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Everything posted by Vaerah

  1. I have switched to sent / mara, I have figured out playing sage / sorc in this expansion is pointless. On sent / mara the DPS "feeling" is massively better, I can clear content (and PvP players) twice as fast. In my current spec I get a 6s immortality bubble (which I can use while moving!) plus 2 damage reduction CDs. Only thing I miss vs sorc is the self healing, but as of now DPS sorc healing is so laughable that it's not a big deal.
  2. I'd like to see a video of a "globalled" sniper. Playing mostly Sent / Mara / Sorc / Sage I didn't get the privilege to do so much damage. On the contrary, a 35k crit off a sniper is quite normal but even then, it's still not "globalling" anybody.
  3. Hello, Yes I did not mention tokens because I found the maximum fun at (re)playing storylines from level 1 to Corellia and then finish with Ilum. I did not like the Revan content a lot, I like KOTFE more, but less than the original stuff. Most of all, I love playing Sorc / Sage and Jedi in general (yeah, very original, I know ). Getting with them to 70, ... and then you enter a regular WZ with your "demi-god" Sage / Sorc. The same character you were asked to join (Makeb times, no idea what happened next as I unsubbed) to ranked PvP by PvP only guilds... and you get facerolled by the first tech user passing by. Totally anticlimactic! And at the end of the day, you open the oh-so-coveted RNG boxes and DING! 5th identical pair of boots! Screw it, I get back to play the story. Until replay value will get old and I'll just unsub and wait until November 2017 for the next expansion.
  4. Back from 2014 with 200k credits and without recalling a lot about the game, I have created 2 new characters from level 1. Now one is level 70 and struggling to get her 5th RNG duplicate pair of boots, all gotten with unranked PvP. The other is about to ding 70 and then on to PvP! Both of them have done every class and planet storyline plus about 50+ sideline quests, because I like to do them. Not sure how many didn't get to 70 in one month expecially since many will have picked the "boosted" new character slot.
  5. One of the times I wish I had a "like" button! I LOVE people like you!
  6. That's physiological, but it'd help if the developers would not troll their own players by reintroducing universally hated things like RNG loot.
  7. Ah, this twitch and this thread and the replies are an exact photocopy of what I have been through in my previous MMOs before they got shut down. In BW's case, they even removed the WAR forums but it did not stop people complaining the game was going down on other media, till it was over. And yes, we had devs alts and general "differently smart" people playing white knights in every of the other deceased games. My 1990s-today multiplayer games experience says damage control never worked. Reiterating empty announcements only worked 2-3 times before credibility was gone too. SWTOR is not going to be different. Some bean counter at the upper floor decided SWTOR is not profitable enough any longer and went into "bleed the last money off players before it's over" mode. --------------- TLDR: I generally don't care to post on a MMO forum. Having seen this situation again and again, when I start posting on a MMO forum it's because the game is really, REALLY in a bad shape. I am your MMO funeral guy.
  8. Not going to happen. There are a couple of games (like EvE Online and SC) that have been slowly updated over the years. The other approach is to stick to one engine until the game dies or the game becomes so succesful it's worth spending several millions into upgrading the engine. SWTOR lost its financial viability to get a chance to have an updated engine within one year after its release.
  9. There is an actual number: the number of servers. From 100+ overloaded servers down to an handful. Is this a filter bubble too?
  10. If you play in a casual guild or in unranked PvP it's going to be good and fun. If you want to access prime level content as non healer, you should roll something else.
  11. It's not just the world first guilds who have very good players. Nor we were in a sort of pedestal making us top world 10. We constantly had 4-5 competing guilds even on our own server, doing their best to do better than us and several times they did. Plus, we constantly had players coming from those guilds joining us and vice versa, the "human capital" at disposal was plenty. Furthermore, with the asinine streamlining they have done on classes and the lack of consummable variety, it's now a monkey's task to figure out and perform a good rotation, for a relatively static fight that's all what's needed to max out DPS and show which class is top, which is OK and which is terrible. Yet, the content we are given is as is. If they decide we need to pass some DPS check, then we have to. Well, game designers may indeed decide which priority to focus on, but in the end money talks and being unable to properly fix and balance SWTOR has made 100 servers into an handful. Well, in most MMOs you have a "PvP spec" which is bad at DPS and one which is PvE only and is competitive. In example, playing a rogue in WoW had a "stun lock" spec that sucked at PvP and a combat spec that was competitive. Playing a frost mage was very nice in PvP, but in PvE the only use would be in few encounters where a (that is, just 1) frost mage would CC certain adds or slow certain bosses. In SWTOR Madness / Balance could be the PvP spec, but where's the high damage PvE spec? And if Madness/Balance are meant for PvP, where is the ability to actually kill somebody? Because with 2k DoT ticks and a rotation leading to a 14k crit in a world of 110k+ health pools (+ shields, reflects...) it's not going to work. As for having been good in PvP for a certain amount of time: I did not play during that time. Do I ask for a refund for not having been made aware at subscription time that we enjoyed a good time and now we have to suck for years? Also, should a company balance PvP in swings, so people have to guess which class is swinging high and just subscribe if their class is in the lucky club of the year?
  12. Despite my account being 5 years old, I've registered #3260621. Why so late? Because the game felt so good for so long to me, like the vast majority of players I could not care the less to post on the forums. As long as a game is good the regular guy is happy and finds no motivation to post on the forums. As painfully obvious, I am no longer "happy" so I am posting on the forums. And when "average Joe" like me start posting complaints on the forums, it's BAD, because we average Joes are MANY and we do real damage to the BW bottom line.
  13. It's unlikely you'll see "mass" exodus, since the SWTOR playerbase is not a "mass" any more. In EU my server was dead, I had to move to another and... there is NO choice but to roll on the ONE English server, which is PvE (I wanted a PvP server). Playing on a PvE server is utterly boring to me, but the choice was between PvE T.R.E. and a German (I know zero of German) and a RP server.
  14. This is (sadly) true. I have levelled some new alts 1-70, as a subscriber, even if: - you never use the many "Super XP bonus" items you get from some quests - you never do a single mission outside the class arc + planet arc - you never do a single "purple" non planet arc mission ... you still overlevel content enough that you either skip some planet arcs (and only do the class story) or you are constantly 3-5 levels above content. Level syncing makes it somehow better than just 1 shooting gray mobs, but... you still 3 shot stuff. Only if you are true FP2 you actually have to experience the full content. It's one of those rare case where being completionist does not match with having the top sub.
  15. It used to be challenging to some classes back in 2014. Now you could kill it with some mild wet farting in random directions.
  16. Only place in Makeb I found challenging was when trying to solo the OP at the palace.
  17. I am not sure this works. I've been through another BW MMO "gradual" shutdown and nothing helped there. Forums, unsubs, messages, nothing. They stuck to their high horse until the last server had been turned off.
  18. Exactly! I've been in an hard core, top world 10 first kills guild in WoW and the situation was exactly the same. Blizzard devs would be good enough to create more than just DPS checks, the first weeks past expansion release used to have purposedly "tuned up", usually buggy encounters where skill mattered. For those encounters there was NO room for mistakes (I still recall of a boss that required a tank switch within a 0.7 second time window after "telegraphing" its intention) and only supremely buffed up, endless potions top players and top classes could hope to join in. Why? Because it is FALSE that you can "just play better than <class name>" and still be worth taking. Proper guilds ALWAYS have the best players already, at this point the only difference is made by the class. So far, I'd not invite a DPS sorc in any content that requires any kind of efficiency, and this includes ranked PvP. Just look at this: on my sent I can kill in an handful of GCDs an afk sorc or most other DPS / heal classes. On my sorc I cannot kill an AFK sent in few GCDs, it takes like half a minute! That's the pure definition of WORTHLESS.
  19. My account is very old too, but I am getting old in RL as well. As such I have lost patience for the endless screwups BW has done. Butchered Dragon Age with crappy new games that don't hold it a candle despite being 10 years newer? Check. Closed down my favourite BW MMO I have invested 4+ years into? Check. SWTOR RNG loot? Check. Close to no new content? Check. Sorcs butchered? Check. What else, for my hard earned money? No, have BW earn my money for once, my patience is over. As of now I am not going easy mode. I am playing my Sent and mara, which while not being the top dog by a long shot any longer, are like twice as powerful than my Sage and Sorc. I am OK playing a complex class (some MMOs have it) but today's Sorcs are not complex, they are plain as hell. They are just gimped.
  20. When MMOs used to be worth something, they came with lots of classes (I played one with double than SWTOR!) and each class had their 2-3 specs and every spec could be taken with this or that "talent" and following unrelated talent branches. THAT was challenging to balance, staying within 10% with thousands of combinations was a piece of art. But now? SWTOR completely dropped the ball and streamlined EVERYTHING. Now we have totally fixed and predictable talent trees, there's no excuse for being unable to adjust them until they are within strict tolerance. This sounds even more true as "hybrid" classes have been hit the hardest so now they have 1 pure healing spec and 2 pure DPS specs. The healing capability in DPS spec are so useless I wonder why they left the spells in place, maybe it costed time to remove them. I could have excused having subpar DPS when Sorcs / Sages could go 17 points hybrid, but now they can't, they have to perform like the spec they are invested into. If it's DPS then they have to do DPS. I am the first who in a progression content I'd not take ineffective "offspecs" and crappy classes.
  21. You know, those who get rabid if somebody won't press [spacebar] within a pico-second, shout if you don't recall every pull and CC in the most time-saving way and so on? Well, they are here, it's the same who meticolously inspect everybody to see if they are using Adept or Adept A mod and kick in the second case.
  22. Are you comparing sent with an healing spec healer?
  23. Since I hadn't played since several years, I mistakenly believed BW still made expansions that were true expansions. As such I made my usual 3 months sub and only later I found out I paid 3 months for 6-7 hours worth of content. I don't really care for the money per se, I make it back in a couple hours of work, it's the huge DELUSION at seeing BW delivering fake expansions that consist of a sequence of (cool) cinematics and that's it. Plus the RNG lot to add insult to the injury, of course. Plus butchering my favourited class.
  24. From today's posts excerpt: The stigma has begun. It's WoW (and other MMOs) 2005 times all over again, when they just couldn't balance classes and would have druids stuck into healing and being guild kicked if they wanted to DPS. This kind of stuff made me unsub from that game, and now SWTOR pulls the same stunt!
  25. Speaking of general MMO "raids": when I did them, loot was either pre-"booked" by priority or rolled between the class compatible with it. It was rare to get "useless" duplicates, in some games there were ways to invite "alts" to get that stuff, in others you could exchange the duplicate for tokens and use tokens to buy another item. MMOs have gone through great lengths to ease the bad feeling of a whole run crowned by bad loot and duplicates, because the "loot moment" is very delicate. It's when years long teamworkship may break (litigating over loot) or subs get dropped. SWTOR singlehandedly rewound time and went back to the eldest, most despised looting draw practices. Judging by the players feedback and by the devs scrambing to change it (a bit), I'd say they are still the most despised looting draw practices.
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