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Posts posted by Asmodesu

  1. If the story keeps getting worse and worse as it has been, in writing.. not idea or main arc basis, but it's presentation (obviously an opinion) I likely will not get more than one character through it. I will obviously try and play it msyelf to get a decent view of how good or bad it will be, doesn't mean I'll like it.


    I have 11 characters sitting at the end of KotET, finished chapter 9. More characters not started KotFE yet as I'm waiting to see where this part of the story goes before bothering. but only 5 of those 11 characters started the latest flashpoint trio, and only 2 made it to the end of Nathema as the story line dropped in quality, majorly imo. Not to mention the flashpoints are long (the first 2 anyway, I really enjoyed Nathema's one itself).


    I guess I lost interest in playing once I had to wait 3-4 months for a flashpoint three times in a row, lol. Hopefully they release more then a flashpoints' worth of story this time around.

  2. I swear the only reason this keeps popping up is that Lana is, from memory, the only LI presently left that has no kill option (so gone for everyone), no exile option or just plain leaves (for future story treated exactly the same as a kill), and not in an Alliance Alert (which has the exact same story treatment as a kill also).
  3. I think it will be after 6.0 that this "issue" becomes "fixed" . one of the devs has already mentioned it offhand and said they want to keep it this way for long enough to make player choices mean something for a little bit in the story before they meld the multiple possible people into just one again.
  4. Heh the next story chunk if decent could be interesting, my SW respects her old ally Vowrawn, and they worked together in the class story so that better have a reference somewhere, they are not strangers, they were allies for a time and rekindled that status on Rishi with the Emperor's spy droid stuff. No-one else was watching my SW's back and helping her in the Empire, only Vowrawn.


    ps: don't worry, I expect no reference to the past trust/ally stuff at all. Since it only happened to one class, but dammit we need less of this one size fits all story and it would be a start to acknowledge class specific circumstances with these big names in the past.

  5. I do have the same opinion as AureliaSulis'. I do not see why the energy of life would be necessarily good. For me it does not care at all about good or bad which are notions that are artificial and tremendously subjective. Energy of life simply is, therefore would tend to be neutral.

    I think that chaos and order are both valid as simply two different ways to percieve events.


    Life requires both chaos and order balance, so in my opinion why wouldn't the Force too? xD

  6. My train of thought majorly derailed sadly, not surprising considering I'm struggling with writing currently to the point I nearly deleted all my work yesterday out of frustration. but my line of thinking with the force has always been along the lines of the following ideas/theories/thoughts.

    The Force itself is not light or dark, therefore when I say light-sided Sith Warrior I mean by actions or choices, plus an inner self/spirit/soul, not the Force itself or using the Jedi's techniques to use the Force (considered "light side").

    Sith training hinging on strong emotions of paranoia, hate, rage, anger, lust which can cause a ton of obsession, paranoia, and PTSD issues. On top of the harrowing acolyte trials that help desensitize them to violence, murder, torture etc.

    Jedi training focusing on meditation, calm-ness, trying to be devoid of emotion. Not really my focus this side of it though.

    This is mostly from observing the stories of non-force users said to become dark (how Satele describes Jace, multiple other soldiers npcs), and of fallen jedi, or of how sith gain their corrupted looks. The latter of which I attribute to being a visual scarring to show one's true self at one point or another. Like Thanaton's was when murdering his servant, with flashes from visions prior to (comic).

  7. This is how I feel, except I think she was right not to tell Jace. IMHO she should have let him have loving parents somewhere. Not given him to a Jedi master before they even knew if he was Force sensitive or not. I feel like with the way the Jedis do not allow attachment or emotions, she doesn't even get why what she did would have been harmful, though.


    It's too bad it was not used as a means to reform the Order. In the EU that they threw away, Luke's New Jedi order allows love, emotions and marriage, and Luke himself is married with a kid.


    I think the reason Satele asked her former master to look after her son was the offhand chance he may have inherited force-sensitivity and being in the Galactic Republic he would've been picked up by the Jedi Order if so anyway and torn away from any family she'd passed him to. Obviously didn't happen, of course, but it -might- have if fate worked differently. I blame the Jedi, not Satele, for them tossing him away when it turns out he wasn't. She gave him up because she was terrified of falling to the dark side if anything happened to him, from what I understand, that she could do terrible things if he died, say in the war or something. Seems the bond she'd been struggling to not allow for his entire life happened anyway if she sensed his death on Nathema :/

  8. Agreed, doing big changes so close to release (even with a delay) is amazing and unexpected! to me the pic didn't show much, I agree it is amazing they are trying to listen more! it's just the negative nancy part of me is wondering which part they listened to this time is all, since the last wasn't as awesome as it could have been, hence why I was wondering if it was up yet so I could stop assuming and not getting excited either without seeing it. I'll check back later in the week then :)
  9. I think Satele cares about Theron a lot, and is proud of him but she tortures herself sticking with the jedi code and all like she did all those years ago. Everything about them to me feels like a whole ton of regretting her decisions, but she sticks with them even if she thinks it was a mistake. Zho cared about the boy, like a son, too and Theron made a definite mention that Zho was his father. Messy family maybe, but it doesn't make me hate Satele, it just makes me shake my head at the Order.

    "My agent" because Theron being her son is still as secret as possible because Grandmaster. I don't need to like what choices Satele made, but I can understand a lot of them. Theron may have turned out a far better man then if she'd raised him.

  10. I am sure I have theories elsewhere, but I'm too sick currently to think straight. I have to approach the Force stuff and light/dark so much but I take a lot of my ideas from the Light-side sith warrior conversations (it gets mentioned a lot that she's not sithy enough in the story and I love the discussions between her and herself (tatooine jedi pilgrimage), with Quinn, with Jaesa and almost every Jedi she bumps into.

    I'll work on a wall of text.. slowly, might take a couple of days because sick and tired.

  11. If that's what you choose to believe, that's fine. I don't think one chooses one's emotions. But it's taught me an important lesson. I used to look out for other fans, and want to save all the LIs, but since the courtesy isn't returned, hey, I won't make that mistake again.


    Interesting as I remember a ton of people not falling into the emotional bickering back when the betrayal stuff first started and standing up for not taking it out on Lana or Lana fans instead, and still do, but you seem to completely dismiss all of us that did and still do that.


    I'm stuck in the border-place where I like all of the characters that keep getting hit over the head by other people on forums, including fellow fans of different characters. And I think I'm the only person around here actively who likes Satele, I have to remind myself constantly not to let all her hate threads/kill threads get me down.

    Sadly I've lost all of them from the main story, due to kill or banish/exile options, except for Lana. Luckily Lana is my main characters close friend, but she's also lost her little sister and LI which makes me not play the game. I've only been on the forum and not logged into the game for weeks.

  12. You're a far better person than I am, then. I honestly am sorry at this point that I ever lent support against kill options for any other LI, since some fans want to kill mine so much. I even reported the posts that wanted to graphically hurt or kill other LIs, because I figured it would hurt those fans to see them. Won't be doing that again.


    I actually wish certain fans hasn't ruined certain characters for me, because I started out liking them, but association is what it is.


    It has nothing to do with being a better person or not. It's all about choices one chooses to make.

    And I see that you're still blaming others for a choice you and you alone chose to make.

    I used to be like that, back in old-old bsn days but it made me miserable and I hated it (that was DA 2 back then), so I decided to stop that type of thinking. Never looked back since.

  13. I only ever really liked Arcann and things went pretty far, it also made me say and do things I do not like. At some point I was purposefully attacking various companions out of spite as I knew it would tick those off that disliked my favourite NPC!

    I'm pretty ashamed of that, but that's in the past I guess. While I can't say for sure, I'm fairly certain that it isn't something that can get to me anymore. But yeah, who knows. I've surprised myself unpleasantly more than once.😕


    Yeah, the only time I've gotten upset over companions is when it's been on and on aggresiveness against anyone liking one. I've never gone after any fanbase out of spite, too much effort :p I still love all the characters I loved 2 years ago, regardless of how some of their fans have treated me and others that like a few of the same characters in the past. We clash a few times, but no grudges here!

  14. When I think back about all the stupid arguments I've gotten myself into over the years, I feel like turning red and blushing! Which is rather hard.:rak_03:

    But, I don't think I have any companion anymore that I hate, maybe it's because I'm just not as active as I used to, but honestly, it feels pretty good letting all of the extreme dislike for a various characters go.

    I think it made my online experience a lot more enjoyable, and so has communicating with people in general.


    That's just me though.:o


    I've never despised any character to the point of stuff like this, it makes things a lot easier until you're stuck just seeing hate to everything or receiving it solely because you like one character (or don't hate a specific one) all the time, even from people you considered friends that despise that character while loving another one you also love. It's hard being struck at by everyone. The only character I adore that I usually just get "what wth why?" instead of insults at is Satele.. the rest I get insulted for liking - by different people depending on the character obviously, mostly due to broad brush strokes at anyone who likes whatever character. Sorta no surprise they put so many on the chopping block. Character fans are the worst when they get riled up!

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