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Posts posted by Darne

  1. I want to know who thought it would be a good idea to put a level 50 rat in a zone on a level 25-30 planet.


    hahaha, when we were lvl 28 or so, me and a friend spent like 20-30mins taking turns kiting and hitting that thing to kill it because well.... there was nothing else for us to do there.

  2. Bioware already confirmed that open world PvP kills in 1.2 will grant valor and Merc Comms.


    Oh, that's actually awesome. I must have missed that info.


    I wonder if that'll mean outlaw's den will see more players then, as I'm not sure kills there count towards dailies/weeklies. I've never actually ran into anyone there. Quick fix would obviously just make it so Ilum daily/weekly can be done in outlaw's den as well.

  3. It's just funny to see new comers ask "Where do I get Merc comms from?" only to have everyone say "Trade in 30 WZ comms."


    The real way is through Outlaw's Den. There are chests out there that spawn who knows when and who knows where, that drop 20 merc comms each. Only thing is, I've gone there ~5 times now (lets say ~5-6 hours total in game play time) to see no one and only a few chests.


    The rewards per time spent is atrocious. The lack of people there make it unbearably boring and lame. It's interesting too because personally, I think the potential is HUGE!


    Picture Ilum, but now instead of (best case scenario) 20v20 zerg fest, picture 4v4v4v4v4. Granted, it would make pre-mades almost mandatory, but the fewer players and more strategy involved would make it more playable and fun. Now throw on a higher reward system, like Valor gains per kill and maybe even a few merc comms per kill.... and BOOM all the sudden Outlaw's Den is immensely popular. Especially since faction imbalances have no relevance in FFA PvP areas (i.e. Empire can fight empire in something that isn't Huttball)

  4. No.


    Orbital Stations.

    Races mean nothing in this game. ABSOLUTELY nothing. Voices are by classes, not races. Racial "ability" is just social fluff.

    Ridiculous number of instances throughout world leave me feeling like I'm playing 1 player game.

    FPS issues in settings where more than 10 players are on my screen.

    Orbital Stations.

    Orbital Stations.

    Absurd amount of CC in this game makes heroics/dungeons a joke and PvP the only real "Nightmare" mode.

    The number of situational abilities is over the top. Every class has ~8 core abilities with 30 rarely used ones.

    9/10 bosses are tank and spank. Bore-fest.

    Way too many load screens.

    Orbital Stations.

    Imperial fleet is the only place that feels like there are other players.

    Copy pasted way too many world locations/caves/dungeons.

    Most classes feel the same. Everyone has 1 knockback, 1 4sec stun, 1 CC and/or 1 interrupt. No class feels unique except the sorc/sage.... it's clearly the dev's favorite.

    Empire is WAAAAAYYYYY cooler than republic. Dirt vs lightning?! are you HONESTLY surprised there are faction imbalances?

    Ilum. What. A. Joke.

    Orbital Stations.

    WoW clone.

    This game is extremely easy with 4/8/16 people that know what they're doing, but extremely unforgiving with random PUGs where the tank or healer might be new to MMOs. 1 bad player can ruin everything so fast.

    Relies too much on dailies = too repetitive. Nothing else to do though.

    RNG on PvP bags. Feels so unrewarding and frustrating.

    Space combat. I did 1-2 space missions before thinking "Star Fox did this better back in 1997"

    Awful UI

    Crafting system is unrewarding.

    Auction house is terrible to navigate.

    Nothing in this game feels unique to this game.


    Story is cool and all, but how many times did you expect a player to sit through Black Talon before spacebaring it? Story only gets you so far. They spent so much time and money on voice overs that they forgot to develop anything new or game changing. This game desperately needs better gameplay.


    Nothing in this game so far has made me think "Oh, wow, that was really cool. NO OTHER GAME CAN PROVIDE ME WITH ______"


    Think back for a second. Was Mario Bros story good? No. In fact, every game is basically the same. The fun game play is what keeps me going back. Not the story.


    Mass Effect, Dragon Age, KotOR, etc. all had good game play to back up their stories. As soon as developers realize that GAMEPLAY is the important aspect of a (what do you know?!) GAME, the quicker we can leave real stories to be told in movies and books. Where they belong. I want to blow **** up, and have a blast doing so. Not sit through hours of subpar story cinematics.

  5. Sorry for the triple post, but I just wanted to say that it looks like no one wants to try and discuss this further. I'll go back to Netflixing for the night, as you guys unfortunately gave me no reason to log on.


    I tried.


    Anyways, thanks for reading my "dissertation." If this was hard to read, you should check out my actual dissertation....


    I'm unimpressed that people couldn't even back this game up for more than 2 posts. I probably won't check this thread again, so feel free to lock it. I don't mind. Have a good night.



    This is an MMO but it has a Bioware story. Confirmed in the guild summit is that there will be MORE STORY. This isn't just a case of you finish the class quests and maybe some FPs and grind for 3 years to do whatever Op is available then - they will be adding fully voiced, well-written, Bioware quality story. TO AN MMO!


    This will keep me as a very happy Bioware customer for years to come.


    There we go! The story! I'm interested to see what new story will be like. Whether they will have to increase the level cap or if it'll be more legacy system perks or epic purples or what. I've only played through the Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor stories, and they were both entertaining for sure.


    I think making the story areas more accessible to other people would be cool too. Me and a buddy basically leveled from 15-50 together on our main and it was cool to see the Imperial Agent's story through his eyes. Not sure many people take advantage of that though. I always see solo players.

  7. The game starts at level 1. I like that.


    Other games don't? I don't understand that one I'm afraid.


    The game has drawn me into the lore, I like that too.


    Agreed. SW lore is sweet. But did KotOR not do that too? Or any of the other 100s of SW games out there?


    The planets are vast and beautiful, like it.


    Also agree. The load times somewhat detracts that, but I'll give you this one. I enjoy the Voss planet as well. Completely new stuff there.


    The companions bring yet another aspect....I could write an essay on everything I like. Instead of an essay I will just come and write short replies that embody my overall satisfaction.


    All BW games have companions.

  8. Here's where you lose me. A) Online video games aren't commodities, they're services. If you don't feel that you get some value from the service, you aren't required to continue to subscribe. B) Car analogies are always bad. You really should resist the urge to use them.


    Your Internet/TV analogy is closer, but even then, you have MUCH more influence over what happens in this game than what happens on TV - and you should view that as a good thing. Much of the changes we're going to see in 1.2 and future updates are a direct result of feedback from these forums. That's awesome, and should be lauded, not derided.


    Service... commodity, whatever. I'm no economist. Let's not get weighed down by the vocab I used. Also, I agree with you 100% that 1.2 will be good. I'm not, and will never, contest that. It does seem they are reading our suggestions.


    Maybe I shouldn't have posted anything but the bolded part.....

  9. I just got home from work today and decided I'd write a dissertation about a Video Game.




    I've bolded and increased font size on the relevant parts for the TL;DR people.


    I'm just wondering why certain people can come up with huge laundry lists of what this game needs improvement on, yet no one has produced a SINGLE THING that this game does the best.


    I'm not trying to troll here, honestly. I am trying to spark some sort of discussion. Anything.

  10. I was just adressing one of your metaphores, nothing personal. I spoke in context to it.


    It's all good. Takes more than that to upset me.


    But just to be a jerk, you still haven't answered my original question :p

    What do you, sir or ma'am, enjoy about this game and believe no other game can offer you?

  11. You'll get used to it, i've felt this way with every single MMOG i've played.


    I won't claim to be any kind of hardcore MMO vet or anything, but I've played a few here and there. Each brought something to the table. What do you thing THAT SOMETHING is for SWTOR?


    I don't defend shoddy rushed to market products.


    However, although SWTOR was rushed to market it was not shoddy. Not perfect by any means, but fun and playable, with a great base to build off of.


    Yes, EA is the devil. Anyone with a brain cell knows this. But it turned out ok in the end, with a lot of room to get better.


    The game has played beautifully since launch. THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS THREAD IS ABOUT! Maybe I should bold my OP. What do you enjoy about this game? Give specifics!


    The game is moving forward and the devlopers are working to keep us entertained. If you don't like "the car" then don't drive it. Go buy whatever. Most of us biodrones are sick of those who continue to "drive this car" and gripe the entire trip. Its like riding with a grouchy old lady and its a long trip.


    I don't think comments like that help anyone. If someone who enjoys the game can't even think of 1-2 things you actually like about and thing is game changing, what hope do you have or recruiting new players? Or keeping current players? Don't hate me for expressing an opinion. Express yours. I'm much more open than the average forum troll.

  12. I just got home from work and I've been trying to read the forums for as much info about the guild summit as I can. To be honest, I am happy these changes are being made, but at the same time as a paying customer I am very disappointed. I've read several posts of trolls who I think want this game to fail (for reasons I don't understand why), but I've read an equal amount of posts of people who seem like sheep (no offense). Their replies go something like "Well, its here now. So be grateful!"


    Let's take that same approach to other commodities in which you pay for. Would you buy a car knowing the wheels would only be coming in 4 months later? Or an internet/tv package you'd only get rights to 4 months later? etc. That argument is weak, and you guys know it. As a paying customer of their product, after reading these upcoming changes I feel like I've been paying to beta testing their game.


    I can 100% guarantee that this was EA's doing, trying to get the game out for the holiday season. But honestly, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter who's fault it was. I feel violated now. Like I paid for an unfinished product. They are going to have to work now to get my faith behind them again, and hopefully 1.2 is a start. I look forward to reading the patch notes for that when they become available and giving it a go myself when it goes live.


    This is just how I feel. I'm sure others feel similarly and others don't. To keep this thread productive, as well as to help BW regain some of my trust. What are 1-2 things you guys really feel like this game has brought to the table (not just 1.2 but the entire game as a whole) that will keep you playing for a long time? Be it a specific FP you find fun, or some ability you love to spam.... anything. I know I'm going to get story as a main answer from people, but keep in mind other games (even other BW games) have done story better. I guess I'm looking for something "innovative" that this game has, and others don't, that has really caught your interest.

  13. I agree with OP, something has to be done. I'll give you an example that happened yesterday, today, and possibly tomorrow as to why.


    Me and 2 buddies join a WZ. It's voidstar. We're so excited that it's not huttball! We currently have 5 players (no idea how many they have) and so game begins. As soon as the two teams meet and start fighting, other team begins to kill us (I'm guessing we are out manned - but not 100% sure). A minute into the game, the first bomb is planted, immediately the other 2 players leave. It is now me and my 2 buddies vs 7-8. They rofflstomp us in less than 2 minutes total.


    For whatever reason, the game doesn't shut down and new players start joining our team. We are up to 5-7 players for our attacking round. Except oh wait... we have 2.5mins to do it tops because of our pathetic defending round 3v8. Great. Instant loss. I'd prefer the shut down as OP said.


    Similar things can and have happened in Huttball or Civil War where by the time you actually have 6-8 players you're already so far down that it is impossible to come back from. I've actually lost Civil War 600-0 at 3v8 with my 2 buddies. We should just start leaving too I guess..... seems like it's the cool thing to do.

  14. But what do you expect them to do right at this moment? It might just be a bucket, but if it can keep the water from overflowing until are proper solution is found I am all for it. With that being said, a more permanent solution must be found and it should not take 43534534 months.


    You sir, answered that very politely even though I'm obviously frustrated. I thank you, this community needs more people like you. Anyways, I'm too old and should know better than let a game get the better of me. I should just go to bed. I'll deal with this game when 1.2 comes out. For now, back to other games.

  15. I agree, only i'm still playing is because the people I came here with are still here. We only log on for raids though, as outside of raids, the game is boring.


    I thought alts would be good, but it's also boring, doing all those same quests again, same route. Big mistake.


    It doesn't help the servers are also dead, because they put stupid caps on at launch and released too many servers.


    The game has potential but was released too soon and the engine is crap, the game plays horrible compared to that other mmo.


    If it wasn't for the fact this is Star Wars, I probably wouldn't of made it to 50, or quit after my first raid.


    Yep, similar story. My buddies from undergrad/graduate years have been looking for a more social game to play together. As soon as one of them throws in the towel, we all will. We will move to another game.



    Yeah. Definitely tiring of the game. I'll stick around as long as my friends and guildies do. Keeping a close eye on GW2 these days.


    Don't forget Diablo 3! I loved D2, one of the most played games for me.



    For me its the endgame thats the problem, i have no problems with the game prior to the endgame its just that endgame is extremly weak atm.


    Raids are to easy, my guild came over here from wow and we were really looking forward to the whole 3 different difficulty raid system, however it turned out to be a bad joke as there is no difference between hard and nightmare difficulty and the raids themself are pure tank and spank fight's apart from soa. I mean we spend 2.5 hours / week clearing the whole raid content, that's just not right for content thats not even 3 months old.


    There's no character progression at all past 50 exactly like it was in wow,and gearing beeing so fast in sw:tor just makes you "finish" the game so much faster, and im beeing serious you do actually finish sw:tor, my guild have almost 30 people in it, and people just dont log on anymore (which their demographic should start to show) because you can only roll so many alt's before it get's tedious as well.


    Im waiting for 1.2 as well and so is my whole guild, no pressure or anything but i think 1.2 need to bring on some serious amount of highend content or people will go do something else.


    You are exactly correct. I got to 50 and I'm bored. But I haven't been 50 long enough to make me want to roll an alt yet either. Hmmm, I don't want to play my toon or roll a new one. Seems like a problem to me! Seems like everyone is waiting for 1.2. I hope they realize they HAVE to deliver or bye bye.

  16. Awesome is what the changes are!!! No more Ilum and its poor performance+boringly camping repubs in their base while they clearly are getting crap valor as us imps own all the points.


    The extra valor you will get from wz's is another massive welcome. I don't feel sorry for those with high valor at all. I feel more sorry for the repubs that have been wasting huge amounts of their time trying to grind valor in Ilum.


    Can honestly say this is the most impressed I've been with a patch since release! Look forward to running up some repub chars now.


    So instead of fixing your leaky pipe, you just but a bucket under it and call it done? Open your eyes dude, they have and will be doing this for everything.


    Not to be mean or anything but you're probably the type of player that thinks trophies/achievements adds replay value. That's a cop out on actually making a game fun enough to make me want to play.

  17. your all just a bunch of star wars fans.. who wont admit this is an epic fail until this forum is gone because bioware had to kank it before they went completely broke like they are about to.. 125 million dollars to make this game?!?!?! lmfao good luck getting that back bioware


    To be fair, I don't think anyone knows how much this game took to make. It is stated as one of the most expensive in history though. If it were only 125 million, selling 2 million boxes at $60 each gets them 120 million. Plus some subs here and there and they broke even.


    just sayin'


    I hope it was more like 500 million. I want other companies to learn a lesson here as well.

  18. ilum is going to require a hell of a lot more work than what bioware can accomplish in a few weeks, or even a months time.


    in my opinion, this is as close as we are going to get to a "we're sorry we fkd up" from the devs. ilum is atrocious, and at least for now we will be able to avoid it.


    hopefully, in the near future (ie 3-6 months) we see a completely reworked ilum patched in. one that actually works


    They ****ed up horribly. To the point where it becomes questionable if they QA tested it at all. At what point during them testing Ilum did someone say "Hmmm, this is fun. Let's go with this!"


    Another overlooked problem I think is Outlaw's Den. How useless is that place? Very. No one is ever there. Why have merc comms when the only feasible way to get them is by converting warzone comms into merc comms? Another poor game design decision.


    I for one and frustrated at the poor decisions being made. I can overlook the bugs as this is a new game, but over looking game mechanics is a bad idea.

  19. Great effort?? Serious, kill Ilum instead of fixing it and give people free rank 60s. Take the easy way out Bioware. Only carebear fanboys are happy with these pvp changes.


    HA! someone beat me to it.


    100% agree. RIP Ilum.


    This is the last time I fall for another of BW's fail game design decisions. I think I'm done as well.

  20. And that's the truth, really. The voice acting IS really cool, but in the end I'd rather have a game full of features and less voice acting.


    It is really cool yes, but let's ask ourselves another question. If/When you roll an alt (if it's the same faction) are you going to listen to all that again? I for one will be space baring through anything that isn't a class mission. I'm not rolling a Republic toon either as all I hear are people complaining they lack players for PvP/OPs/FPs and let's be serious.... lightning >> dirt.

  21. Then reroll on a more populated server. And be proactive about finding people to play with instead of sitting back and expecting it to happen.


    I understand you got unlucky with your low-pop server, and I'm not saying that the game is perfect - and yeah it does lack certain features people have come to expect. But saying that there isn't multiplayer content in the game is a blatant lie.


    I play on one of the most populated servers in this game, and I STILL feel like the OP. The companions replace other human players. You do by yourself what would normally take two. Or with 2 what would take 4. There is no incentive to party or group together aside from the occasional heroic. There are so many instances spread throughout the world for "story" purposes that it feels fragmented. It's hard to even see players running around as we are each in our own little world.


    They took both Ms out. The massive and the multiplayer. This is no different than me and a buddy each playing Mass Effect, while talking on vent together.


    Well said OP.

  22. In B4 "get a life, go back to WoW, don't rush to 50, story based MMO BRO!"


    I didn't rush to 50, me and a buddy causally (as you people seem to call it) playing 2-4 hours a night got to 50 together. We didn't skip any cut scenes, we did all the FPs, we PvPed. I really think we did everything this game has to offer. It just feels flawed and like I said, NOT IN A BUG kind of way, but in a "why is this like this" kind of way. I haven't played WoW in years, so your argument is kind of moot too.



    The same is happening to my guild. I'm in a "server first" guild for PvE raiding and we used to have 30-40 online at a time. Now we're lucky to have 10.


    Bah, sorry to hear. I really only play with 3-4 buddies of mine from my undergrad and graduate years. We get randos to fill in for our 8 man runs. I don't think any of us will be playing if 1.2 doesn't deliver though.


    100% agreed.


    about to throw it on the shelf and go back to anything other then this piece of crap.... THE MOST SHALLOW MMO EVER CREATED.


    no replay value.






    I agree. Their only redeeming quality is voice acting. But Mario Bros. didn't need voice acting to be a fun game. They focused so much on it that they clearly forgot to develop other aspects of the game.


    Great OP, and I share your concerns about Ilum. It's like this is a tacit admission by Bioware that, yes, Ilum sucks and is broken, but rather than fix it, they'll just shut it down. Our only outlet for world PvP and, poof, the entire point of the planet is destroyed in the blink of an eye.


    I also agree with you that, at the end of the day, the basic game is deeply flawed -- flawed in such a way that it has been irreparably harmed. No amount of magic patches can fix what's wrong with TOR, because the situation is akin to trying to hide an ugly nose with a bandaid -- fixing the problem with require surgery that this title really cannot conduct. So we're stuck with ugly, and with a developer who appears to believe nothing is wrong.


    Shame they'll probably shut down this thread because 'your concerns have been shared here [insert random other 100 page complaint thread].' You raise some very valid points.


    Thanks, I fear Ilum will RIP come 1.1.5. It's yet another attempt of them sweeping the dirt under the rug. The rug can only hid so much dirt before it runs out of room and it starts to show. I think we hit that point.

  23. So before I begin, I am holding out for 1.2, and that will honestly decide whether I stay or not. I hope I do. There are some parts of this game I enjoy, but I know a lot of people out there are just going to say "QQ more" and that's fine. I guess I am QQing a little. I'm saddened that this game isn't anywhere near what I thought it should be. And no, I'm not talking about annoying game breaking bugs (as this game is new, I understand. Give it time). My concerns run much deeper. I think it's time to start actually coming to terms that this game won't live up to the hype due to many many many poor decisions that lead to poor game design.


    From boring FPs (9/10 bosses are tank and spank with boring mechanics), to every class feeling the same, to the absurd about of CC, to no racials, to absolutely horrible traveling, to lame looking epic gear that doesn't feel like SWs at all, to whack a mole healing, to single player feel due to all the "group phases" "story phase" "this phase" "that phase," to companions being a lame crutch for fun gameplay, to the atrocity that is an orbital station, to the copy paste of map layouts etc etc etc. The list goes on. I think I'm drawing the line here though, when I read the patch notes for 1.1.5.


    Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones.

    Battlemaster and Champion Commendations are now available on the PvP Vendor for Warzone and Mercenary Commendations.


    I understand they like having Outlaw's Den being 100% useless with no one ever there and farming mercenary commendations there being pointless..... but COMON! FFS! YOU'RE GOING TO KILL ILUM TOO? *** IS WRONG WITH YOU? You realize no one is going to play Ilum after this right? There is already very small incentive for the undermanned faction to go out there, you really want to give them 0? Good job guys.


    I also applaud that they FINALLY made it so healers get kill credit. As if they didn't notice during QA testing that tanks can easily get 7-10 medals in WZs while healers can struggle to get 5. It's like they don't play anything except their treasured golden boy class Sorc/Sage. They just keep hyping 1.2 up more and more. I hope they can deliver because right now they've lost my faith. They had it from their past titles NWN, KotOR, ME, DA, but I think they should go back to making one player games because this is one mediocre single player game at that.


    Like I said, I truly hope 1.2 delivers. I liked the change of pace this game offered from other MMOs out there. I can over look opening up your inventory causing a 1 sec delay (try running around opening/closing your bag), but I can't overlook the way they are dealing with their game development. Poor game design is poor. I hope you guys are smart enough to see these are real problems. Ones that cannot be fixed by promising us NEW SHINY CRYSTALS AND DANCES PARTIES BFFFEAEAEAE YAYAY!!! I want a fun game, not cosmetics.


    So far, I've been let down repeatedly.

    Inb4 Bye, we won't miss you. Because you will once everyone that thinks like me leaves and you're left with a fleet that has <100 during peak hours.

  24. I think if you want something for your companion you say at the start of the run that you would like to Need on whatever class gear for one specific companion, and in exchange, forgo any gear that you might equip for your player character. On a different run you may choose to only Need for your character. But to have one player selecting Need gear for several different classes is greedy and could potentially create an imbalance in loot distribution among all contributing members of the flashpoint/operation.


    I don't think of it as a rule, but it's a matter of courtesy and consideration of the group effort. I'm making it a point to clarify this at the start of runs since it's really just a matter of communication and agreement. At that point anyone that decides to go back on what they agreed is, pardon my language, not a gentleman.


    I'd be ok with you rolling for your character OR your companion. Like you and Galbatorrix have stated, rolling for everything will create an imbalance, and it's that imbalance that has caused grief to so many.


    If companions were meant to be part of you, I think everyone would be rolling need for everything. Which is definitely not intended.

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