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Everything posted by LordRahlik

  1. It's a really annoying change, please bring us the option to sort alphabetically.
  2. I agree. The old ordering worked. The new is horror.
  3. It would be great if you could check your companions gear when he's not summoned. Both checking another companion than the one your currently have out, in teams and in operations. Thank you!
  4. Please!!! You must have some hours of our favourite voice actors reading the lines that are now in the game. Please publish key moments of the story line in "behind the scenes" videos. Perhaps also some bloopers or other versions that were not included in the game. PLEASE! I would SO love to see it.
  5. All your problems apart from bad General chat could have been solved by being in a good guild.
  6. No And hopefully it will never be, or it will be restricted to CE only that too. It's the ONLY thing we have to show for.
  7. I seriously doubt that it's the game that does all of it. Poorly optimized with a non-superb engine - yes, but not very laggy. I have access to play the game on 6 different computers. iMac 27" from 2010 - no lag. Mac Pro from 2008 with upgraded internal memory and new graphic card - no lag. Macbook pro from 2010 - no lag. Windows machine bought in 2011 - no lag. Windows laptop bought in 2010 - no lag. Windows netbook (with cool internal mem and a cool gfx card) - no lag. All computers run windows 7 64-bit but settings are of course not turned up to max on all of the above. I have zero lag on all of the above machines, even if there are 200 people on the fleet. I have friends who run the game on Windows 8 so that should work, but I have no first hand experience myself. Steps to avoid lag: 1 - Check your internal memory, do you have less than 4 gb? - Upgrade. 4 gb absolute minimum, 16 gb preferred. 2 - Do you have Windows 32 bit system? - Upgrade to 64 bit system immediately. Yes, the app is 32 bit - I know. 3 - Hard disks, do you have less than 7200 rpm harddisk? Upgrade. 7200 rpm minimum, SSD or faster preferred. Since 2011 I don't buy computers with less than 16 gb internal memory, it's needed with todays OS systems. SSD disk or better is highly recommended. You need the extra speeeeeeed. Good coded games helps on low end machines and even if SWToR isn't great coded, it should run rather well on most machines that are gaming machines.
  8. I can only say that i love SWToR. It's the best MMO game on the market according to me. Does it have flaws - yes. But I still love it. Even if you talk it down a 4 is just ridiculous, eurogamer - your just talking trash.
  9. Each subscriber will get 500 CC each month = it will definitely cost MORE than 500 (my guess). Over 1000 would be bad though. I did like the staggering increase that someone in this thread suggested but I still think it will start over 500 CC. I really hope it's not locked at 16 slots. I want more.
  10. (Sorry, I don't remember the lines EXACTLY, but this is from the Dromund Kaas part of the Bounty Hunter story line if, and only if, you are playing a female char and have Mako up): Entering Imperial Office: Imperial Clerk: "Mam, the colonel is very busy at the moment and cannot see you. Please leave". Player (flirt): "No, why so hostile? Can't I be here just to see you?" Imperial Clerk: "Ehum.. what... yes, are you here to see me? *swallows* Oh.. No, wait, are you making fun of me?" Mako: "Naaaw, why would we make fun of him and his big desk?" :D
  11. It is 100% correct representation. Your char is female though. If you use the "preview" button you had seen this. Your mistake. Live with it. /thread
  12. I really agree. Chain-stunning, super high dps, multiple vanish possibilies. The operative/smuggler-counterpart DPS specs needs to be looked at really hard. A huge nerf is needed.
  13. No... It's a dps companion. So he wont have a tank stance. /end thread.
  14. It will never ever happen. They said so month before the game was released and they have always stuck to it. Advanced class = an individual class. You cannot change from warrior to paladin in WoW neither can you switch from one advanced class to another here. It will not happen. Ever.
  15. I am still amazed by the staggering hate towards SWToR. I for one think that there is no other MMO that is even close to how good SWToR is. SWToR is simply the absolute best MMO available at the moment. Does it have bugs? Yes, of course. Is the customer service flawless? No, not a chance. But it still beats everything currently available or that has been available prior to this point by miles and miles. This game seriously rocks the house. Awesome PvP, tons and tons and tons of PvE content, great story, awesome replayability, super fun in all ways. Voice over is awesome and I will probably never play an MMO without it ever again. ... according to me. When you write that the game is boring or the graphic sucks or the story is bad or what-EVER it's YOUR OPINION. Nothing more. You can never claim that SWToR is a bad game generally. You might claim that YOU think it's bad. I love it. You cannot be so general when you speak about something. SWToR can be summed up like this: SWToR is an MMO that is on par with most of the MMO released around it. BW has chosen not to innovate a lot in game play, most of it we have seen before. The only new thing we see is Voice Acting when you pick up almost every quest in the game and an evolving story line for each major class which drives your character forward. It's not a huge success and the hype that surrounded the game prior to launch was greatly inflated for such a mainstream MMO. Customer Service from BW does not live up to expectations for a game of this size and the development team does not get enough time to bug-test new patches. Overall a fairly mainstream MMO that will make some people very happy but nothing that will go down in the books as something extraordinary apart from voice acting. However if it's a good or bad game is ONLY in the eyes of the player. I say it's the best MMO game created so far. By miles.
  16. Yes, I would love to have that. No game has that anymore unfortunately. Less than 200 skills, less 50 skill points per level and less than 100 levels is just too simple. If a level up takes less than 20 minutes to finish setting out points and thinking of what to do then it's too easy. One level should demand 30-50 minutes of skill point fiddling, finding different trainers and train abilities. Why? Cause I love to fiddle with my char, I love the feeling of deciding that I am an expert on Two-Handed swords of the type Chop-Sword. I love to be the master of pick locks in such a way that I can help the FP-group by picking the cucial door and bypass a lot of mobs. I love to be a fantastic AoE healer *OR* a fantastic tank healer. To be able to specify your character the way YOU want and to be able to build something that is unique in it's abilities is the way I want to play. OF COURSE you have to use skill points to BUY what abilities you can use. No two characters should have the same abilities. You just don't go to your trainer and train the level X abilities. You spend your skill points which allow you to go to trainer(s) and learn the abilities you have chosen. Preferably many different trainers, some which are hidden or hard to get to in some way so you can train exotic skills that demands playing and exploring to find. If a serious portion of your time spent in game is spent with the skill tree open pondering where to put the skillpoints you get - then I'm happy. Unfortunately SWToR is very very very very simplistic. WoW (for example) is even worse so I wont set my foot in that game any more. It's just too simple. I would love if they added complexity to SWToR but I guess that will never happen. Sadly... I doubt very much that a game of this type will ever be done. There are too many "give-me-all-the-stuff-now-at-once" small children that play MMO and those will always scream highest and demand to get easy-easy-easy-easy-easy games. It sucks. Buy yourself a copy of Rolemaster second edition with the companion books 1-7, read it all, apply all rules that are not contradictionary and roll a character. THAT is what I want.
  17. Hello! The idea behind the decision to remove the player from all queues when you enter a FP or a WZ is sound in my opinion but it meets with a lot of resistance from the community and I think I have an even better suggestion. Don't remove anyone from any queue, but prevent the queue to pop while they are in any one of the two and let the players keep their spot in the queue. IE: (My example says that you entered a WZ and I focus on talking about the FP queue but you could reverse their roles without trouble) If you have spot 2 in the FP queue of total 4 people with 3 DPS and 1 Healer queueing when you enter your WZ pop you will be unable to join the FP queue if a tank joins the queue. The 2 DPS (apart from you) and the healer together with the tank will get an offer to enter, you will not since you are in a WZ. After the FP pop (which you didn't get and could not answer) 5 people enter the queue, 4 dps and 1 healer. When you exit the WZ you now have spot nr 1 in the FP queue, so as soon as a tank joins, you'll get a FP pop (unless you have entered another WZ in the mean time in case you'll keep your position nr 1 when you exit that second WZ). This way you will not loose your spot in the queue, as soon as there is an available FP pop when you are outside of a WZ you'll get it, but you wont get it when you actually are *IN* a WZ. This way you'll get the best of both worlds. TL;DR: why not keep your spot in the WZ/FP queue when you enter one of them and just continue queueing when you get out?
  18. 1 million credits is no money at all. It takes like 10 farming hours to get. Less probably. And switching AC will never ever happen and should not happen.
  19. OMG OP! You exaggerate quite a lot! 14-15 games for one piece of BM? I like PvP but I don't think it's a center piece of the game so I usually make 1 daily per week (maybe a bit more) prior to 1.4 (when you needed 6 games) and I am in FULL BM and didn't get to 50 that long ago. It's more like 3-4 games for 1 piece and 6-8 for the really expensive ones.
  20. Mess? It's the best MMO on the market. Hands down. No discussion. What mess?
  21. I cannot log in now, but I thought it was 350 **DAILY** commendations and not Black Hole commendations. And if it is daily then it's completely reasonable.
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