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Everything posted by YpaWinz

  1. Seriously. You have to choose when to trinket anything. If it saves your life, you're going to trinket it. I don't care if it's an operative, assassin, marauder, merc, whatever. If it stops you from dying, that's when you trinket. If Operatives are OP because you have to use your trinket to break their CC, then every class is OP in certain situations. EDIT: When are people going to understand that the difference between "overpowered" and "underpowered", more often than not, comes down to situational awareness?
  2. Crouch. If you go into the keybindings, under movement (i think) you can keybind crouch. I have mine to shift+space. You crouch in place and your cover bar comes up. Hope that helps.
  3. ...Um. Yeah, you do. Hidden Strike (along with Sleep Dart and Flashbang) immediately fills the resolve bar.
  4. There's a difference between constructive feedback and the mountain "...wat" that floods into these forums daily. I agree that there are issues. I agree that something needs to be done about some of them. Unfortunately when there are 37 threads about the same thing, I'm sure it gets hard to track cause/effect and diagnose those issues.
  5. The skill part is that most average players won't know when to use that flashbang. Many would use it, not realizing you were still inflicted w/ one of their dots, making it worthless. Or they'll use it not realizing you still have white in your resolve bar. Or more to the point, it's about paying attention. Assuming equal level and ~equal gear. The player who pays the most attention to what's going on is going to have the advantage.
  6. You have to understand that 90% of the people who post, are the 10% of the people who aren't enjoying the game. Everyone who enjoys the game is actually playing it. The exception are folks like me who wander the forums while at work, since I can't play right now
  7. Maybe he just doesn't want to wake people up. Assuming his laughter didn't already do that.
  8. I've yet to "2-shot" anyone. Nor have I been "2-shot" by any operative. 50 or otherwise. Operative burst is good. 50 vs 50, it's decent. It's supposed to be, but that's assuming the person being bursted has some idea of how to react and play their class. There's no such thing as "CC Spam." I can stun you, then I can root you. That's it. If I hidden strike you and then I'm dumb enough try to follow up with debilitate, you're going to take the ~300 dmg from my debilitate and that's it, there won't be any stun associated with it until after your resolve bar is empty again. If you haven't reacted to me by then, my stun is the least of your worries.
  9. Expertise = expertise. If I "get expertise gear" and go up against someone else in expertise gear, it's not going to change.
  10. The same can be said for those dying TO operatives. If we're not medicine spec'd, we don't have an "instant" heal. We have 1 "escape" mechanic, just like every other class. We do have a talent that let's our threat wipe clear movement impairment, but that's only if we spec heavy into the shared tree. Not having ever spec'd into it myself, I can't say whether or not it shares a CD w/ Escape, though I would assume not since it's not the same kind ability fundamentally. You could argue that Cloaking Screen is an escape mechanic, but it's on a 3 min CD (2 if talented for it) and is rendered ineffective by DoTs.
  11. This doesn't make any sense. Copied from my post in (one of) the other "Operatives are OP" threads -
  12. This was kind of in my head too. The most I would want, - and this is just for me I don't really care if anyone else can see it - would be a kill counter. Maybe on my character sheet or something. Just for my own tracking purposes. Apart from that, anything else granted for killing someone is just bonus.
  13. I get the same thing from time to time, mostly in huttball. I'll be trying to land a backstab standing directly behind a stunned/rooted target and get "You must be behind your target' only for them to instantly warp and be turned around facing me 10m away. That or I'll be fighting someone on a catwalk and stun them. They'll look like they fall down off the catwalk, so I jump down to keep fighting and then they warp back up to where they were initially, still stunned. These aren't frequent occurrences, and while annoying, I've attributed them to lag or something similar.
  14. I get your point, but credit how? I mean ...if I'm out roaming and I come across a player and kill him. I killed him. That's it. What more do I need? A receipt? I killed him. It's PvP.
  15. Operatives don't have "too much CC" or "more CC than any other class." Our CC is on the same kind of resolve timers as anyone else's. Hidden Strike, Sleep Dart, Flashbang - all off them fill the resolve bar to full. Which means for the next ...8 seconds? you are immune to anything that causes you to be unable to control your character. The only other stun type ability we have is debilitate on a 30/45 sec cooldown. We then have a snare (talented w/ 2 sec root) that doesn't affect resolve, but that's the same for any snare root. Our burst damage is decent, but even now at lvl 41 I can see it leveling off as I start going up against more even leveled/geared players. I think folks need to understand resolve and then understand when/how to best use their "trinket" ability. Once we shoot our initial load, our best options are to vanish and wait/hope for another solid opener or try to toe-to-toe someone and maybe die. (Assuming equal skill.) It all comes down to situational awareness and your knowledge of your class and that of your opponent.
  16. 100% agreed. IQD was probably the only real PvP fun I had in WoW. For its brief stint of popularity between SWP and WotLK, it kind of revived world PvP.
  17. Yesterday, at lvl 41, I was on Belsavis working on my class quest and I come across this lvl 42 sage, engaged him, fought him, had a good little scuffle, and ultimately killed him. That's world PvP. It was fun, rewarding, and exciting. In (early) SWG, world PvP was all there was. There weren't any warzones. Not even any separate PvP gear. There were just massive battles in major cities and landmarks. The most you got for killing a fellow player was a bump to your PvP rating. There was no ladder, nothing tracked, just fun and bragging rights. <--( this is the way it should be, IMO.) Along comes WoW (or whatever MMO did it first, I don't know, just using WoW as an example because of its popularity.) with battlegrounds, trackable ladder rankings, and constant pvp gear grind. Suddenly everyone says "Hey, I get stuff when I pvp." and now it's all people want. People abandon the true spirit of PvP because bg's and arenas are more "rewarding." Do what you want, but I'll be out there PvP'ing whether they give me something for it or not. As it is now, and as it always should be, PvP is its own reward. Everything else is just a bonus.
  18. Early on it's kind of a toss up. If you want to dps, go full concealment. If you want to heal, go full medicine. Either one will be as effective as the other in warzones, it just depends on what you'll have more fun doing. If you decide to go concealment, some folks will tell you to put 2 points into Incisive Action for the lower cast heal and another means of getting TA up. That's up to you, it works fine, but you may not want to spend those 2 points there so early. Once you hit 40, you can go full conceal w/ acid blade and be very effective in PvP. I went from 39 in a mishmosh of mid-late 30's gear to 40 w/ acid blade and directly into a full set of 40 pvp gear that I had banked and the difference was night and day.
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