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Everything posted by Easylikepie

  1. I hope not, 'cause there are at least three ranked WZ teams in queue right now.
  2. Just logged in, and nearly a week later, still getting that server lag. Has anyone reported this yet? I'm about to. Edit: Sent in a ticket, got told to reset my UI. It's not a known issue.
  3. Standing on the fleet, 220ms (normal for me.) One step forward, 5000ms, then down to 700-900. A few guildies have mentioned having this problem as well. Post-1.6, of course. Edit: I'm playing my 'sin on an Aus server right now, and it's lag-free. It's just Bastion - or the super server thing.
  4. Tedford, best 'sin on Bastion, and formerly The Maw - was in MVP.
  5. Yes. Haven't seen Banetek in a while, but yes. Best Sorc worldwide, and that also counts for Sages. Lol.
  6. I lol'd at this. Seeing how much I keyboard turn is helpful, too.
  7. I love Huttball because everyone hates it. Pulling people out of the fire is fantastic. Pre-Section X, you could go to Black Hole and find lots of players doing their dailies in their PVE gear. I love winning 2v1s as heals, after /dancing in front of them. It's still a popular area, but not as much. If you're really that sick of WZs, make your own pvp. Form a group, ask someone/a guild to oppose you, go to Outlaw's Den for a bit. If word spreads around, and if you do it at primetime, even better. Problem solved.
  8. This. Exactly why we take both of them. How the hell do you break 1mil as bubble spec heals?! Hood-rat said after that you guys mostly left him alone... and killed Sifu instead. Gee fricking gee, to all of the really long rateds. On topic: all this arguing about combat dummies still? Lol? Edit: Wakalord hope you don't mind me posting this but hey im mvp was streaming during this game and http://www.twitch.tv/wifileague/b/342519892# at 4:19:52 is when the scoreboard comes up. Game starts at 3:56:28ish. Wrong POV, but streaming is better than posting a parse IMO. Edit #2: 5:45:49 1.59mil healing by Scold.
  9. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=555694 Already made a thread on this. I completely 110% agree with you, though. Edit: especially the last part, when you're geared and the other rated group has zero deaths across the board, there's something wrong with your team - caring about it or not.
  10. This, though specifically mousing over Hoodcat's damage would be more appropriate for the thread. I didn't think of that at the time, either. Also, yeah great job being a good PVE dps on a PVP server. We're all proud of you.
  11. The ones who stayed are mostly in Volition. Not many of them stayed.
  12. To my knowledge, Synergy does rateds at some point every single day, with whoever's online. The reason you see guild premades in regs - for Synergy, anyway - is that we have so many people online that we do both at the same time. What you are suggesting is that different guilds queue with each other. That's exactly what has been happening for a long time. It hasn't stopped. Edit: MVP does rateds on both their Repubs and their Imps, whichever suits them best. They've been doing that nonstop since... no idea. There hasn't been a lack of rated WZ games recently, at least not for us.
  13. Trying to fight Hey Im Not MVP, got an Imp win trader group. If anything, the actual teams get more comms than the win trader groups, meaning our alts get geared faster, and the cycle repeats.
  14. ^ That's already happening. Peeps from random guilds do it, even though the guilds themselves don't admit it. Heard it's against the ToS. I'mma go search through it and find the section in a bit.
  15. Three in a row last night, where everyone left and we didn't fight anyone. Three in a row today - right now - and we're not fighting anyone. Who else is sick of this?
  16. ^ Just had that in a Civil. 100% health, wasn't watching the node, got 3capped. Called "grass" instead of "snow"
  17. Sounds to me like you expect to win 100% of all the reg WZs you queue for. Don't queue alone, and even then, don't expect to win every single game, or you'll just come back and repost this. Edit: "Stop running to the enemy control node when we have two and are in no danger of losing either." Totally agree with you there. Some people still don't know how Novare works. Also, you can leave a non-tank, hopefully geared player to defend, as long as they call it. Most do not.
  18. This. If I see a healer in a premade group, and they're only healing their friends, I don't vote for that person. I let them die. 'Nuff said. Being a healer myself, though, I usually vote for heals, or the person who does something amazing.
  19. You're telling us, fellow players, to "make the game more solid". We're not devs. TOR is meant to be an MMO, a social game. The fact that you refuse to have friends... Edit: "discouraging solo players" if you're doing WZs, rated or not, you're not a solo player. Even if you solo queue, you're not a solo player.
  20. Both sides do it. Synergy and BC run premades in regs all the time, and yes, both of those guilds do rateds. Get your own ego stroked, and form a group of your own with friends. Fight fire with fire. Oppose the premades with your own, instead of calling us bad for wanting to win.
  21. One problem with that. Last I heard, all the core members of OTHER SIDE quit. Otherwise, clever use of guild names right there.
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