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Everything posted by Banetek

  1. How about something like that for reporting BOTS. You could lower the amount of reports needed to cause a QUESTION, ( automated ) to a possible botter to go out. It would force the potential botter to answer a question or have their account logged off or paused or even better yet, to go to a PRIORITY LINE for a possible BIOWARE support specialist to review.
  2. Bastion server is dead. Sure its almost 5 am but back in the day there was at least 50 on fleet and regular pvp warzones.. Now I'm relegated to griefing ( ganking ) as its called on pvp servers). random lowbies on various planets if I want to kill people... Sure its fun but I like group pvp and stuff too!!
  3. More personal, specifically IMPERIAL officers, Pub counterparts etc. TEST DUMMIES IN STRONGHOLDS. MAKE STRONGHOLDS SOMETHING THAT PEOPLE WANT TO JOIN IN ON, BE A PART OF . LASTLY positions. How about personal can be sitting, standing, etc.. why so static.
  4. Opened another 30 packs and finally found the item I was looking for. So lets break this down. 45 packs purchased with cartel coins. 40 dollars + free coins given monthly to sub. The other 7 packs purchased with credits at around 14mil per 30 was around 98 mil. Minus the light saber which sold for 65 mil = all those other gold items and - 33 mil. That 33m can easily be squeezed out of the items I have to help me brake even. I guess what I learned here is its a crapshoot and never again will I buy so many packs. I do love those new rancor mounts.
  5. This was my first delving into the whole cartel gamble packs. Also we should refer to them as Gamble Packs or Cartel gamble packs. That word " Gamble " for some reason annoys them. Anyways point taken. I guess what I was trying to say is, If you MUST buy those packs, use " farmed" credits as you will spend less RL money than buying cartel coins. So at least I am suggesting a reduction in Money spent to bioware by suggesting other avenues that others will not take. its not the best method as not buying them over all is best but its a close second.
  6. No, I'm not ************ but I am suggesting people use farmed credits as its cheaper than buying cartel packs.. Maybe this will encourage Bioware in fixing the drop rate on these boxes. ( I only spent around 5400 cartel coins, after that I realized its cheaper to use farmed credits as the rate of credits is cheaper than buying cartel coins. If you think I am eluding to something while not being forthright , you are most likely correct. I wish to divulge information with out telling on my friend. So out of all these 90 I opened tonight I received "about " 20 anarchist armor sets 2 gold item knight lower armor sets 34 color crystals of various stats too many companion gifts and white armor sets to count. about 21 title unlocks and 19 various emotes 24 vehicles ( 3 gold ones ) 12 purple jawa junk 90 blue jawa junk 129 green junk. With this in mind I would suggest if you plan to buy gamble packs you either wait until they are fixed or be prepared to spend a lot of money on a gamble, Good luck but I would not spend cartel coins...
  7. I have opened 145 packs so far and have 90 sitting in the bank. I bought 5400 cartel coins, and now I am using farmed credits because its way cheaper than real money and the drop rate for it sucks big time
  8. I don't come to the forums much other than to make comments about things that need correcting. PS: I used free cartel coins from allowance and mostly credits farmed to buy the packs. I know better than to spend Real money. With that said I will say that there was a lot of other great items in those packs. I'm pretty sure Bioware will make it right with every one.
  9. Not one gold item light saber dropped. I officially had more luck in high school getting girls to like me ( as any normal 16 year old boy would like them to ) as a 200 pound over weight morbidly obese kid who got caught in the girls bathroom playing with something I can't mention on these forums during after school hours by the janitor and had to transfer schools because of it. NOW, What gives Bioware? Sure I got some really nice things and NO I did not buy the majority of them with cartel coins ( I know better ) but still.. never have I seen a drop rate so poor as I have with this. I think you should revaluate your drop rate on that item as its one I know many people will want... Thank You.
  10. Well who knows for sure. They have already merged twice in the past if I'm not mistaken. I think 20 mil is low considering what was put into the guild so I shall take a pass at the offer. I would entertain 25
  11. I have an IMP guild for sale. 67% FlagShip Unlocked 6 Tab Guild Bank Vault Cartel Guild Rename token. Was asking about 60m for it all but some people complain its too high. So I would consider high 30s with out the token. if interested please drop me a mail, this is my main Ive been playing since day 14
  12. So many servers are very low population which makes the game not as enjoyable.
  13. Possibly , its a dead server but might be merged with another server. I might entertain 45m, its a steal even on a dead server considering " Dead Servers ' are being addressed by bioware and considering a guild flagship costs 50m with out any rooms unlocked... ADD: Not sure if you saw that it comes with a guild rename cartel token. Those are about 3k cartel coins. I could do in the low 30s high 20s if you did not want the token. Let me know
  14. I'm guessing more crappy cartel packs
  15. I think the newest packs are crap and I don't plan on buying any more. I , as a long term player don't need old recycled crap, put that stuff on the gear sales where newbies can straight out buy it from the market. Bring back the cartel certificates so I can finish buying crap I want ... Do this and its problem solved.. These last packs were just crapola
  16. 67% Ship completion ( Lots of Ship related decorations. 6 Tabs open in Guild bank Guild Stronghold available ( empty but has many decorations ) 25 MIL. < At Least My Cat Loves Me > You can rename what you want. Tours Given of Ship. Contact BaneTek, Tekbane, Catslove, Banetech .
  17. Ok its great you guys are doing what you can to keep the newbies flowing in and people interested because every one hates dead servers. I get that. Some newbies are just plain unobservant and that's a dam shame. LIGHTSABERS WORK EVEN WITH OUT A COLOR CRYSTAL. Same with offhand items. Sure their stats are passive but make it a little more obvious please. Many people are getting angry at this new thing of newbs not using color crystals. Lastly I've done my part. I call out players in warzones, Mark them with the "flame of shame " target marker so people know not to help them or anything but still... Please fix this issue.
  18. He might have meant weeklies, 1 character deleted before 61, supplies sent to a legacy bank, rinse repeat
  19. No that's fine. With the rate of new people joining I can only wish those crystals made it to new people, especially considering the lack of color crystals out there. No bad feelings to you or your guys, I just am rather upset or was upset at someone who would do that. I knew I had no posted any to the GTN and no one had received any. Old larry was upset about not being promoted and did not want to install TS so he just said " BRB " made his way to the gbank, stole what he could and gquit.. Not your fault, you did not know they were stolen. Thanks for setting things straight. see ya.
  20. Yea, sucks when things like that happen.. This is my first time creating a guild but I've seen enough from other guilds like Sabotage , Care Bear Tickle Party, Meet Kill Face, Disney, etc to see what good guild leadership is. Just never thought I would mess up on generosity... At any rate those people will have to either change their name or live with the fact that others will know the crap they did and some will shun them for it or spend 10 bucks with bioware for a name change
  21. I never understood why people would risk their online identity by stealing from a guild bank before quitting a guild. I started up a guild mostly for bank space to save credits before it turned into an actual guild. With that came recruiting people, mostly new people I knew would need help. Grab a few friends and before long we were rolling in the questions, newbie gear etc. Than came ops. I must give credit to every guild I was ever in whos guild leaders lead ops groups. ( its not fun at times!! ) Than comes the explaining WHY team speak is a good thing!! Yes and selling that concept can be hard. From " it causes lag " to just " I refuse " can be hard to work with but hey, we make do. Than comes the millions of credits it takes for a guild ship, crafting, handing out stuff, making sure every one has decent relics, crystals etc for group pvp and ops. If you are a guild leader who wants to see your guild succeed than you know what I mean. I just made a powertech, Yes, after lvling a merc , sorc, mara, sniper and sin from lvl 1 I went ahead and used my premade 60 token.. Call me lame but when I hit 65 I had enough warzone comes to gear that toon in tier 2 5 times over. SO I did at least that. Than comes the " what to craft" Well that answer was clear, artifice. The only crew skill I felt was daunting and too much work ( BOY WAS I WRONG ) Well I got the skill and started going crazy!! I mean super crazy all my storage spaces are filled with mats etc. One thing I've noticed lately is a lack of expertise crystals so I decided to make a bunch of those because its an embarrassment to the guild when our new people go to warzones with out them. So I pumped out the expertise color crystals and other goodies!! Posting them in the gbank for new people to grab 2 of. Around this time a certain player kept asking for a promotion in the guild. While I always consider it , I asked if he had team speak and he said no. I require people to be 65 and have TS installed for ops or group pvp before being promoted to regular member status. This member said " Ill brb " than gquit. Ok, no problem, that sort of thing happened. I know I've quit guilds many times. Heck I even quit Care Bear Tickle Party twice!! ( Great guild by the way ) I love those guys. So later on I check out the logs on the g bank and find 1 member who took several things before leaving the guild. .... Sometimes it just baffles me why people do some things. Especially the guild leader ship of another guild, on an alt in your guild... TLDR version. B TWENTY SEVEN leadership joins start up guilds and raids the g bank with alts and transfers those items to their other alts or friends. http://www.imagebam.com/image/fd1289458134758 http://www.imagebam.com/image/cc15bc458134763 No drama intended, I'm only calling out some one who did this because there's so much anonymity in this game, its refreshing to actually catch someone when they act up
  22. I will be there with guild to water our collective pvp sacs with the tears of pubs!!!
  23. I would like to know who won? Dueling is in many ways different than pvp
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