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Everything posted by zhradik

  1. PVE-ppl and regstars feel offended, need another thread for them
  2. Some ppl talking like pros, shame they play only regs ^ Rage spec will be useful in rateds after 2.7, Imperial Ratslaying Service continue its job to clear galactic from rats and bads
  3. zhradik

    2.7 changes

    yeah we will at least, my guild will queue for team rankeds in double smash setup after 2.7, but at first ppl need see which rewards they will get for season 1....
  4. zhradik

    2.7 changes

    ok, please reduce cd on lowslash then, like 7 seconds...
  5. zhradik

    2.7 changes

    yes, but mercs and pt's have hydraulic now , sorc has 2 breakers , snipers has roll, assassin has phasewalk...
  6. zhradik

    2.7 changes

    So If it goes like this and you killing maradeurs from patch to patch lemme suggest few things 1. Smash dmg is op now , and if you change rage spec this way , pls rebuild smash , it should work like Wither in assassin's Darkness spec - doesnt damage lifted , sleeping etc... 2. No cleanse for annihilation dots 3. Give Unstoppable for carnage tree I hope we will see some of these changes in future patches
  7. now backpedalling sages can stack with each other and with pocket tank, looks like this game need moar casual players
  8. Group ranked on tofn are alive, just find good guild and queue between 6 pm and 10 pm gmt, insta pops all time
  9. Don't forget they dont have hardstuns also
  10. But you tried arenas , i remember your emotes after 2-3 loses for republic.... And i dont accept words like - we dont want play arenas, we dont like it, give us a possibility to queue with 8 ppl in 1 group, it's not hard to imagine what these ppl want from this game..
  11. This made my morning ^^ Please check leaderboards, use Tofn filter, and you will see how "many" republic players are on top. Pugstomping in normals, and no more, but for me - weekly for 2 hours is usual situation as empire player
  12. Stop soloqueueing! Premades for life!
  13. its the same republic premades today with healers etc, but they are losing against ungeared pugs , normal wzs cant increase your skill . if you want to play better you need face competetive teams, republic side degradating these days
  14. np, but at first , let me finish weekly on my 6 55s for empire
  15. I know Definitely, republic need more commandos and sages, 6-7 per wz is not enough But, who cares about normals.... The best solution from sponsored by Karagga, normals on pub side, solo ranked on imp side
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