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Everything posted by Mashugana

  1. Where can I see images of all the adaptive/light armor options? My goal is to see if there is Orange or Social gear I like so I can target those missions, etc. Is there a good image based list to scroll through? Thanks!
  2. I love the idea of the Scoundrel and love healing in Flashpoints. What is the solo gameplay like? I am not crazy about some of the Scoundrel attacks - it does not very Star Warsy to slap someone with my blaster or punch a fully armored Juggernaut. Are these key abilities? Or is there a rotation that uses attacks that may be more fun? I love my Operative mainly because I like the vibroknife. If I do not like punching and slapping is the Scoundrel just not for me? Thanks
  3. I like the look of the sleeveless, bikini-ish top that the Imps get out of Hammer Station. Is there something with this graphic skin on the Republic side for a Jedi? Heavy, Medium or Light armor? Anything EXCEEPT a robe? Something Orange so I can keep the robe-less look as I level? Thanks Here is the Imp side graphic - cannot find anything like it on TORHead for Republic. http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/screenshots/7087.jpg
  4. Ah dang - I love the class and hate that I cannot see 90% of my character because it is one huge, single hood and robe. Now I have to see if I am so vain that I will not go shadow because I cannot see a pretend computer game character's midriff...I may just go straight into counseling.
  5. I love my Counselor but do not like the look of robes as much. Are there any heroics or flsshpoints or quests that give non-robe light armor? I like the shirts and some of the Jedi and Jugnaut gear that shows more skin as well. Any advice for a female shadow? I've gone half insane combing Torhead with no luck. Tyvm
  6. If so, how? I am on Balmorra and is has about 6 Heroics. Is there a way to use Group Finder to do these? I can see how to queue for Flashpoints but not heroics. TYVM
  7. Is there an updated list of the emotes that cause an animation? Thanks!
  8. I'd like to level Madness just because I like the tree - but will I be able to tank effectively with that tree? If I am going to use Group Finder and queue as a tank, should I be tank spec? Or is tank spec really only needed end game? Thanks
  9. I love the concept and play-style of the Operative - much more than the Sniper - but the forums all seem to say Operatives have bad dps. Is this bad DPS end game? I just want to do enough damage to level at a decent clip - I would assume Operative damage is good enough for solo questing, yes? Or is it really that bad? I am 100% PvE, not an end game player. Just want to have fun. But if it takes forever to kill things I'm sure I'll get frustrated.
  10. Thanks for the advice all - I'm off to blast stuff
  11. After 10+ years of sword swinging games, I am psyched to have the option to have a blaster. So I want to run around and blow stuff up. At range. With lasers. Several Advanced Classes do this - which would you suggest for the most fun graphics, explosions, weapons, and overall blowing stuff up quality? Can anyone say something like 'nothing is more fun then when you let loose with...." 100% PvE. Thanks for any advice.
  12. I am starting new and would like an active server. I know with all the transfers things are changing, but for now: Jedi Covenant seems like the most active Republic server - yes? And since it is also a 'destination' server that seems like a good place to play Republic. What about Sith? Thank you for any advice
  13. I am on the fence on Sent vs Guardian - what is the most fun thing about being a Sent? High DPS? Fun AOE? A specific attack that is just fun to see? Once dual specs hit (eventually) with a Guard I could tank or DPS - with Sent I'll be loked into DPS. But if it is a lot of fun, I'm in.
  14. I love the graphic of Disturbance - but it seems like the damage and recharge keep it from being a key attack. Is there a build that uses it more? Or am I using it incorrectly? 100% PvE. Thanks.
  15. To the OP: 1. Thank you for posting this and taking the time to give us your perspective. 2. Thank you for reminding us all how to deal with trolls (ignoring them) 3. Thank you for your service - if your disability happened in someplace hot and sandy, then double thank you. 4. I hope your child does well and returns home safe from whatever deployment awaits. And thanks for reminding us that the boards can be useful, polite, and fun even with trolls. I am sorry to say this, but I give you 10,000 Light Side points just for your attitude. The Sith will not be happy with you now....
  16. Thanks so much all. I'll try to push to 35 and see if some of the new abilities add fun. I love the double bladed saber
  17. When I put something up on the GTN it assigns a default price. Anyone know what this is based on? Should I just use that price as a 'middle of the road' fair price? Or does it have no basis in reality? Thanks!
  18. Is there any way to make any of the Blue items into Orange versions of the same graphic? There is a lot of blue gear that I think looks very cool but you out level it and it is gone. I'd love it if any item could be made Orange - we'd all have a much bigger selection of appearance options, players could have a distinctive look, and some of those low level items that look great could live on all the way to 50! Am I dreaming?
  19. My Shadow is level 24 and seems like I just spam 2 or 3 attacks - am I doing it wrong? The Sage, Sentinel, and Guardian all have a lot of different tools by level 24 and I felt like I had to be on my toes. With my Shadow I seem to just spam double strike and use project from time to time. It works, but it is a little boring. Am I missing some key abilities or tactics? I am leveling Kinetic - should I try the stealth route to mix it up? Or are there some super awesome powers coming ~level 30 that will change my game play? I love the Shadow but it has gotten monotonous for me compared to my other force users Thanks for any advice.
  20. Dang Shannen - your Twi'lek looks awesome. I can't seem to get mine to ever look right - do you happen to remember which face/complexion #s you used?
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