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Everything posted by lumuni

  1. From glancing at the RP-PvP servers, you're not in danger from low population, I created a char of each planetary origin on one, and every time I've logged one on, there's been a minimum of 10-15 people on the starter planets. The servers they're likely the most concerned with are those like the one I play on where you can be on any planet during peak hours and you're lucky if there's 4 people on that planet with you. Last Saturday on my primary server for instance at approximately 8pm server time 24 republic players logged in on the server as a whole, 37 imperial. If you ever do a cleared search box search of your server and see 100, let alone 100 on both fleet stations at any given time, your server's probably healthier than 50% of them.
  2. Mustafar (Lava planet that Anakin fights Obi Wan on) I think this one's completely obvious, it looks awesome. Sernpidal (Planet that Chewbacca dies on) Well, Chewbacca dies there, the planet deserves some level of recognition within at least one Star Wars game sometime, what better game than this one. Sadly due to the descriptions of the world provided in the novels, there's not much ability to make the storyline here larger than that of Quesh. Mon Calamari (Admiral Ackbar's home world) This world could add new elements into the gameplay, including some method to explore in a water environment while utilizing character skills without requiring a pre-planned path as is done in the space missions. On the other side of it without adding new mechanics into the game the planetary scenery has a lot of potential for beauty, huge clear dome rooms with windows that the water-life can be seen through, or even the concept of a semi-permeable surface that only keeps out water but allows sea life to break through and attack you. Myrkr (Planet that the force negating Ysalamiri are native to) Adds a new facet into the gameplay cripling many of the jedi characters abilities. Yavin 4 (eventual location of Jedi Temple in the post Star Wars books) Freedom to integrate some of the backstory of why Yavin 4 holds some of the features it does in the novels, the force tainted places, the Mayan like architecture, etc. Hapes Consortium (Planetary system featured in the novels from which Tenel Ka originates) Creates a multi-planet map, much like Coruscant and Nar Shadaa use the multi based city map allowing for a huge differentiation between royal-esque stylings of cities upon greatly varying wilderness.
  3. In many other MMOs, it's customary for some of their expansions to come out with additional classes, are additional classes planned for future expansions? A Jedi Illusionist (something like Corran Horn in the novels) or an Artillery/Engineer type class that could include droids as a playable race would be excellent.
  4. UI upgrade was great as a whole, however as some mentioned, improvements could include recoloring options different UI themes, etc, but that's not necessary for a positive perspective of it, just a thought.
  5. Well, cross server queues would be a partial fix for the PvP situation at least. However in my case at least, I play on a PvP server, which I chose for what I expected to be probable fighting other players regularly on my planet, fighting people to be able to finish my quests and whatnot. Sadly, even when I started, Planets rarely had more than 20 empire and 10 republic players on them at any given time, and due to the size of the maps and the story maps not even interlacing, with quests deep in the opposing faction's zone, this meant I only ever saw about 15 opposition players on the world map in the course of a couple weeks... Where's the fun? Most likely the best fix (at least for the pvp servers) is a regional server merge combined with a per server capacity increase. There should easily be 100 people on the fleet stations and 40+ on every planet making for a much more interesting game play. Say every pvp East server and every pvp west server became one (maybe 2 in the case of East). In addition for a Legacy fix without the server merge option included, Legacies could span all servers as an option when characters on the new server finish chapter 1 and receive their legacy, they could have the option of linking legacy or creating a new one.
  6. Jawa ftw! I want a little midget that steals technology from people!
  7. Ok, first, when did George Lucas declare Darth Sidious the most powerful dark lord ever? There was mention of the emperor not dying when he was thrown down the hole by Vader? Sorry, he died, the later appearances were all declared to be Palpatine clones, and it was a clone of Palpatine that turned Luke Skywalker dark for a short period. Lucas didn't read any of the books? Well, he may not have personally read the majority of the finished products, but last I checked the Star Wars title was copywrited and all the books were at least licensed to be published by his company based on their pre-written layout. Lucas had to give permission for Chewbacca to die and his other characters that die in the series and the methods of their death had to be directly approved by him. Now as far as mention of the books and their bearing on the Star Wars universe, or at least on the Star Wars: The Old Republic universe, many characters introduced in books and species first mentioned in the books are mentioned within the gameplay. For example: Killiks, the hive minded insects on Alderaan were originally written into Star Wars lore in the books, there is ZERO mention or appearance of them in the movies (though they may be in the Clone Wars CGI animated series, I wouldn't know. So obviously the game writers have read the books, and yes as far as novel based Star Wars lore, there were many more powerful Sith than Palpatine/Sidious. Now, as far as the original post: Moving an entire planet is easy to fit into the lore based on Yoda's teaching of Skywalker, "Size matters not" so it's just a matter of perceiving the planet-moving task as undaunting and being confident in the ability to move it. Creating a black hole, much the same. If the force strong character were raised in some way without the artificial boundaries created by perception "This is big", "this is small" it really wouldn't matter, he believes he can do, therefore he can. No more stupid arguments now, kthx.
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