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Everything posted by DarthMoord

  1. Green, if the picture from Power of the Jedi is to be believed.
  2. Do you mean what events infer his power or how he came to be so powerful? If it's the former we have mindwiping the burying of the Lusankya from the inhabitants of Coruscant, summoning and controlling fleet destroying and planet killing force storms, the ability to enhance his physical capabilities via the force to beyond human capacity, he knew the methods that Darth Nihilus used to drain a planet of life but controlled it and usable across galactic distances, he had mastered essence transfer which rendered him essentially immortal except for the meddling of the most powerful Jedi ever, Galaxy-wide battle meditation, oh and my favorite is shooting lighting around a room to kill an entire company of Stormtroopers in one go without hitting his Royal Guardsmen who were fighting in the middle of them (that has style). If it's the latter, then it's because Palpatine is the culmination of two-thousand years of amassing power and wealth by in a master-apprentice cycle that ensured that should the apprentice succeed in usurping his master he would always be wiser and stronger than his predecessor. Oh and simple raw power didn't hurt either.
  3. Hyperspace is basically nothing like a wormhole. Wormholes circumvent the problem of temporal dilation, whereas we know that Star Wars spacecraft have to shield against temporal dilation.
  4. Inertial dampeners. Star Wars has physics breaking technology, this is not new.
  5. Except we're not talking about mortals. If one person is capable of enhancing his abilities to move faster than the human eye, he's not going to come down with a cold and suddenly have normal speed. We aren't talking about normal people, we're talking about mystics that shoot lighting and wield laser swords.
  6. Irrelevant. LFL own the copyright, they determine what is canon. No he hasn't. He said he doesn't follow the EU, meaning he doesn't personally read every piece of literature that comes out. George Lucas created a sandbox for other creators to play in, it doesn't need to be a part of his personal vision to be canon.
  7. No. The Empire never stopped cloning, they just did it in secret. Most of the cloning was done by GeNode, most of the clones didn't even know they were clones (were incapable of even broaching the subject of clones or even realizing they were even when someone who looked just like them was right next to them), and they were implanted with subliminal commands and behaviors such as being incapable of betraying the Empire. According to Pax Emperical about 40% of Stormtroopers were clones.
  8. Three million was merely the number Karen Traviss tried to foist on people, despite reason. There were billions of clones. The 501st was the only fully Jango-template clone legion left. There could have been numerous other legions around that were fully clone. According to the SWRPG Saga Edition The Force Unleashed Sourcebook, they largely chose to become drill instructors for the Stormtrooper Corps.
  9. No they didn't. They got a license to do a Rogue Squadron card game.
  10. Well that's irrelevant. We aren't talking about normal martial arts. We are talking about fighters that use a mystical power to enhance their combat abilities and give them new ones. We can only go on their particular feats of power and skill.
  11. You're going to have to give me a quote. Every source I've read states Sith use red because of it's association with anger and bloodshed. Additionally Lukes green lightsaber crystal was also synthetic and according to the novelizations I've read the method of manufacture Luke used is far less advanced than those that the Sith have created as the Sith were in hiding for two thousand years and didn't have easy access to lightsaber crystals.
  12. Only if the licensing department of Lucasfilm gave you their consent. Lucas Arts is not in charge of determining canon, that is Lucasfilm. And I'm sorry to tell you the series those events and abilities are showcase (Dark Empire) is approved by Lucasfilm; even more distressing for you I'm sure is that George Lucas liked DE so much that he gave it out to all of Lucasfilm's employees as a gift on Christmas the year it came out.
  13. No they didn't. The original Jedi studied the Ashla (The force) and rejected the Bogun (the Dark side. Ah yes, the Potentium Heresy. Only during the Yuuhzan Vong War. During the Swarm War they found it was leading their number to the dark side and during the Second Galactic Civil War it was revealed that Vergere's teaching of the Potentium to Jacen were meant to tempt him over to the Dark Side.
  14. There's no such thing, Lightside and Darkside aren't some weird mystic kung fu styles. You either are lightside or you are a darksider. There is no in-between, even 'grey' Jedi are still lightsiders they just have a fundamental disagreement with the High Council about the manner the Order is run.
  15. Nihl's claim to fame is being a good lightsaber duelist and taking the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order on in a fight. Galen showed an aptitude in the force only exceeded by the Skywalker clan at their apex or by Sith Lords like Palpatine and Vitiate, in addition we know he's a skilled lightsaber duelist as we know he's been trained against various force users from Kenobi to Darth Maul through his training droid and has taken on Palpatine in a roughly even fight.
  16. So Thanaton's claim to power was defeating the Emperor's Apprentice, whilst we have no clue how many apprentices the Emperor has nor how advanced this one is. Meanwhile Baras was strong enough to impersonate and lay claim to the title of Voice of the Emperor and thus the Emperor himself. Yeah, that's a pretty difficult conundrum.
  17. If you all you're capable is mindless 4chanisms, welcome to my ignore lists.
  18. I don't give a flying rat's *** what wikipedia says and I know you don't know what Lucas says, I'm telling you what the guy George Lucas pays to keep record of what is canon says, that's Leeland Chee. I know how the canon tier system works. If lower canon directly and irreconcilable contradicts higher canon it becomes non-canon, which if you were capable of any reading comprehension at all, you'd have realize all you did was repeat back to me exactly what I said whilst wasting my time having to read through an extraneous over complication. Do not presume to lecture me on the canon system as I've been following this crap for nearly a decade now.
  19. I too enjoyed Jaesa, however, her romance plotline came off really cheesy.
  20. Oh no Revan was killed in combat fighting four of the Empire's greatest heroes simultaneously! Who cares if the levels are just gaming mechanics not meant to represent any real measure of power, Revan was taken out by the best the Empire had to throw at him! And people wonder why I deride them as Revan fanboys....
  21. No it doesn't. Even when you decipher the text blocks he still can't string together a cogent thought. PS: CommunitySupport I honestly don't care if you consider it insulting. Stating that he can't form a compelling argument is not an insult, it's a statement of fact. I suggest you learn the meaning of words before you go handing out infractions next time. However, this time I'll do the work for you: co·gent koh-juhnt adjective 1. convincing or believable by virtue of forcible, clear, or incisive presentation; telling. 2. to the point; relevant; pertinent. His post was neither of these two.
  22. The bodies were clones, the personality that inhabited them was the same as the one that inhabited the body killed in RotJ. It's a bit disingenuous to say they were just clones of Palpatine when all the clones were mindwiped specifically so Palpatine's spirit could take control of them.
  23. That's not how the canon works. Everything (except for the Infinities series) is canon unless it explicitly contradicts higher canon in a manner that is irreconcilable.
  24. “Yoda went after Palpatine in the empty Senate chamber, but could not defeat the most powerful Sith Lord in history.”(The New Essential Chronology, page 84 ) The Emperor had known it would be thus, of course [that the Rebel Alliance would be troublesome]; the resistance had not been a surprise to him. The Emperor was completely in concert with the dark side of the Force. He was the most powerful Sith who had ever existed.” (Death Star, page 76) “Vader imagined the power that could be his if he crushed Palpatine and established his own rule over the Empire. But first, he would need his own apprentice. By himself, he could not hope to defeat the most powerful Sith Lord the galaxy had ever known.” (Vader: the Ultimate Guide, page 19) "Palpatine has spent decades studying the most arcane and esoteric Jedi disciplines. It is believed that he has mastered nearly all the known powers, previously unknown powers, and devises new ones at his pleasure"-- The Dark Empire Sourcebook. “[The Galactic Emperor] had succeeded where all others failed in taming the Dark Side. He would journey across the universe, spreading the shadow of his rule, blotting out the stars themselves, and taking his Dark Rule to other helpless galaxies.”-- The Dark Side Sourcebook. ”Beyond the vision of the Jedi Knights, somewhere within the darkness, the greatest master of evil ever to use Sith power bides his time.”-- The Complete Visual Dictionary. "The Sith Order, in hiding for a millennium, had awaited the birth of one who was powerful enough to return the Order to prominence. Darth Sidious was the fulfillment of that prophecy, capable of exacting the Sith's revenge on the Jedi for having nearly eradicated the practitioners of the dark side of the Force." -- the Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. Some are in-universe, many out. It seems pretty clear who LFL and it's subsidiaries deems the most powerful Sith.
  25. How about you? It's clear to anyone paying attention that your arguments aren't based on any kind of valid thought process and are simply a result of your emotional investment in what was your avatar. Opinions can be valid and invalid, when we're talking about objective data some form of logic must be use to come to that opinion. You have none. You're not really helping yourself, by the end of NJO Jaina is one of the most powerful Jedi ever, far in excess of Revan. BECAUSE SITH AREN'T GIVEN TO IRRATIONAL BEHAVIOR AMIRITE GUIZE? It's not a matter of opinion. Other Jedi and Sith have far greater feats of power than Revan ever has. Of course he's capable of more, but it would make no sense. It already takes the Empires four greatest heroes to kill him, what more do you *********** want? All irrelevant Except it isn't. Intelligence is great and I value it far more than raw strength, however, Revan doesn't have that either. Concession Accepted.
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