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Everything posted by Rippeh

  1. Resilience was actually put into the game because of PVE concerns. PVPers were whining that raid geared players were entering warzones and crushing everyone under the weight of their epics. So PVP gear was introduced that had just straight up stats. It was the best in the game. You could grind that **** out solo if you had enough basement time and mountain dew. PVE min-max OCDers then complained that PVP high warlords were going into raids and kicking their asses on the DPS meters. So they added resilience, a way to make PVP gear good for PVP, yet terrible for PVE. In the end the best gear for pvp was a mix of the two anyway. I agree that expertise is terrible, but the bottom line is not expertise, it's the gear gap. Even if you remove expertise there will still be unkillable terminators in pvp. That's the nature of the game. They should just make a bolstered bg option for 50s that gives only moderate cash rewards. I'd play the **** out of that.
  2. 1.2 didn't change only sents/maras. there were changes to pretty much every other class as well as sweeping global changes. expertise linear scaling. increased top tier expertise values. healing nerfs. changes to defensive cooldowns of other classes. basically everyone's damage went up and survivability decreased, but sent/mara survivability decreased a lot less relative to most other classes. your douchey analysis is too limited and does not reflect the entirety of 1.2 changes. I rerolled mara on a populated server, left my two non-mara BM 50s and multiple alts behind on some dead rock. My server's pvp community was tiny and the imps were heavy on maras even before the patch notes were announced, so i know which maras were bad and which were good. Post-patch even the bad maras were destroying people. Their good healers either stopped playing as much or rerolled maras with similar names. In my experience maras have a lot of options to survive. Bad ones don't use them and die, good ones use them and are OP. In the 1.2 environment maras will usually kill people before the maras even need to worry about their multiple offensive/defensive cooldowns unless they are outnumbered. then the bad ones die, and the good ones still might win or escape.
  3. 1. Tab target. Three guys within thirty meters in front of me, one of them at ten percent health. PRESS TAB SEVEN TIMES! Good game. 2. Weird spazzing out then disappearing/reappearing. Knock a guy off a catwalk. He spazzes out on the ground then reappears five seconds later. Where is he now? Back on the catwalk. Ground level but twenty feet away. On a different catwalk. It's different every time! How fun! 3. Click on release mouse targeting. Oh tabs not working I'll just click oh I got someone else oh that's not who I wanted either
  4. You can't use tactics in a pug. The smart move would have been to rage quit the second you realized your team was stupider than theirs. Sometimes your shoulders are just not strong enough to carry some of these mouth breathers to victory.
  5. cancel your sub. then make a new character on a heavy pop server with the time you have left. if you enjoy pvp again then resub. if you cant stand levelling again then leave it cancelled. as long as you keep paying they dont care what you say.
  6. how about you dont reward pvp at all. Bolster everyone the same as soon as they zone in. pvp is so obviously an afterthought anyway. then we can just play the game, no one gets crushed under the weight of epics and no one is there just to farm rewards. or just give people the OPTION of joining bolstered warzones or rated warzones. see which one is more popular
  7. theres a healer in the back free casting. i attack and within 3 globals i have 3 marauders on me. i run up to a node and start fighting. within 3 globals i have 4 marauders on me. i am defending a node and start fighting. within 3 globals i have 4 marauders on me. the forcefield drops and i jump down. within 3 globals i have 4 marauders on me. i take a speeder off the dropship. within 3 globals i have 4 marauders on me.
  8. most healers got the shaft as well, so only time will tell. they actually seem to have improved burst, with 10% more damage to demo round. to burst down a healer you really should do a damage rotation, then when demo round is back up again, do sticky-grav-demo-cryo, then whatever is off cooldown. i would be much more concerned with the survivability nerfs and marauder buffs.
  9. oh yes, common sense tells me a professional gaming journalist was specific enough to mention two mirror classes earlier in a sentence then just didn't bother to do it again later in that same sentence. RIPPEH FROM GOREFIEND
  10. well they specifically say warrior and knight which are mirrors, and then only say bounty hunter instead of bounty hunter and trooper which leads me to believe its an imperial only nerf. Only thing i can think of is that they are extending the mortar volley delay to death from above.
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