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Everything posted by Lord_Ravenhurst

  1. Instead of speculation a definitive dev answer would be appreciated. I´ve been asking myself this question since they came up with Expertise and never ever found an answer.... :-/
  2. Need an answer to this too, about to throw away some older mods or move them to companions, now a definitive dev answer if companions have any use for expertise would be great
  3. why are people complaining, OP loves the event there is no sarcasm, only the Force
  4. they really should have a little chat with Funcom how to do GREAT events. Boy when I think about TSW and all the amazing events they had since launch. 2 Halloween events with entire questlines, new locations, tons of rewards, tons of stuff on top of that in their ingame store. Then Christmas events, with mythical backgounds like Krampus this year.
  5. Another Star Conflict - World of Tanks - World of Warplanes - GSF - Moonbreakers Clone! Yay! Forget X-Wing of the 90ies -- way too complicated gameplay+controls for the microtransaction F2P casuals !
  6. why do people recreate the same crap thread over and over again CLASS STORIES ARE DONE, GET OVER IT OR PLAY SOMETHING ELSE
  7. well then we can speculate what the plan is for TOR when Star Wars BFIII is out, cause I bet that one has lightsabers and "Star Wars" written all over it (also the more popular time period).
  8. http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=52ae40d0e4b0169ef69e72ae
  9. I was waiting for this damn bumped it again
  10. who bumped that useless multiple choice poll I congratulate 2500 people for voting on a useless broken poll
  11. it is shocking how many people list exactly these reasons, star wars and lightsabers. So if EA's Battlefront and open world SW multiplayer game come out, guess what will happen to TORs population..
  12. the glorious return of sandbox MMOs is coming sooner than you think. EQ Next Star Citizen World of Darkness Archeage The Repopulation Life is Feudal Pathfinder Online Camelot Unchained Shroud of the Avatar ... all coming 2014/15
  13. cause fat chicks would remove the companion romance options
  14. you mean Don't let the door of the shopping center hit you on the way home to play TOR
  15. I can confirm this unfortunately ios7 is a complete joke and butt ugly
  16. pro tip: spend all your credits above 350K on account unlocks from the GTN as long as your gametime is active. Otherwise all your credits above 350K go to escrow and you need to pay caretl coins for unlocks. I´m going back to preferred too on Dec.20 but I got all unlocks with ingame credits already
  17. Well in SWG only Bounty Hunter profession could pick up bounty hunter missions - well that just made too much sense for EA, so hey why not be a Jedi Guardian doing paid assassinations. It´s in the lore. Somewhere. For sure. Just ask George Lucas.
  18. Sorry, but I have a question: ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? You are suggesting the money grab machine EA abusing some crowdfunding platform intended for INDIES to raise money? R U SRS? R U ? EA: keep your greedy mitts off Kickstarter and crowdfunding, thank you
  19. I wanted to walk up to a hangar and jump into a ship, then fly out of the hangar, set some course on a cockpit panel and fly into battle. Maybe the queue up button was just the cheaper solution.
  20. I hope for SWTOR 3.0: The return of Star Wars Galaxies -Open world housing areas added to every planet -Dynamic day/night/weather changes -Tons of new loot and items for placement in our houses, plus earning housing items added for achievements -Flying mounts / atmospheric flight / planet maps expanded and polished -Speeders revamped, now running at 300%+, open world racing
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