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Everything posted by smilefunk

  1. i have occasionally noticed that force choke will only animiate for like a second or so and i feel cheated every time... still not sure if it's simply the anim getting stilted or the entire effect.
  2. op, i can only imagine that SWTOR wishes you the best of luck in your future endeavors. can i haz?
  3. and yet, everybody wishes these were the worst of their problems... and i suppose to some people, it actually is.
  4. we can only hope the op ingorance of this fact is what prompted the post
  5. somebody have a sufficient hat we could pass around for op?
  6. passion is a lie?.. nu-uh, it's RIGHT HERE!
  7. actually, this all started in empire... more amercian imperial accents than brittish in a new hope
  8. i did earlier in thread... force gt r/w 555/505
  9. my 21 sec tat load is sata 3, non-raid
  10. just counted... tatooine load, 21 seconds
  11. naw man... my loads are super zippy. never longer than prob twenty seconds at most, and that's pushin it (force gt sata 3)
  12. please make me a drink of grain alcohol and rainwater, and help yourself to whatever you'd like
  13. bw laying the groundwork for same-sex romances? we should be comfortable in this attire!!!
  14. hey bill, can i have your... nevermind
  15. In recognition of it being a holiday for most European countries, we have moved up maintenance time by two hours.
  16. oooooh... i see what you're doing. cunning, my friend... dastardly cunning. btw, i suicide whenever i get it. DEATH TO THE PLAGUE!
  17. precisely! it's almost beyond words, really... although atrocious and embarrassing come to mind.
  18. what guild on what server can we expect not to see anymore?
  19. man, i feel for all of you with severe lag issues... hard to enjoy the game that way.
  20. i have a miraluka with a whole head piece, and i have noticed this as well. but is it a glitch or designed? pre 1.2 my mirluka facemask would baldy clip with everything, hats and hoods. post 1.2, the good news is that hoods no longer clip at all! bad news, hats no longer show. it almost appears as if they went with a 'lesser of two evils' solution for the time being. which i am ok with. the horrible hood clipping was annoying as all get out and many times, pre-50, robes with hoods is all ya got. at least headwear can be hidden, whereas the robe hood clipping (which was attrocious) simply had to be suffered thru.
  21. that is how it works, you are correct
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