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Everything posted by Harleyz

  1. You make way too many assumptions. Taken from a bunch of sentences. Looks bad for you. Look, its not really an mmo. I wanted a star wars mmo. There is too much missing. So no im not having as much fun as my 15 dollars a month pocket money should bring me.
  2. Oil paintings. Thats all i see. Footsteps. Thats all i here. No immersion.
  3. Mara have been op from the beginning. Most people arent intelligent enough to play the class though.
  4. I dont have time for that. And i dont lie. Look for yourself. Maybe pay attention to the game you pay to play and you'd have already seen them.
  5. Oh its been fixed. Was actuall written in patch notes that it was fxied. Its not fixed. Straight out lie.
  6. This game is full of mmo newcomers. They dont have standards.
  7. Training girls. You know what i mean.
  8. He's right. What else is there to do on your main after your 2 ops and daily pvp? No reps, no collectables. Datacrons are about it. After a few months its odd that everyone is moving onto second and third alts. Mmonot.
  9. Its strange that so many people care about a completely uselees/minimal part of the game. Pfft no legacy here
  10. Hey, they spent a hundred mil on that crap....
  11. Exactly how can a patch bring more players? The average guy walking past in the shop sees the box... He doesnt know about 1.2 Neither do online shoppers.... People who cancelled have moved on.... So how many people do you really think a patch will bring?
  12. Harleyz

    sith jaggernaut

    More food for the troll i guess.
  13. My resume reads quite similar. But we used meters. Our server firsts were on competitive servers though. Zing
  14. Lets just agree to disagree. Insecureties all round.
  15. Simple, easy, casual content. Thats why every mmo player thinks there great now.
  16. This topic always brings out those bad guys with bad specs. They say no to meters.
  17. And your favourite mmo just left with them.
  18. Alterac valley sure was ahead of its time. 80 people and it ran fine. Warhammer tried years later, didnt suceed. Now Ilum...but yeah how long.... Oh alterac valley was in wow. Just read u hadnt played it.
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