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Everything posted by Warshades

  1. While not every department has an impact on certain bugs, all departments have buggs that they can impact. Make sense? For example The art department should be working on all the damn clipping issues. The class balance team could be working on animation issues, and probably have something to help with ability delay or sluggish performance. The world design crew can work on the 10 billion places we are constantly getting stuck in. The engineers could work on the delay and lag and misfire issues. Ultimately there are enough bugs in the game to really spend some time working them out. Now would I want them to skip a patch cycle? I dont know. Perhaps the first patch cycle after an expansion would be ok. Didnt they skip a content patch cycle after 2.0 and used a CM Patch for like 2.1 instead? So there is an opportunity while people are focusing on a new planet with new ops and fps and wz to really spend some time cleaning up the kitchen...as it were.
  2. The first time I encountered it was with the BH channel attack (cant remember the name now, full auto maybe?) back prior to 1.2 Then I really noticed it with Ravage. These abilities have sorta been fixed. They use to start, go through the animation, and not do a damn thing. When they fixed it, I think what they did was make it to where if the ability didnt fire witin 1.5 secs it would restart the ability. So now when I use ravage I get the first and sometimes the second hit off, then see my char jump back and do the first hit all over again. This is why some people see the ability delay. However on non channeled abilities it doesnt simply restart the ability, it takes the GCD but still does nothing, but you can recast it immediately. Most of the time you'll notice this with cooldown abilities, cause it wont go on cooldown, but every once in awhile it takes the cooldown, and still doesnt go off.
  3. If I remember right they will do season 1 either with or after the class balances. 2.4 is the patch 2.5 should be class balance hopefully 2.5.2 will be season 1 This is of course assuming they even do class balance in 2.5 because they also mentioned holding off until 2.6 and then they might just hold off till 3.0 like they did between 1.5 and 1.7 to release 2.0
  4. haha, my first reaction Ummmmm it hasnt even released yet....
  5. I think you need to get some sleep, sleep off the hang-over and try this again tomorrow.
  6. I wonder if your not noticing it because you just didnt notice, or if it didnt happen to you? The ability delay or ability misfire happens all the time to me. If I'm not really paying attention then maybe I wouldnt notice it. But when I'm watch the dmg pop up and see that I hit for 4k, 4k, 4k...nothing ....huh....where was the dmg there? You hit the ability, the GCD activated, but no dmg came of it. You start looking at it more often and realize it happens quite regularly. You hit an ability and nothing happens, no dmg, no miss, nothing. Many times your char. will begin the animation but not finish it. There are some video's that probably better describe it. One shows a vanguard just using his anytime attack over and over again on a champ mob and you get to watch every 5-10 attacks misfire and nothing happen for the entire fight. If I said every 5 attacks 1 wouldnt do anything, but still use your GCD? thats potentially 20% of your dmg or heals. Its the difference between winning a fight and losing. Even if its just 1 in every 10 attacks....your still talking about 10% dmg loss. Its a big issue and its never been confirmed by Bioware. They will continue to ignore this because I doubt they know how to fix it without rewriting the game entirely, and even then it'd probably still happen.
  7. reading this was like putting a puzzle together.....my head hurts now..thanks:(
  8. This has been known for a long time now.
  9. My qs generally hits around 3k (except tanks 1.5k).....so you want a 6k (3k on tanks) attack, with 12e cost, spamable.....I wouldnt hold your breath for that change to happen
  10. I like this idea. I would also suggest 5e reduction to qs and 15% dmg increase. I'd also like to see a skill that adds a 6 sec dot to our grenade. This is all we would need to maintain sustained dmg. Survivability I would like to see a set bonus that increases the duration of evade by 3 secs. I'd also like to see our vanish grant immunity to all dmg and stealth probes for 5 secs.
  11. I'd like to just add this. contributing much less in prolonged fights out of stealth compared to quick in-and-out battles where Shoot First can be used effectively. and Scrapper also suffers from rotation concerns. and The sustained damage rotation can also feel clunky at times due to the lack of suitable filler attacks; Quick Shot seems like it is intended to fulfill this role, given that there are talents within each dps tree that boost its damage. However, many feel that it fails to do so. Due to its energy cost, short range, and small damage increase over Flurry Bolts Firstly, I wont pretend to speak for the scoundrel community. I am merely quoting the scoundrel's opinion on their top 3 questions. And number 1 is sustained dmg. Question 2 was about Survivability and question 3 about set bonuses. All 3 very good questions....and got some decent responses. Is it what we were looking for? I dont think so. I woulda preferred more confirmed plans on balancing the class. But I also dont think they were bad responses in any way. They seemed to understand the concerns and had some ideas on what they wanted to do to fix them. Some of the ideas didnt make much sense to me like receiving heals after vanishing, since we already get that skill. It will be up to the ops now to flush out their questions to better the conversation.
  12. @Wainamoinen I said - They didnt say cheaper quick shot......they said it should be doing MORE dmg for its current cost. And that they will look at rebalancing. They said - "A scoring check reveals that, for its energy cost, it should deal more damage than it does" and "and we can fix that in a patch by properly rebalancing the ability" How exactly am I wrong now? You assume it will be reducing the energy cost. I simply stated that they didnt say that....Not that it wasnt going to happen. Trust me I dont have faith that they will get it right, or that they will do anything at all to the ability. All I said...well you can read up above. If reading comprehension isnt your strong suit, I understand, just let the big boys talk and keep quiet. I also said - They also stated that Scrapper was weak in defensives and was looking at pulling a defensive from the heal tree to scrapper tree. They said - "To address this, we may consider moving some Sawbones/Medicine survivability skills over to the Scrapper/Concealment and Dirty Fighting/Lethality specializations (as part of a skill trade)" Once again....I didnt state anything as you call....wrong? All I did was restate what you seemed to have glossed over in your reading. See, were back to that reading comprehension concept. I said - So isnt that the 2 big concerns? Sustained dmg and defensives? Now I ask the question because if you dont think those 2 basic concepts are what is being addressed both by the scoundrel questions and responses by Bioware then perhaps I missed the "read between the lines" point. As I understand it, correct me if I'm wrong, but as a scoundrel we are good in initial burst, have some decent hitting abilities on cooldowns, and our dps drops dramatically between these abilities. This is why I mentioned the term "filler" as in abilities used between cooldowns. Giving our filler a buff is absolutely needed. I didint state what they should do, what they would do, or disagree with what you think. All I said is addressing the filler ability is the first step in balancing the class better. I said - "See how the changes stack and then go from there." and I meant it. Make small changes rather than sweeping changes. The class isnt nearly as bad as you might want to think. Does it need help? Absolutely. Is it the worse DPS? perhaps it ranks at the bottom 3 for Arenas. Should we expect buffs, damn straight. But lets not get carried away and go from one end of the spectrum back to the other....havent we seen enough classes do that already?
  13. They didnt say cheaper quick shot......they said it should be doing MORE dmg for its current cost. And that they will look at rebalancing. They also stated that Scrapper was weak in defensives and was looking at pulling a defensive from the heal tree to scrapper tree. So isnt that the 2 big concerns? Sustained dmg and defensives? Or would you just like God Mode and wont be happy with anything less than that? We should be looking for small changes that wont get nerfed 2 weeks later. See how the changes stack and then go from there.
  14. Now your just crying for no reason. Those were far better answers this week then the last set. The problem to sustained scoundrel dps is with the lack of a "good" filler, which by the way they admit to and are looking into a way of fixing. Quit crying for no reason.
  15. OP was golden......the people not knowing this was a necro....priceless:D
  16. He is talking about chaotic structure vs percision structure. MMO is massive, its chaotic, its large scale. The objective being bringing harmony to chaos. Arenas are more FPS being that they are predictable, and therefor its about precision timing, execution, communication. so MMO skill relates to how you function as a part of greater goal while Arena skills relate to how precise you can achieve those skills in with a much smaller goal. Better way of putting it.....Arenas are like playing with face cards, and trying to match 4 kings. MMO Skills is like playing with the full deck, much harder to pull out 4 kings.
  17. If my math is right, there are 29 chests hidden on Makeb, some zones have as many as 7, while other zones may only have 1. They respawn every 30 mins. So you just find the greatest number of chests you can farm in 30 mins, and then be back at the first one before it respawns, then repeat the same path you did earlier. There are some videos on where the chests are, I wont sit here and tell you about it cause it would take more time then I have. And learning them is half the battle.
  18. Well there is good news and bad news.... Good news......credits are EXTREMELY easy to farm for. Bad news.....PvP is not the way to do it. On this one your best to bite the bullet and do some PvE. If you do it right, You only need to do it once every level increase. First, dont actually wear your PvP gear...unless you are rich and like the look. Better to go to the GTN or your vault and different planet merchants and what not to find a set of gear that really speaks to you visually. It must be moddable. Next, pull the pvp mods out of pvp gear and put it into the modable gear. This way you only need to augment one set. And everytime you get a better set you just swap mods. Costs you 30kish to swap mods, will costs you around 115k to swap augments from one set to the next. Unfortunately your earpieces.Implants and relics will need to be remodded the expensive way, so buy these first and augment these last. Remember that 2.4 brings new gear so dont waste money you dont have augmenting conq gear unless you got all your modable gear already augmented. Now for making money.... If your a stealther, run chests on Makeb. Average about 400k per hour. 3 hours and you should be able to fully augment your gear. If your a nonstealther, run dailies. Pick up slicing and slice every chest you see. On Makeb a chest is normally worth about 2.5k and can be worth as much as 15k. When I run MaKeb dailies I usually slice as much money as I make doing the dailies. Each daily is worth about 8k and can usually be done in less than 10 mins. Sometimes you can do multiple dailies in the same area. Same with CZ. There are also alternative ways to make money. Just to break the monotony. Farm for Seeker droid chests. A chest could drop 3 of the grade 10 purple crafting pieces, which sell for 500-750k a piece. One dig could make you over 1.5 mil...but sometimes its like playing the lottery...sometimes you get crap. You can also use your basic comms to buy Isotope-5 which can sell upwards to 150k. When I need quick cash I just sell those for easy money. And you get those from dailies and SM FPs. If all you want to do is PvP, pick up slicing and send out your comp for the grade 9 purple slice tech part. 25k a piece on the GTN. And you dont have to do anything but send your pets out every hour or so. Admittidly this is a slow method but keeps you PvPing. Running HM FPS and selling the junk loot including the exotic grade 10 blue crafting pieces (20k) can be a fun break from PvP sometimes and yield you good money, be careful though cause if you get a bad group, your repair bill will eat away at your money aswell.
  19. Perhaps its because many of the drama queens have moved on to greener pastures? Or its because players are giving up hope that Bioware would do anything productive for PvP? Or because players are getting board with the forum PvP take your pick. I have noticed the same thing though.
  20. While you understand that their is a problem, I think some of your points are misdirected. It isnt that I have issues with individual points, but rather the understanding of individual points as a collective. Take your first point. Most people competing in Ranked are ALREADY geared, so either they are working toward BIS stuff or saving comms for the next set. While ranked may be the fastest way of completing gear mathimatically, it isnt always the case. For example if you take a team of low geared players into ranked, with slow pops, and getting your butt handed to you, you actually wont get comms any faster than just doing regular and converting the comms. The exception would be having 7 geared players carrying a low gear guildy. Then yes they will get him pimped out very quickly. I dont believe that this is a core issue. Certainly not a high priority in of itself. Your second point is where you go off target quite a bit. There are certainly alot of arguements about premades vs pugs in unranked matches. What people dont seem to understand is that creating solo only queues will do nothing but hurt the quality of gaming. WHile I agree it is an issue, I dont agree that you've pin pointed WHY it is an issue. Its not about whether you queue with 1 or 4 players. Its whether those 4 players are good players or well equiped players, vs poor players or poorly equiped players. Separating the queues to solo vs group wont do anything because your still competing good players vs bad. You have to understand there are a great number of factors that determine a win vs loss. Equipment differences was the first big complaint. With Bolster that seems to be less of an issue, while it has its downsides, what it HAS shown is that gear really wasnt as big of a factor as we thought. Good players are still dominating bad players regardless of bolster. So now we switch complaints saying well it may not be gear, but certainly premade vs pug. All a premade has on a bug is group set up and communication advantages. But comm advantages shouldnt be a big issue. Most warzones are set up to be played very simply. The problem is that people dont play the match and do their own thing. It isnt a communication break down, its a I dont give a crap problem. That wont change with solo queue only. In fact it will probably just get worse. Ultimately the only idea that I've seen to fix warzone pvp is a ranked match making system. Pit good players vs good players, medium players vs medium players and bad players vs bad players. This way each warzone your going into, has the highest opprotunity to be an even match with unknown results. Your third point I agree. Valor needs a purpose, and it should mean something. Unfortunately valor just means time spent pvping rather than success with pvp. So before they do anything with valor, they also need to reset it and make awarding valor completely based on achievement. Bolster isnt as bad now as it was, alot has been fixed and while their are other issues with it, like why even bolster period, or why even have stats like expertise or pvp trauma debuff, the fact remains that they are dead set on keeping this concpet and just tweaking it. No matter how much we hate it, and how many players quit because of it, Bioware is too dead set on it to scrap it now. The best thing for us who remain now is to just accept it and move on. If I were to list topics that are negatively affecting PvP it would be: Pointless Valor System Pointless gear grind as a carrot expertise Lack of a ranked matchmaking system Pointless OWPvP lack of varrying types of pvp (warzones, OWPvP, battlegrounds, Space PvP, Siege, solo, large scale, etc) repetitive wz
  21. Is there a way to turn off the red warning text that appears in the center of your screen. For example if I hit a melee ability but not in range, it pops up with a message saying something like "target not in range" or if I hit my finisher when they arnt below 30% it says something like "target effect not present" I just want the text to stop!
  22. i remember now Khem Val and I guess Xalek might have a tank stance so just make sure its turned on.
  23. Umm, isnt Xalek a DPS? In light armor? The mirror of Kira and Ashara? I believe the pet your looking for is your original da-shar pet....damn cant think of the name right now. Anyways its the one you get on Korriban. Monster, eats sith and jedi. anyways he's your tank pet. You were using the dps pet that takes the MOST dmg.
  24. maybe it was on ywain then, probably fought you on my NS Sakarna though I mostly played in the laby during my ywain days.
  25. Josewales, wernt you a merc of inf on the RP servers? I seem to remember the name. Either way, yes to battlegrounds.
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