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Everything posted by bravotwentysev

  1. no point of running this game on a server or high end developer workstations. One i5 or i7 proc dual or quad will do. If I am correct the game is not multi threaded.
  2. made a character on asia server named 'servercrash"
  3. CPU is a factor but it also going to matter on you MB, MEM and your GPU. Just because you have a high end cpu but low mem or crappy GPU the game will run crappy. Hardware bottlenecks, bad driver install, Old OS's will be bad also.
  4. I guess nobody got the memo.....what memo....Their was a memo.....Coffee break see ya all later
  5. I got booted also. All servers down
  6. Not knocking this app/feature an such but all these people with SSD drives doing this why didnt you invest is more memory instead or a 64bit OS? Plus you know this will degrade you SSD drive faster.
  7. But alot of people just play the game and not the resource\crafting\GTN roulette part of it. I had about 10 guildmates that didnt craft or get resources they just wanted to PVE and story part of the game.
  8. It simple people see a new MMO out and right off the bat they think its a better game. They ASSume that it will have everything from the game they left and more. They think it will have a ton of content from the start. That a new MMO will not have any bugs, downtime, maintenance schedules or issue right out the gate. They rush through the game and cry "i have nothing to do give me more content" after the first 30 days". They want this because its in WOW or that because its in GW. I seen this in EQ(2), anarchy online, DDO, DCUonline, SWG, swtor, DAOC. Everybodys want the next new MMO to be the the killer game that they came from. If it isnt they whine whine whine pout pout pout to try and get it that way. They cant face the facts of if it isnt here than go back to that game you so highly priase of great features. They tend to forget EQ(2) and WOW have been out for how many years and went through how much development, add-ons, xpacks, revamps an such they think a new MMO should have all that. They want a new MMO that has 9 years of content right out the gate. When SWTOR came out that all you seen the WOW junkies asking for. WOW has this I want it here. When they found it wasnt happening first thing they did is bashed the game. I am not saying SWTOR is perfect but as of right now its the only game worth playing right now.
  9. OMG So true. I was looking for medium armor boots for a lev 30 the other day. Prices were at 50k, 100k, 150k. Looked at a lev 50 boots better stats and all 10k,15k, 25k.
  10. yeah its the people that state....When the cost of my armor, weapons, and time to get all the resources and make them have to factor into my selling price. Ummm you can still hunt, kill, quest as stuff is being made. It's not like you had to sit in a corner for hours as the suff is being made. Then you have the followers that say.. Oooohhh that sold for a million and it's gone I will sell mine for 1.5 mil and so on.
  11. Its greed, credit resellers, and such. 4 months ago I was making purple barrels all in the 40+ range. I place about 50 up their and sold them at 50% of the highest one. That gave me room to recoupe and make a nice profit. I put them up about 10pm my time, log off got to work come home all gone. I didnt care my stuff was beign resold but never moving but only the ones I sold at a lessor price. I love that items say made by.... This is how I knew my stuff was being resold and not moving at that high price. If something cost me 5k to make I only need to mark it up 1k more not 50K more like some people do.
  12. Their better be more craftable gear an stuff and not only raid dropped stuff for beyond 50 than. Ugh more levels and regearing:jawa_frown:. Hey thats why we all play MMO's
  13. The need more perks that is tied to all your toons other than just buffs and never going to use un-armed combat moves. This pay per character is not so hot for me.
  14. When it first when it came out a 10, 4 months after that a 4 due to nerfs, major unfixed bugs, raids wiping due to bugs and than they cannot be finished due more major bugs. After walking away for 6 months and coming back I say an 8 now. I dont have to sit in a corner for hours trying to XP, I can go at my own pace and not worry about falling behind. I came back to an empty guild but meeting new folks and getting back into the swing of things is enjoyable. If story modes, quicker bug fixes and legacy was from day 1 than none of my guildmates would have left.
  15. Leagacy was mainly for the alt-A-holics. Beyond that its was a meaningless add-on for people who had 2 level 50's before the launch of legacy. It was their way of saying "to keep playing was to roll alts and lots of them", waste your credits on stuff and fluff that was meaningless to a level50.
  16. Its based upon kill shot. If he wasnt present when the kill shot was done he wont be flagged for loot or tradeable loot 2 hour limit.
  17. This sort of happended tome the other day. I just returned to the game and other day I did an EV raid. No loot rules were expressed when we started or when invited. I joined to get the feel of the game again. We got to the end and the raid speeder dropped. I didnt have it so i needed it. As soon as I won it 2 others sent me a tells saying everything is greeded out I cheated. I told them nobody informed me and nothing was expressed when it dropped. The person who invited me didnt say anything about it was just the random pug invites didnt like it. They stated it common server rules all is greeded out unless it class armor need. Umm is their some new server rule put inplace I dont know of? It was an item i didnt have and could use. It's not my fault you didnt roll need and their were no loot rules stated upfront.
  18. The Back end DB has to retain all the characters for everybody. The larger the DB the more resources it consumes. The more slots people have the more data the slot has to retain in the DB. Be it armor, levels, resources, GTN sale items, etc etc. We are a bunch of 1's and 0's but they sure do take alot of space.
  19. Its sort of runny as many of these thing people are listing are the same when EQ, EQ2, SWG, many other MMO's. People wanted more...much more....pleanty more with in the first year. Shoot when EQ came up there were no raid zones at first. EQ2 had no PVP and went through what 3 combat revamps before the first expansion. SWG we had no vehicles we all had to run and than we got slapped with NGE...UGH still hate saying those words to this day. I have no clue on WOW as I never played it. I know this game was bum rushed and sort of a massive flop with its story driven ADVENTURE...yeah right. It's old outdated engine and it massive spending on its famous people voice overs. Now look at the 3 MMO's EQ, EQ2, WOW. They are all still here and with a pretty solid player base to each its own. All have gone through revamps of some sort and people still play them. Can Bioware learn from their mistakes? I hope so. Do they have enough time to change and I hate to say might cause a revamp? Yes. We have to live with it and hope after the first year or so it improves. No MMO to this date had a nice first year with out many issues and changes. If I am worng then list the MMO and not a GW or GW2 or COD type game. I am talking a true type MMO.
  20. I dont think so. Its only for dropped loot to trade to other group members. Also the 2 hour window only affects people that were in the group at the time of the drop.
  21. Wait the 2 hours. How hard is that? Stuff in your cargo..go play...come back. 2 hour timer to trade to people in that group who are idiots who came to misclick. 2 hour timer for a incorrect purchase refund What more do you all want or to complain about. How about they just revert it back to the SOL type deal again.
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