engage the other faction. What about a more indepth warzone or a world where you have multiple towns, multiple objectives to strengthen those towns citys etc.. A Place where the people could pve by gathering, doing missions etc could help supply guards who guarded the other and gathered supplies to push NPCS to engage the next town. Yes players could run along side NPCS they helped gear up by missions etc and invade the next town while the defenders defended it. When I played WoW I really enjoyed a place called alterac valley where this type of thing took place. Its not new yet it was fun. Huttball and the other warzones are getting boring. Why not involve teams larger than 8? Why not something in the open world instead of a contained warzone? Why not something for bragging rights? Why not a place that encourages open pvp like that? Thank you tl dr version ( Grow attention span )
  8. I'm in full agreement I spent 40 and then 20 and never received a jetpack/ I may end up just giving up on cartel packs, seems randomly I get F**ked over and end up with S#$T items
  9. Please consult your class trainer to see if the stim is right for you.
  10. For the sake of IMP teams in warzones please grab a stim, they are cheaper than ever now Force dysfunction has been shown to hit as early as lvl 40 and with the vast amounts of players spending hours and hours watching twi'lek dancers in the privacy of their strongholds their light sabers refuse to function when they come into contact with other people that show an interest in grouping with them. To help with this ongoing problem I have posted multiple stims in the GTN to help fight Force Dysfunction. Each stim will give you hours of relief and leave you feeling robust and full of force. Take a stim to take your light saber back to its early lvl 20s. At the GTN for just 1, 2, 3, and 7k for the lvl 60s!! Get yours today and remember in the warzone of love, the one with the working saber gets all the action
  11. I saw one of your videos on a madness sorc. I know you're big and bald, that was enough to get to watch a few more of your videos. I've experienced the same stuff to and all the growing pains of playing a sorc. Dueling is just that a duel. I typically will duel if its not a trash talk epeen flex however I almost always just solo q all warzones, hardly ever group. One thing I noticed in your videos is you give a lot of credit to your group or people in there which shows a humble skilled team playing sorc. Any one wants to trash that they can stick the old light saber where the light side don't show eh..
  12. I know my buddies would laugh at my hair but I love it http://www.imagebam.com/image/2eb293184855425
  13. Picture this.... Illum but not as you know it. Each side has a base, dailys and normal quests like any other town HOWEVER the entire world if based on pvp. Not all objectives need be directly based on winning the whole war. Have some normal every day quests etc... npcs bolster quests, normaly daily quests etc .. Now picture its a normal stop on the tour of your questing BUT one side has claimed several towns that have quests... SO you must start from town A, bolster troops, rally support from yer guild and move forward to capture the next town.. You can have mini quests to bolster troops from norm 50s to champ 50s etc... Sorta like alterac valley ONLY the entire zone is pvp.. Meaning that if one NPC gives you a quest, you can be dam sure the other sides NPC is giving them a quest in that same area....
  14. Peoples Republic of Portland.. checking in
  15. There is no racism, its speciessm
  16. as negitive as I am and will continue to be I do find watching that guy talk about whats comming up to be helpfull. I still wish they would actualy TALK ON VIDEO about what they will do to allow server xfers, cross server pvp etc... This is crazy how little world pvp there is due to server inbalances...
  17. http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php I was reading about server xfers and did not see anything for people in the US playing on US servers that have very low populations... Does anyone know if it will be for us too or just the people who got lost and choose a US server OR did not have one in their country at the time they subbed to TOR
  18. fukedyourmom is my legacy name and Ive been having people report me so I could change it to no sucess...
  19. he is right, I made a character on a heavy populated server just exactly as he said for the same reasons. I think bio will allow server xfers in due time but who knows.... All I know is im down to comming on for a few hours to do dailys and pvp than I go do something else... I used to play alot more but theres just no more content and im not going to make another toon and go thru being a lowbie again
  20. On my server we are hosting a first, secound and third place prize for ilum war zone pvp.. The object of the pvp session will be to see who can open the most crates. The first person to open 150 crates gets 500k Secound place will recieve 200k and third will recieve 100k. Later that day we will have the weekly base camping session. NON puller classes are excluded from the contest, The goal will be to pull repubs out of their base while every one kills them repeatedly to the point where they are not longer anything because they res right inside their base they can come back to the entrance to be pulled and killed again for no valor. This will insure they do not actualy leave their base and let their timers reset so they are worth something. The person who pulls the most repubs in one hour wins 500k , there is no 2nd or 3rd place. We will find future events to have fun in " biowares" version of world pvp, although Im starting to think rejects from mythics pvp team have invaded bioware
  21. glamour dueling is not pvp... World pvp and in some cases instanced pvp you are not all preped up and ready when you are attacked... glamour dueling also known as epeen sword play , both people are all ready and know exactly when the fight starts etc.... I used to hate people on wow who said they were good at pvp but could only duel and were pretty much worthless in pvp, REAL pvp
  22. The promotional video you guys made than when it gets to the pvp part I stop the music , put on yakety sax and show the circle of players collecting arms in crates...?
  23. first off it has a light and dark side for both factions. Bioware did not want to turn this game into a care fest... if YOU want to be good, be good, Evil be evil... don't force your views on an entire faction like horde versus alliance... this is not carecraft , this game is about pvp as much as pve... Simple...
  24. I agree with the OP... Premade teams deserve to go against premade teams, not pugs... Also lets make cross server pvp warzones so we can start fighting the other side and lets get rid of huttball for a week and see if people can live with out it
  25. It came out way before wow... Its basicly a term that can be neutral at best or negitive at worst... it basicly describes gamers who choose to not enjoy fighting anything but computer generated mobs
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