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Everything posted by FalmeseReb

  1. Yes every server was full at launch there was 2 hour waits to get in.
  2. It's been what? a year? two? I have lost track. I still can't wear my Bastia Shan armor without constant severe clipping both on the front with the shoulderpads and on the butt. My Character is Female Bodytype 1, just like about 50% of all characters who would wear this armor set and it's so distracting seeing her butt cheeks pop through the leather back flap that I can't even use the armor. Screenshot of shoulderpad clipping: http://i.imgur.com/1HkJJ2L.jpg Screenshot of butt clipping: http://imgur.com/r9hWBQX It's even more obnoxious when you run. Unfortunately I cannot capture that easily in a screenshot. My System specs: AMD FX-8320 Eight-Core Processor. AMD Radeon HD 7950 3 GB Graphics card. 8 GB DDR3 RAM. Running SWTOR with ultra settings @ 1080p
  3. No reason to bother with it if there's no rewards. the gameplay and community in ranked pvp is beyond atrocious.
  4. Nobody on pvp servers does open world quests in pve gear lol.. theres no need to planet quests/dailies are absurdly easy and the threat of getting ganked makes pvp armor a far more attractive option.
  5. Too bad only the top 5% of players will get to enjoy any rewards but a title and a poster to put on their wall. what's the minumum rating going to be this time 2400?
  6. I was kind of annoyed by this but you can tell they clearly did not design the quest areas released to us with open world pvp in mind. it would be an absolute slaughter. I don't really think they can enable pvp there without totally making normal questing unplayable Especially in the underground part of New Adasta.
  7. Geeze it's not like they cheated and got the gear for free they legitimately killed the boss.
  8. for some classes/weapons it can work fine. for example you could have Mercs use 1 pistol or Commandos use a blaster rifle. same thing with snipers using blaster rifles. They could also make it so you use the mirror classes weapon animation if you use their appearance weapon etc.
  9. Well I constantly switch lightsabers already based on what spec I am in or what activity I am doing so what's your point?
  10. 186 vendor stuff was always useless. Even at the start of 3.0 it was useless.
  11. Bluntly you're sucking pretty bad if you are having trouble with mobs at lvl 32. Cyclone slash and force sweep are two incredibly powerful aoe abilities.
  12. The colicoids that designed the droideka are featured in SWTOR.
  13. Pvp cross server would only be a good thing for this game. I can see the argument for pve cross server being an issue but pvp and gsf is a no brainer.
  14. It appears by the old canon naboo was colonized only a few hundred years before the events of swtor. might be a very interesting planet to visit. ancient gungan society would be interesting to say the least.
  15. ten million is not hard to get in swtor. Credits are almost worthless once you get enough of them to self sustain.
  16. Don't get me wrong I love the action and new group content as much as everyone else, but I think it would really be amazing if we had a little bit of a respite from the war and the constant crises. A few questlines that delve deep into the mysteries of the force or an ancient power or something to strive for as sith. Maybe for smugglers/hunters a new opportunity to make it big with a casino heist or something. One size fits all storylines just hamper the quality of the game in my opinion. The best parts of this game are the class missions and people WILL pay for more class missions. I know that personally I would gladly pay 60 USD for a new set of class missions that amount to the same amount of class content we have from 1-50. Hell I would probably be willing to pay that once a year in addition to my subscription.
  17. I hate to be this guy but... yeah he got killed by the republic at like lvl 30.
  18. I got 2 in the republic planet quest phases just killing npcs. made a nice little 2 million credit cash out.
  19. They need to be put in some new packs or put in the game in some other fashion. There is only 1 belt for sale on my server for almost 3 million. You should not need to pay 3 million to have an invisible belt.
  20. I live in MI and I get 70 ms ping to west coast servers.
  21. I get the impression that 4.0 is going to drop this winter. especially considering that BW Austin's other project was killed and this year is going to be huge for star wars.
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