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Posts posted by Mrip

  1. You can craft pve armorings instead of grinding the operations so why can't you craft pvp armoring instead of grinding the warzones?... which actually take a lot longer than grinding the operations.
  2. I just want to mention that until recently I thought BH healing was fine. Then last week I played a sage with champion gear and significantly bested the healing output of my BH in full battlemaster with a couple war hero pieces. And that with me basically having no idea how to play the class. :mad:
  3. I have a sentinel and a pyro merc. When I sit on people with my sentinel and do a rotation I do more damage than when my merc sits and does a rotation. Problem is, It's so much easier to stay on a target when you aren't limited to melee/10 yards, and so much easier to stay alive when you can stand far away from the zerg and nuke people, I end up doing a lot more damage overall with a lot more kills and fewer deaths when I play my pyro merc IF I am running solo.


    If you have a pocket healer following your sentinel around and you can just run into the fray and stay healed up, you will be more deadly than a pyro merc with the same pocket healer.


    Basically, I find that solo pyro merc is better than solo sentinel, but sentinel with heals is better than pyro with heals.

  4. Best WZ spec?



    Warden looks to be terrible compared to the talents you can take with the points. To me, Afterburners is more useful than Emergency Scan. Being able to interrupt a cast or channel like Master Strike seems to be worth it alone in terms of damage avoided, not to mention the knockback. People knock Improved Vents as only saving 16 heat per 2 minutes, but it's an extra 16 heat when you NEED it which is huge. It's certainly more useful than 2% crit.


    After playing full Pyro for a while and just loving Sweltering Heat, my other though was to go up Pyrotech instead of Arsenal to take Sweltering Heat, perhaps even all the way up to Degauss (run with Combustible Gas Cylinder and drop Powered Insulators). But I think going up Arsenal to take Afterburners is a significantly better option.



  5. The only rational explanation is that BW is looking at declining melee subclass meta averages - caused by player migration into those subclasses.


    This idea that they buff classes because more players are playing those classes is not rational.That would either result in everyone playing one class that steamrolls the others, or there are many other factors being considered that completely destroy the argument.


    I realize that you're trying to be precise but reading Kant is actually harder than reading plain English.

  6. Best WZ spec?



    Warden looks to be terrible compared to the talents you can take with the points. To me, Afterburners is more useful than Emergency Scan. Being able to interrupt a cast or channel like Master Strike seems to be worth it alone in terms of damage avoided, not to mention the knockback. People knock Improved Vents as only saving 16 heat per 2 minutes, but it's an extra 16 heat when you NEED it which is huge. It's certainly more useful than 2% crit.


    After playing full Pyro for a while and just loving Sweltering Heat, my other though was to go up Pyrotech instead of Arsenal to take Sweltering Heat, perhaps even all the way up to Degauss (run with Combustible Gas Cylinder and drop Powered Insulators). But I think going up Arsenal to take Afterburners is a significantly better option.



  7. Doesn't the more Accuracy you have mean your chance of a dps action/spell getting resisted and/or you have a better chance of bypassing an enemies resistance to damage, thus making your spells hit harder.


    If Accuracy does this, and Im just reading the in game "tool-tip" here, then it would be a Valuable stat to any class that does damage, period.


    We really need a BW Dev to clarify this. I cant see them putting absolutely useless stats in the game, so Accuracy does something, and if Im correct, it should be in pvp suits.


    The thing is, every class' special attacks (pretty much everything) has a base accuracy of 100%. Players have a base of 5% defense. So you only need 105% accuracy for all of your attacks to hit a player with no talents/gear. However, some classes can spec into increased defense and tank gear comes with +def. So you need more accuracy to counteract that extra defense.


    The issue is that putting a stat, which is only useful when fighting tanks, on every piece of gear is absurd.

  8. I play a pyro merc and have full BM, and am about to pick up the WH mainhand blaster. Is it a net increase for me to pull my crit color crystals and put in the expertise ones?
  9. I have full bm gear and the highest my detonator and rail shot ever crit is around 4k. The other day I got a detonator/rail shot double crit for like 3300/4100 and was pretty pumped. I was like, Whoa! look at the big numbers! So the idea that we're running around putting out that damage all the time is ridiculous.
  10. the flame dot will take about 1k or 6k from you

    the railsht will take about 2k to 10k from you

    rocket punch 1k to 5k

    grenade 2k to 8k.


    More like cut those numbers in half.

  11. I'm vr69 on Sith Wyrm and only recognize two names in that video. Strange. I always felt the group of people who PvP'ed on our server was pretty small.
  12. Balmorra? Corellia? I find that hard to believe.


    I'm at work so it's quite possible I'm exaggerating a bit. Can't check until tonight. Rest of my system is 2500k@4.5, 8gb ram, HD7970 overclocked significantly.

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