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Everything posted by BreakingNews

  1. Tait be streaming according to Dev Tracker from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM PST, gogo #OCCUPYSWTOR
  2. Bioware doesn't care about progression, so they aren't bothering with broken servers
  3. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Brontes or Riotヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
  4. Yea, I saw that and the pull on stream, I literally cringed. But you guys got it still! Grats
  5. How many goats did you sacrifice to the RNG gods before brontes was satisfied Carl?
  6. Empire Character: Fascinate Republic Character: Spooned Dread Forged Combat Medic MK-X Package (Aim power/surge implant)
  7. Aurum Gaming. Forgot to take screenies, but have kills on stream and here cheevos to verify. This was done on 8m. Stream of Nim DF Nefra- 4/8 7:02:15 PM PST - http://i.imgur.com/QjUuFF2.jpg Draxus - 4/8 8:30:12 PM PST - http://i.imgur.com/BC7xbeQ.jpg Grob'thok - 4/8 9:58:12 PM PST - http://i.imgur.com/yfUXamQ.jpg Corruptor Zero- 4/8 10:25:33 PM PST - http://i.imgur.com/Mpj4IMC.jpg
  8. *Waiting in anticipation*
  9. Raptus Fascinate - Pyro Merc - Aurum Gaming - 2961 - http://www.torparse.com/a/610309/17/0/Overview Corruptor Zero Fascinate - Pyro Merc - Aurum Gaming - 3774.76 - http://www.torparse.com/a/610309/38/0/Overview Brontes Fascinate - Pyro Merc - Aurum Gaming - 2866.9 - http://www.torparse.com/a/610309/43/0/Overview
  10. Raptus Fascinate - Pyro Merc - Aurum Gaming - 2932.41 - http://www.torparse.com/a/605542/5/0/Overview Council Fascinate - Pyro Merc - Aurum Gaming - 3563.73 - http://www.torparse.com/a/605542/8/0/Overview
  11. You have been made moderator of /r/Pyongyang
  12. This thread got necroed if you didn't notice. Shanked posted this like 2 months ago
  13. Well, from what it sounds like, you need to make sure all your raid members are up to par with your expectations. Such as gearing correctly, knowing their rotations and jobs, and understanding raid mechanics. Depending on your raid composition, you can have a multitude of strategies that optimize each raid members class/job to the maximum efficiency. From the videos and logs, there is a lot of room for improvement on every member of your raid.
  14. Good starting point is to have everybody in your raid group run torparse or parsec. Numbers don't lie. You can see who has the weakest dps, who has the most ehps, how much damage tanks are taking and from what source, and more stuff like that. Parses are a great way for you to dissect the fight bit by bit, and are always the best starting point to see how each individual in a raid performed.
  15. You stole my quote, suing you for copyright infringement, taking you to the SWTOR court of law
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