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Posts posted by Darne

  1. Ok so first and foremost, I AM NOT HERE TO QQ. This is NOT a thread to say that anyone needs nerfing or that we need buffing or anything like that. Also please, no l2p comments. Because yes, that's exactly what this thread is here to do. In this thread, we discuss tactics. More specifically, tactics against specific classes.


    I am by no means a hardcore PvPer, but I am no casual either. I'm usually top 5 in damage and/or kills depending on WZ and if I'm attacking/defending etc., so I think I do alright in WZs. I tend to do alright against most classes, especially 1v1. They really have no chance if they aren't with their team. The situation that gets me killed >95% of the time however, is when a mercenary/commando joins the party - either 2v1 or shortly after I finish up killing an opponent and so am not at full health. I don't know if it's really just bad luck or if they indeed have the tools to counter me or if there are just tons of them running around.


    I almost never force charge into a fight in PvP. Knowing that every other class has a knockback, I save my charge to use right after they use their knockback. Going back to my situation though, let's say I kill a sorc/sage or whoever and so I am not at 100% health. Or that I'm coming out of AoE damage in voidstar or civil war. A mercenary/commando starts using his tracer missiles on me. I basically have two options here: fight or flight. If I decide to run, chances are I have camo. But at 4 secs any merc that doesn't have ADD should be able to find me in the nearest corner trying to hide. That is if there is even a corner nearby to hide in to begin with. I usually only get away with that in voidstar when it's a cluster **** around the doors. People tend to not notice if one person goes missing in that scenario. I most likely do not have 30 stacks of fury (and I'm not 50 yet so I don't have frenzy either), so I cannot use predation to build extra distance between us. My only option is therefore fight.


    So I choose fight. Again, chances are I have either ward or CoP available and immediately pop that to try and save some health while I close the distance. Like most mercs, he just spams those missiles. If it's huttball and he is on the ledge above me, I am forced to charge up. If I am lucky though, I can LoS him and force him to jump down and save my charge. Now that he's on the same level, I'll run in. They hit hard and every time they hit, that's another 4% of my armor rating gone. He gets 1 off as I charge/run in. While he starts his next one, I get disruption in. He panics, and not knowing what to do and uses his knockback. If i fall in acid or fire, that's my fault, but assume I was positioned correctly and don't. I am now forced to use my charge (If I haven't already. If I have, it's a guaranteed death) since his knockback also snares. But my disruption is only for 4 secs, and by the time I get back on him, he's right back to those tracer missiles. At this point I am always fighting a losing battle. A few more missiles and I am dead - probably taking a good amount of his health with me, but still dead.


    People always say sorc/sage are OP, but truthfully I think I struggle more with mercenaries/commandos. What's your go to strategy for fighting off those tracer missiles? Do you always run? Should I always be running if I'm not near full health or don't have all my CDs ready? Is there anyway to prevent his knockback/snare? What are my options after he does and how do I guage whether to try and reinitiate combate or try and run? Can they wear heavy armor or what other abilities do they have that make them seem so hard to kill? I need more info to counter them!


    I am not looking for a super buff that lets me 2v1 or a nerf to the mercs. I am looking for help on my situational awareness as well as asking for more detail on the merc class since I have not played one myself.


    Also, feel free to discuss strategy against other classes. Examples, how do you deal with those force lightning spamming sorcs or those self-healing vanguards?

  2. This is bogus and ridiculous.


    Why then is Kira shacking up with JK#56789? Shes a jedi, the player is a jedi, what gives bro? Your response is beyond stupid just based on that, never mind that there is no indication anywhere over her story arc that she is the perfect jedi or even aspires to be. How the hell do you then make the leap that shes all holy and above that? Basically you're just spouting nonsense. Hell, Bastila actually did aspire to the perfect jedi and you can romance her even when you're LS aligned. Can you explain that one to me, bro?


    Right on Merced. If full-fledged LS Jedis can romance, an on-the-fence type of Jedi/Sith should have no troubles with it.


    Another question for Bioware though; why even make companion gifts if you're going to make companions only romance-able as LS or DS? The whole reason behind companion gifts is so that you can romance anyone REGARDLESS of your alignment. Oh.... wait, that's right, Jaesa is the only one that is restricted to the character's alignment.


    Why did they decide to break their own rule for one companion on one class? I went into it thinking "it doesn't matter, I'll just use gifts if I have to, like I've always done in the past." There was no warning, no precedence, and no merit for this decision. ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. Thanks for ruining companions for my SW.


    /Bump for more attention

  3. I just acquired her as a companion and even though I chose every dark side chat option during the whole ordeal, she is still light side.


    Like other people have pointed out, it just doesn't make any sense that we can't romance her as light side. How come full light sided jedi can have romances (even though it goes directly against the jedi code) but a light sided sith cannot? After all, that is what she is.


    I should be able to romance whoever I want regardless of 1 misclicked chat option. This is ******** and seems like lazy story writing/plot holes. Either make her romanceable or don't hide the fact that you won't be able to if she is light side.




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