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Posts posted by Kaarsa


    Then you just root, snare, and kill the marauder at range before he even gets to you, I don't see how not charging is ever a better option unless you're playing someone too stupid to realize you're coming.


    Close gap with force camo. With predation if needed. Problem solved (yes I know it has pretty long CD. Being dead gives you even longer CD).


    IMO, playing a melee class in 90% is an art of gap closing. If you always use charge to do that, than many classes that react to charge by knockback+root will have easy time with you. As I said, I play assasin, I close gaps fine without charge, and often without force speed. I cant see a reasen why marauder cant do the same and have a charge ready to use after being knocked back, rooted etc.


    I am not commenting on rotations starting with no rage and force charge, because I dont think you should use them usually;)

  2. For one, if you're opening with a slow you're severely gimping your damage. You can look at any of these amazing marauders that are super op, and look at their videos, and none of them open with a slow. If you're opening with a slow instead of os>zs you're not going to be doing any damage for some 9 seconds on your target.


    Two, simply ignoring anyone on high terrain isn't an option, if the guy defending the middle node is on the balcony, I don't really have an option if I want to take the node. Saying that I should simply ignore everyone on a higher elevation and saying that's balanced is stupid.


    Being kited is gimping your damage even more. Opening with charge and getting knocked back will gimp your damage AND get you killed. Slow applies DoT from deadly saber btw. And slow is 2 rage, 1 basic attack (whatever it is called) gives you back those 2 rage, so you are delaying your hardest hitter for 3 seconds, not 9.


    As I said, sometimes charging is a best solution. But usualy it is not. Predation>vanish in situation of guy at the balcony is much better imo than charge>being knocked back. As sin, I would have to walk to that guy to kill him, and gues what? I do that and I am able to kill them. Because when they knock me back, I can use force speed to break root and get to them.


    Anyway, people say that marauder charges them, they knock him back, root, snare and kill. NOT charging is a counter to this, and ofc then all those charging and dead moment later maras claims that charge is a best solution. Well, obviously it is not, it is getting you killed. Try something else maybe?

  3. If marauder opens on you with charge and is not slowing you immidiately, he is one of 99% bad marauders and you kill him without effort. Saying that you kill marauder that charged you and didnt slow you mean you killed a noob. Congrats.


    Good one will have charge after you knocked him back, slow you in his first/second gcd and then just rip you apart.


    PS. I know that sometimes charging is a best opener (mostly because of terrain) but if you need to do this to atack someone it would be usually better to just run away and find a better target. My main is assasin, melee range char without any kind of leap and I am used to situations when it is better to find someone else to kill than sorc on the ledge 2 levels above you;)

  4. 1. Best pvp gear is mix of BM and Rakata because of diminishing returns on expertise.


    2. PVE gear has much better stats overall than PVP gear, so in PVE gear you have more hp and more dmg than in pvp, expertise only exist to equalize that.


    3. If you are in full Rakata and you are destroyed by someone in full centurion (around 6k hp difference, not sure how much difference in main stat), then you just dont know how to fight versus other players.


    4. Full centurion set (without weapon, which sucks anyway) is around 300 centurion commendations. Less to be honest, because you should buy some champion pieces while completing centurion, so closer to 240. So in 15-20 bags you should be completly geared in pvp items. Mostly centurion, but it will still give you around 500 expertise and 10% boost (I know that because I am wearing mostly centurion with few champs now, orange weapon with daily mods).


    6 bags you can have without even being lev 50, that 2 weeklies and 2 dailies - another 8 bags, WZ comms from doing weekly is another bag, so if you manage to do all dailies and weeklies on the day of hitting lev 50, you can end with almost full pvp set, around 8% expertise (from personal experience).


    Meeting a good pvper in mix of tier2/3 gear while you are in centurion is a death sentence to you. You can kill a better geared player by outskilling him, but tier2/3 pve is much better that tier1 pvp. 10% less damage taken and 10% more damage dealt is not going to equalise 40% hp difference (full centurion = a little below 14k hp, full rakata = over 20k hp,numbers for sith assasin) and we have to remember about main stat difference too.

  5. NO.


    Nothing is worse then being chained Stunned/Lightning from 6 sorcs every wz. Resolve never works against that. no time for it to work, ur dead too fast.


    So, 6 players are focusing you and you expect to live and maybe even kill them? 6v1 you will be dead in seconds, regardless of CC.


    This is exactly the attitiude of most "resolve is broken" posters - they want to go 1v3 or 1v4 and win (with green lev 40 gear against battlemasters if possible). Resolve is 1v1 or 1v2 tool, and is very important in huttball, mostly for ballcarrier. And it works in those situations.


    When you are badly outnumbered, it cant work because regardless of cc and resolve, you will be dead so fast that it doesnt matter if you were stuned or not.


    If you think that if all cc would break on damage you will be able to go 1v3 or 1v4 and win, then I think we are not playing the same game.

  6. Resolve works fine.


    ....no really, it is fine.



    The real problem is the utter amount bullshi* and misunderstanding when it comes to player standards concerning PvP concepts. They are bleak, biased, and selective in most cases.


    People casually leave out their own personal flaws, mistakes, misjudgements and just dump all the blame to the "system" with everything they have problems with.



    The simple fact is, the basic system of balance in SWTOR revolves around man-to-man. You have these skills or talents that may help in altering that balance by a little bit, but in the end you are just one man, one character, and you are NOT a superhero fighting street thugs, just shrugging off every attack and charging in the midst of a horde just because you are a "tank", or have "high defense", or etc etc..


    Same with resolve.



    Resolve basically has a threshold of around 2~3 CCs, with two stuns gaining you partial immunity. Stuns usually have a 1 min CD, and you also have a CC breaker with a 2min CD. Most classes also have some sort of temporary mitigation that is set around similar CD times.


    These tools function best in a 1vs1 situation, in which it becomes a fight of the brains to time your use with each CC powers, as well as when to use CC breakers.. whether it is better to engage mitigation powers forehand, or save it for later.. etc etc..



    For example; in my case, my character has 2 stuns. Sometimes, instead of using 2 stuns back-to-back, in many situations I would find it more effective to use one stun, trigger the use of CC breaker, and then use some other CC power to trigger enemy Resolve on purpose, wait until it is dried up, and then use the 2nd stun to finally plant a decisive advantage over the other.


    People who don't understand the nature of what I've planned, why I've planned it that way, and how I executed it would probably come running to these boards complaining that the Resolve doesn't work, and there's too much CC in this game, after being destroyed by this simple, entry level tactic many good PvP emply in battle. (So predictable. :rolleyes: )





    Just because we have these powers, and we have a system that prevents chain CC, people think that'll always apply under any circumstances, and then start whining about when finding out that isn't the case.


    Resolve is like that. It works fine mostly in man-to-man, 1-vs-1 situation.


    However, a temporary prevention from chain-CC will not help you, when you are surrounded by enough enemies that can take you down before your Resolve fills up. In those cases, it is not a "system" that will save you. By having more than one enemy around you it becomes a group fight, and ulitmately, to save you from a group effort, you need a group of your own and a group tactic/maneuvering to overcome it.


    How to avoid that situation, how to position yourself to avoid getting focus fired, making a judgement whether to engage or not, which person you can target first and attack in what sort of manner to avoid being retaliated by a mass of enemy fire... etc etc... all of this is what is needed in PvP.




    It really IS a L2P issue.


    Can you please put it in separate thread (called Resolve is working fine, you would get first page for ages without sticky;) )?


    This is exactly how resolve works - when you are surrounded by 3-6 enemies, you are dead, regardless of CC or whatever. If there is 1 or 2, you will not die during 2 stuns (if you do, you are undergeared or started at 20% hp).


    Resolve is working well, try to play huttball as character with some kind of pull and stop enemy ballcarier from scoring by pulling him into the pit from your defense zone - in 99% of situations your dear teamates filled his reolve bar and he is invulnerable to your efforts.


    Funny thing is, that those people that fill ballcarrier resolve bar and let him score free come here and claim that 1. resolve is broken. 2. premades are facerolling them because they are immune to cc (translation: my team filled their resolve bar and now I try to stun them and it is not working) and immune to all damage (translation - they used defensive CD and have a healer on their back).


    Maybe if more people will read your post, some of them will learn.

  7. One more thing, a story this time:)


    Few days ago, not long after I hit lev 50 bracket, I was in Huttball game. Enemy team gained advantage at the begining, and their ballcarrier (jugg) was walking through the ramp into our defense area. We were fighting, trying to stop him, and we managed to knock him down the pit.


    One of our players, merc, decided to stand at the edge of our defense zone and tracer spammed said jug, who of course force charged him, force pushed, force charged again and scored. It happens, everyone does mistakes.


    Enemy team again grabbed the ball (almost whole our team was either in the pit or on the ramps) and again the same juggernaut was carrying the ball on our ramps. Knocked down again, he saw the very same merc player standing in the exact same spot. Force charge, another score (he ofc had 4 seconds cc immunity after charging).


    After enemy killed our ball carrier and passed the ball to this jugg (you dont fix something that isnt broken;) ), he just jumped into the pit and found our merc player standing at the edge. Force charge, push, charge, score.


    Game ended 6:0 below 5 minutes.


    Half of my team wrote in chat asking our merc (both politely and in insulting way I am afraid) to move from that spot. He never responed, he was just standing there, tracering every enemy in range.


    I dont know if enemy team had premade or not, but because of this 1 player we were doomed to loose, with 1 less player to fight for the ball and open gate for enemy to quick score.


    Now, I can safely guess that pvp experience of that merc consist of constant defeats and failures. I would not be suprised discovering thet he created QQ thread on the forum about premades/gear difference/juggs being OP/whatever.


    It is never so bad that you are facing BM geared premades on vent in 20 matches a row. I just dont believe that, it would be only possible if really low amount of players are queuing on your server (like 16 people, 8 PUGs on your side and 1 premade + 4 pugs on the other). Otherwise, you will have matches without premades. And you can win them.


    Just dont be a merc standing at the edge of your defense zone....

  8. Are you opposed to premades and non premades having separate ques? If so, can you state why?


    Thank you.


    I dont care about separate premade queue, mostly because Im not playing in a premade and I dont have anything against loosing with better coordinated team.


    Only thing I have against separate queue is queue time - it would be extended for both premades and solo players, and since I am annoyed by 5 minutes waiting already longer queues would be bad for me;)

  9. All of you who claim that you cannot complete your dailies because you are rolled by premades and loose 20 WZ in the row, here is some math (I know, math is bad) for you:


    Assume worst case scenario, that in every single WZ there is only 1 premade, and that premade always win.


    So, for 12 random players, 8 loose, 4 get free win.


    You have 33,33% chance of getting a free win (in worst case scenario, in reality sometimes there are premades on both sides, or no premades at all). This mean you should complete your daily in 9 matches on average.


    When you loose 20 matches in the row, than you are unluckiest person in the world

  10. For all those claiming that 1-49 pvp is balanced - you have to be kidding me.


    I read almost all this topic, and then hit 49 on my darkness assasin. I bought him artifact lev 49 for all slots and pvped for whole level. I was dying only in 1v3 situations or when I entered 1v2 without my CDs or half hp. In 1v3 I could still kill 1 oponent and run away (if CD were up). Basicaly noone could stand a 1v1 against me (I was not checking levels of my opponents, so I just assume that they were not other 49 chars with all purples).


    I am definately not a great pvper, it was just enormous gear advantage that let me be so dominant - when I could reliably crit for 2,5k shock, then 4x1,2 force lighting and another 2k shock soon (not even mentioning wither, trash and discharge in the mean time), and highest incoming damage I saw was around 1,5k, how could anyone beat me?


    With above gear and some centurion items I had over 14k hp at lev 50, a bit above 4% expertise and I was certainly a greater threat and distraction for champion/BM geared players than those lev 10-30 were to me at lev 49. Would I win 1v1 against champ/BM? Probably not, especially since as I said, I am not a great pvp player. Would 2 of me take down said opponent - of course, when I was stupid enough to went into 1v1 againt champ/BM they usually killed me with around 20-30% hp.


    1-49 is extremally unbalanced. It is fun, that is true, but 50 bracked is more balanced without a doubt. You just have to spend those few credits and a bit of time to achieve some minimal level of gear to not be a complete liability to your group, dont try to 1v1 better geared chars only because you were owning everyone when you were 49 and they were 20 and everything will be ok:)


    TL;DR, people who want to leave warzones don't give a **** already, so what kind of backwards logic is it that imposing some time penalty on them will make them suddenly care? All it would be doing is removing people from the pool of potential queueing PVPers.



    What will 30 minutes lockout of this kind of people do for those who actually want to pvp (and not only get BM gear and then whine that they dont have anything to do)?


    Those "I will leave because we lost a point in hutball in 3rd minute" will be not in my next match. My chances of actually getting an interesting match just increased.


    I prefer to have 30 minutes queue and then good and exciting match than 3 WZ in this time, all three patheticaly lost because those "I only care about winning, and I prefer other people to carry me than even try to play" decided to quit. Multiple times.


    IMO, penalty for first leave should be 5 minutes. Then if you leave another game in next 2 hours, increase to 15 minutes. Then 30 minutes. Then 1 hour. Then 12 hours etc.


    This way if you got random DC, game bug or whatever you are not overly penalized. If you DC every 15 minutes, you shouldnt be playing warzones anyway with that kind of connection because you are screwing over your teamates more often than not.


    If you are fishing for winning side contantly leaving WZ, than sorry, you are the worst possible kind of player any pvper want to see in his team, it will be better for pvp community if you will be not allowed to queue and ruin other people gameplay.

  12. But can healing from overcharge saber crit? Like this jugg/marauder heal on CC breaker? If it can, than since we can basicaly force a crit (recklessness), pop relic and andrenal we could reliably reach those healing numbers (at least 2,5k one).


    As I said, this is only a theory because my sin is not 50 yet:)

  13. 31/0/9, full lev 49 purples, Talos Drelik. He didnt even know what hit him, my hp never dropped below 75%. For me, most important move was force pulling him away from Talos, so he was not taking aoe dmg and could just heal me. Interrupting with jolt, spike, electrocute and overload was very helpful too.
  14. 1. Stuns, mezzes, KNOCKBACKS affect resolve.


    2. Roots are not affecting resolve, which is bad in my opinion, and here I agree with OP.


    3. Snares should not stack to 100%


    3. Snares should NEVER affect resolve. Why? How you, as melee, prevent being kited to death by running away ranged pew pewing you with his instant cast abilities? You slow them. If your first move after getting into melee range is not a slow, then in 99% cases you deserve to loose. Resolve being affected by slows = ranged kiting melees all the time. It would only make things worse.

  15. I play an assasin, not shadow, so I dont know this specific quest from republic perspective, but if your problem is that you deal aoe damage to mezzed mob...well, maybe turn off your companion aoe attack (extend their skill bar, check which one is aoe, right click on it), dont use your aoe attacks (discharge in dark charge (or whatever shadow tank stance is named), wither, death field, whatever you have) and problem solved.


    Or bring a healer companion instead of dps/tank one?

  16. At around this level I play warzones with hybrid build (which will be nerfed next patch, I know, but I should be 40 by then and respec anyway;)) - 12 darkness (shock cd reset and speed debuff removal) and rest deception - goal is better cooldown and duration on force slow with induction on the way.


    Play in dark charge, you can get easily medals for 75k damage, 2k, 5k and 10k protection, 2,5k crit (maul with proc or assasinate), last hit, sometimes 1v1 medal (if nobody will interfere, I usually win 1v1 if not suprised or outleveled too much) and defender medals (depends on warzone and team).


    This gives you good survivability, mobility, nice damage and burst.


    After induction nerf this will still work not so bad, but became much more force - intensive, so I will not recommend it after new patch.

  17. Rebuke/CoP is easy to get around though. If it were a 30 second buff itd be one thing, but it requires incomming attacks to constantly reset itself. If you just stop attacking for a few seconds, or use a CC/Knockback/Knockdown to occupy the target for a few seconds it goes away and never hindered the attacker.


    It "can" last 30 seconds..but it usually doesnt outside of PVE.


    Cloak of pain with 30 sec uptime and 60 sec cd gives on average 10% dmg reduction.


    Cloak of pain with 6 seconds uptime (so your enemy stops attacking you when he notices cloak) and 60 sec cd is on average 10% dmg reduction (if you are not kited all those 6 seconds, but being kited as marauder is completly different story than usefulness of cloak).


    Basicaly, they will either hit you and give you your 10% dmg reduction over 1 minute, or stop attacking you and still give you the same. Win-win sitiation;)

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