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  1. If I use an unbound item as my outfit, will it be bound to me? Thanks guys! sorry for the some-what stupid question:D
  2. Oh I see.. Better start leveling my slicing then Thanks for the replies, guys!
  3. Sorry in advance if asking this question annoys some people (I've been scouring the internet for the answer to my questions, but I can't seem to find anything that really answers it). How profitable is 'Slicing' compared to the other gathering crew skills? Also, what other crew skills should I take with slicing? (which crafting crew skill and/or what other gathering crew skill) Inputs and suggestions are appreciated guys! (along with negative insights that you wanna add into the mix )
  4. Thanks for all the input guys! Really appreciate it! I'll make sure to read on the specific ops I'm doing. Thanks once again!
  5. I want to start getting into operations soon, but I'm not quite sure as to what I have to do as a DPS (other than the obvious "deal damage"). I've also never played a single op in my LIFE. Do I strictly focus on dealing damage or are there other things I have to do? Do I mainly focus on the boss/mini-bosses or should I deal with the trash mobs while I let my tank deal with them? These are just some of the questions that come to my mind right now I just don't wanna bring down the op group by doing stupid things (or not doing stupid things, if that's what I have to do) Any tips and suggestions is greatly appreciated! (I'm playing as a marauder, btw) (also, I'm sorry if this post should be under the "flashpoints and operations" thread instead of the "new players" thread. I'm new to the forums )
  6. I love Jaesa Willsam, I really do.. But when she opens her mouth, I just wanna throw her off my ship.. Malavai Quinn hurts my brain as well.
  7. Every time Jaesa talks, take a shot.. Please do it.. For your own sake (She drives me nuts, though I do like how she looks)
  8. I experienced this as well. I realised after a bit of tweaking that the the shadows decrease performance like crazy. Toning down the shadows seemed to make the game run super smoothly. From what I experienced, I can run the game on Ultra graphics, as long as I tone down the shadow settings. But.. The game does look rather.. meh.. without shadows on.
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