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Everything posted by Garrum

  1. Dispatch doesn't hit all that hard, considering that it's still nearly melee range, still costs 3 focus, and a great deal of the time won't even activate because even though the target is at 5% health it just refuses to believe it. If it hit as hard as Merciless Slash I'd like it a lot more, or if it had a 30 yard range.
  2. If you must drop a keybind, Blade Storm is less used than Slash for watchman, but like others mentioned, you still have more abilities to learn yet.
  3. Ultra rare chance to drop off Coruscant level mobs, and chance to come out of first rank treasure hunting lock boxes.
  4. Some of it is the amount of abilities you have to use constantly, for sure, but a lot more of it has to do with the ability stuttering problem. When it takes you 3-4-6 or more button presses before your character finally stops having a seizure and actually makes the swing you have been trying to make them do for 3+ seconds, everything is difficult. Some of the abilities have an almost 100% chance to stutter, bladestorm and force sweep being the biggest offenders. Even a single stutter adds CONSIDERABLE time from activation to effect, time that can often ruin your plan, positioning, or just plain make your damage a lot lower than it would have been if your abilities had simply worked properly. Once the stuttering is eventually fixed, the class will be a lot less frustrating to play.
  5. If you do your Belsavis dailies for the purple mods and armors, and use your tokens to buy 2 of the big hilts you can get up to right at 13.5k. I suspect that if you open the Ilum dailies and get the quest that gives the purple enhancements you could probably get 14k or a little over. Saving your tokens (after buying the hilts) for the earpieces and implants is probably the best way to spend them.
  6. There is a low level orange chest that looks like the blue chest you buy on Tython with comms. I don't remember the name of it, but I'm almost positive that is made by Synthweavers. It's not only hood free, it's robe free as well.
  7. In the last statement that the devs made, there was a line about "extractable base mods (armoring/barrel etc.) from purple items" but no clarification if that included the PvP gear as well or not. I would hope so, because almost no one likes the way their PvP gear looks at lvl 50. I would much rather use my lvl 40 PvP set than my lvl 50 PvP set as a Sentinel.
  8. Ignore this troll, there is no belt on Tatooine. The only places they seem to come from are random mobs drops and lockboxes, especially the lockboxes from treasure hunting. My friend has gotten 2 light orange bracers and a light orange belt from the first rank of treasure hunting quests, and another one has gotten 2 orange heavy bracers from commendation lockboxes (blue not epic).
  9. Indeed the vast, VAST majority wouldn't even consider it. Why would they? BW lets them have their cake and eat it too, in the form of same faction huttball. Take that one thing away, and at least there would be a downside to playing on the stacked side. BW screwed up BADLY by ever having same faction huttball in the first place. If the que times for empire had been comically long from the start, the population would probably have been a lot more even by now.
  10. I laughed out loud. It's not 100% true, but damn it seems that way sometimes.
  11. If there weren't far too many knockbacks and pushes in the game, it wouldn't be AS bad, but it would still be terrible.
  12. Your faith in Bioware is horrifically misplaced. They have the population numbers for both sides readily available. They still made the terrible changes to Ilum in spite of having information right in front of them showing that it would work out very poorly.
  13. There does not need to be more knockbacks/pulls put into the game, they need to take a bunch of the ones in now OUT.
  14. Sounds good at face value, but in one of these threads a guy was showing it would be a ~19% damage loss without a 90%+ crit rate. Yeah, you can have zen up a good bit, but it's a LONG way from 90%+.
  15. It took almost two years (back in vanilla/early BC) for WoW's forum community to fully degenerate into what this forum is already in less than 2 months. We need an ignore function on the forums. The elitists aren't interested in discussing anything, they just want to chant 'L2P' and none of the rest of us are interested in reading their text based circle jerk, so we can all just ingore the other and go on with our lives.
  16. He was Combat spec, that's why he couldn't win. If he had been Focus he could have dropped a big sweep crit on them and been on his merry way.
  17. Why? 1 is a good spot for it. 1 was my Charge button in WoW, it only makes sense to keep it the same here.
  18. If the extra effort of playing a Sent actually payed off in a big way in the end, it might not be such a big deal, but it doesn't really. If someone comes along playing a Consul/Inqui, Trooper/BH, etc. with as much focus and skill as some really good Sent, they are rewarded much more in PvP. They have more varied and more powerful tools at their disposal, and have a less stressful combat mechanic. They are better suited to group PvP, and group PvP is what matters for getting WZ commendations/dailies. Sent (Watchman anyway) DPS in PvE is probably the highest, and it should be. Not because we are hard to play, but because we are melee, and melee always have extra issues to deal with in PvE that ranged don't have to worry with. The class needs to be streamlined in small ways (Mind Sear simply reducing the cooldown of cauterize instead of a random proc, Overload Saber having the damage lowered slightly and simply being passive as examples), and a few abilities changed a bit (crippling throw changed into our snare, the CD removed and the cost reduced to 1 focus, with leg slash renamed and made into the healing reduction ability as an example)
  19. The unfortunate answer to your problem is not a good one, but it's about the only one I can come up with unless you can get a buddy playing a healer or a tank to quest with you: Level up 2-3 times and then go back. It's a pitiful way to do it, but some of the groups just hit too hard for an at-level solo sentinel unless they blow all defensive cooldowns for every group. Heck, I have been leveling with a friend playing a guardian, and some of the groups on Belsavis were crushing him, as a tank spec. A lot of mobs damage, not just on Belsavis but all over at various points, is just a bit too high.
  20. It's a nice idea, but for a lot of people, it's not possible. A lot of servers don't have any artificers making epic enhancements, or even blue enhancements for that matter. Same for cybertech. In fact, a lot of servers don't have much of anything for sale in the GTN. That means you have to get your mods/enhancements/armors from the daily tokens and the quests themselves, which will take a good bit longer than 2 days. But it's still something I suppose.
  21. No, we don't need a damage boost, we would be doing too much then. It's the ranged that need a damage loss, or a control loss. There is no reason a BH/Trooper should have the damage equivalent of Merc Slash with no cooldown and a 30m range along with other even harder hitting abilities, while still have a knockback AND a non-channeled stun, AND semi long duration damage reduction ability. It's too complete a package. Consul/Inqui are the same, too much damage to still have that much control and defense.
  22. Sent/Mara are UP, but only because our abilities are unreliable, and all the ranged classes are OP.
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