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Everything posted by ladyalchemist

  1. "If the player base doesn't wish to engage in OWPvP no number of rewards will change that. Example the quest in KOTFE to get the companion locked behind level 20 valor. The amount of complaints from both PvP players and PvE player flooded the forums. PvE players mostly stood hidden somewhere, in other words they AFK'd somewhere until they got Valor 20 got their companion and never qued again. OR the quest for Lokan and the Raghoul event. I'll never have him on any toon as I despise the Raghooul event and would hope they remove it, but they won't. The Dev's could make all the changes that every PvP player wants, that would not increase the number of Warzone you get to do a day. PvE players in this game donot do WZ except to get a PvE reward locked there." This. The companions that are locked by pvp will stay locked for me... even though I am a completionist and would certainly unlock them if I wasn't required to pvp. No amount or quality of reward can get me to pvp - the ONLY way i will do it is if a verry good friend drags me along... and even then that takes a lot of convincing. It is why I have valor rank on only my main toon... and that is a whole level 2. I am in agreement on the Dr. Lokin issue as well... he will stay locked for me for the exact same reason... or until someone shows me that the Rakghoul event is anything more interesting than watching water boil...
  2. I came back about 2 months ago after about a 3 year break. I'm enjoing the game playing in relaxation mode - I got burned out on doing the same ops/raids/fp's day after day. Never could stand pvp - only went when someone dragged me along. I've been playing the stories that I never finished and actually taking more time to look at the world I am in... and loving it. The immersion is great. Sadly I have been unable to find a guild that is a good mutual fit. I've tried a couple and after the first day, you tend to be ignored or there is just 0-2 other players on doing their own thing. A good fit is one with a voice chat that emphasizes community above all else. I couldn't care less about guild ships, guild strongholds - and required weekly attendance at events? just hell no. I enjoy story content, crafting, gathering mats, and even sharing someone else's story. I hate speed rushing through content - that isn't relaxing. I don't care about leveling or rushing to end-game content. Heck, it has been 2 months and I have barely started the Hutt Cartel xpac - because I wanted to get the feel of the game back and just found myself immersed in content that I cruised through in the past. So that is why I'm looking for an excellent community above all else. Server: Shadowlands - both factions. Edit: If you wish to contact me send ingame mail to: Ishballah - Imperial O'nyxia - Republic
  3. I am a Registered Nurse. Three guesses on how long I would be employed for a "technical failure" of this magnitude. The first two don't count.
  4. Actually this is how you improve their performance. Exactly how you improve their performance - by holding them accountable for their screwups... and make no mistake, they own this. To bend over backwards to give them the benefit of the doubt doesn't help. Well, I'm willing to give them some time to address unexpected issues - not 6 hours worth. This is a massive blunder on their part. It is good that they don't like this. It is also good that they take every criticism and not like that either. Because they deserve every. single. word. And they know it. They only person I feel sorry for is the messenger. He doesn't have much control over the situation and has a very tough job because he typically becomes a misplaced target.
  5. This has gone waaaaaay past expected updates and downtimes. So no, I didnt forget this part of it.
  6. Blizzard used to do this regularly. It is why I quit playing Blizzard games about 10 years ago or so... after suffering through this with them over several games.
  7. You are absolutely, unequivocally wron on too many levels to count. Entitlements are given to folks for free.... People who pay for a product expect what they pay for. Period. That isnt entitlement.
  8. I am not a "new folk". I have made and remade too many toons to count. Yes I left the game for awhile, but my legacy is level 50. I have several high level toons... and I STILL hate double xp when I roll or reroll a brand new toon. Part of that reason - not the whole issue - is that I like playing in some of the lower tiers for a break... and I also like grouping with guildies or friends who are rolling around on a lowbie (whether they are a fresh player or not).
  9. Thank you. I will look for him when I can log in again.
  10. Double xp inhibits you learning to play your toon, inhibits the difficulty level at lower levels - especially with a co-op group, and makes playing less fun.
  11. Ya, you might... but that doesn't change the truth of his statement.
  12. Heck I don't want xp. I actually HATE doubled xp and wish there was a way to turn it off (if there is, I don't know about it). I would rather have cartel coins. And gawd DON'T give us another pet that I will never use. It will go into the trash bin with all the stupid titles I never use.
  13. Wow. I knew they were bad, but not that bad.
  14. To think that I resubbed for this last month after leaving the game three years ago... for this among other issues. I actually thought that these types of issues would have been long gone by now. A triple A title with low-budget "B" scale problems? And for those who think compensation is "hilarious", other titles with MUCH lower budgets actually DO provide ingame compensation for flubs like this... it is called customer service and it works... I'm thinking that those who think that this concept is "hilarious" have no clue about the concept of customer service and its' intrinsic value... which is much more than 50 cents per day.
  15. Jesus! My one day off this week and we are offline all day? Just wow.
  16. After reading through more of these pages - I think that the OP is the one being unreasonable here. I was fully willing and able to change the name of my guild because I had been away from the game... albeit for longer than the OP certainly. but the other person has a right to the name since he left the game. OP should rename... and he has several options to do so while keeping the name he favors.
  17. So why did they reset both of mine? In his case of someone taking his name - I see a very simple fix... spell the name slightly different or add something else to the name, like: "Sanctuary of the Exiled" - or add a special character to one of the letters.
  18. Another relevant piece of information is that I had a guild on both factions - both names were reset when I returned to game. Both guild names were reset - both guild names returned at the same time. Now explain THAT as someone else taking both names?
  19. Thing is no one took my guild name - but they still pulled it from me and were initially forcing me to rename. I'm glad I waited. Because I was having trouble with coming up with a new name, I got my old name back.
  20. I had no guild name at all and was like "what the hell"? looked under guild tab and it said "expired" just like the OP. His initial experience and mine are almost exactly the same.
  21. Well I havent read through all the pages here, but did read through the first couple and no one addressed this. I came back to the game last month after being away about 3 years. My guild name was reset just like the OP's. I thought I was going to have to rename and was searching for a new name. But after about a week - and right after I renewed my sub - my old guild name returned on its' own. No explanations... nothing. Just returned as if there was no issue to begin with. I had just assumed that it had disappeared because I had been out so long.
  22. Agree with you 100%. F2P has pushed me closer to quitting the game rather than make me a happier subscriber. And I'm one of the diehards who has kept telling the other 4 players in my family who have stopped playing that it is still a great game. Doing a good job alienating me? Yep.
  23. I hide General Chat most of the time as well so I don't have to deal with the existing or new F2P boneheads. I also have shrunk and dimmed the big yellow cartel store button as far as it will go and moved it out of sight. I haven't spent even one CC on the market, but did unlock some legacy spots instead of using a trillion billion credits. So yeah, the game has stayed "about" the same for me too. Except I can't stay in fleet anymore with all them annoying boxes going off or *******s showing off their new Christmas toy. I find the cartel store extremely annoying - I play computer games so that I can get away from enduring commercials on TV... and I haven't watched TV in over 15 years. I've learned from past experience that the general type of gamer who flocks to a game because it is free is usually a bonehead that lives in a sludge bucket. It is the reason that I choose OL games that require a sub - you still have boneheads, but less of them. I still play this game because I enjoy the story lines and have made good guild friends. As soon as TES:OL comes out I aint even looking back once - and so will most of my guild friends. So much for the F2P fiasco... it has degraded the game in my view... as well as many I know in game... with only one direction left to go.
  24. My IA is a Chiss and I'm having a great time with it. I visualize the character as being able to blend in to any situation and because of her nondescript features - it is very difficult to describe distinguishable features on the Chiss - other than the blue skin... and skin color would be about the easiest thing to adjust/disguise in the Star Wars universe if needed for undercover work. I like to RP my Chiss as a chameleon-type of secret agent and find it a lot of fun to do so.
  25. No matter which faction I play, pub or imp, my characters usually end up more dark - or all the way dark - than not. I RP my toons - but find the light side choices a bit too wussy to be realistic. I don't RP dark/light as evil/good. I find it more realistic to consider them just two sides of a neutral force. It makes more sense to me - The Jedi code makes less sense to me than the Sith code... and I can't get into a wussy goody-two-shoes character on even my most benevolent day. That being said - i pick light side choices occasionally if they make the most sense for my character. It just doesn't happen that often.
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