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Everything posted by All_Under_Heaven

  1. Your post makes it sound like you have a vendetta against Pure builds.
  2. If you're running Combat or Focus spec, you want Crit and Surge, to make those chunky Blade Rush, Blade Storm, and Ataru Form crits even bigger. If Watchman, it's debatable. I would use Power to make your DoTs tick bigger, but Crit/Surge is also good to make them crit bigger and more often. Most Sentinel-tailored gear has Crit on it. I'd go with that.
  3. Looks like several of us need to know where this Armor comes from. The only piece I can identify is the boots, which come from a quest on Balmorra.
  4. I found no post in this topic that would be beneficial to new players. Also, a class having Stealth means nothing in either game. Druid healers can stealth, Shadow tanks can stealth, so why not argue about those two being Rogues as well? This is the only post I agree with. Rogues focus on target control and manipulation through Openers, Stuns, Disarms, Disorients, and more stuns. Leaping in and strike harder and faster than our opponent is what a Sentinel does to win. The only target player-control options we have are Pacify and Force Stasis. Oh, and our very own Mortal Strike. However, Vincyre states it best: "Jedi =/= Rogue, Jedi = Jedi"
  5. Yep. And in addition to the stutter, we also experience the mis-fire glitch that everyone has. So it will go something like this: Force Stasis shows Cooldown still active. Realize that it's been on CD for almost ten minutes now. Cooldown Glitch. Use it, button presses but nothing happens. Stutter Glitch. Use it again, button presses, cast bar appears and Focus is spent, but nothing happens. Mis-fire Glitch. Attempt to use other abilities, same glitches happen. Dead again. That's Sentinel lifestyle currently. Cheers.
  6. Pretty much the same situation here. Mine is 35, and since the middle of Aldaraan, it has just taken more and more time to finish quests and kill mob packs. Currently Watchman spec, and had to swtich from Kira to Doc just to get enough heals to not have Introspect after every single pack. I shelved my Sentinel until the ability delays are fixed.
  7. Beat me to it. Apart from simple re-skinning, even I think Ship customization would be too complicated. However, I do not believe brand-new ships would be too difficult. There are set places that every character stays, a static Holoterminal/Map/Intercom/Cargo, and set exit(s). They could be limited to high-level players in order to avoid any ship-related class quests, and cost quite a bit of credits, of course.
  8. People claim Empire favoritism by Bioware. I didn't really agree until I gained my first starship on my Jedi Knight. Republic starships: Knight/Consular: Red Minivan-hammerhead. Does not give a sense of Jedi grace and knowledge. Smuggler: Chinese knock-off Millennium Falcon. Har har. Trooper: God-awful looking piece of crap. Grotesquely asymmetrical. Looks like it was built to transport hot garbage, not the Republic's most elite shock squad. Even features a forward-facing entrance/exit, perfect for enemies to bottleneck and kill your squad. Empire starships: Sith: Sleek tie-fight grandfather, projects a clear and pure presence of Sith. Bounty Hunter: Somewhat chunky, with triforce engines. Would look better with only two lateral engines. Agent: HOLY **** AWESOME HYPERCRAFT! The obscenely beautiful (in and out) Phantom. This ship is just a slap in the face to every other class, especially republic-side. Do you think(hope) that new and better starships may be available for purchase? Can we finally replace that horrible Thunderclap/Defender with a warship that befits our level-50, top-teir-gear character? A man can dream.
  9. So by your logic, any group that has a full-spec'd Bodyguard will also need at least another full-spec'd Bodyguard or half-spec'd Sorcerer/Operative? Do you think before you type? Bioware has certainly implemented some incredibly stupid class "balances," but to infer that they purposely hamstringed an entire class/spec role is flat insanity. If you truly believe that this is true, you should look into other games. In regards to TC's problem, practice is the only solution. Just heal, everything. And as previous posters have stated, one or more of our abilities could use a slight buff. I personally wish for a Bodyguard talent that would allow another one of our damage abilities to be used as a heal, in the vein of Rapid Shots.
  10. Yes. You'll spend two points. Dia. Scan sucks, but is necessary, and until Bioware realizes just how god-awful it is, we have to deal with it.
  11. I guess I would I call it a "feature" in the sense that it wasn't intended to fire Healing abilities, only damage abilities. In short, the auto-attack right-click functionality doesn't apply to healing abilities.
  12. These are two things I do have to agree with. Sentinels can put out quite a good amount of DPS, but without the survivablity that other classes get for free, we die out quickly, sink more heals than the tanks, and ultimately do less DPS than all classes because of it. Sentinels are literally built for damage, and damage only, but are class-equalized according to control numbers, not battle numbers. And double agree, Sentinel Armor looks like melted garbage. What's with the one shoulder pad sticking out further than a lightsaber? It looks like **** Trooper armor. The Guardian armor looks like what Sentinel armor should be. Bladed and flowing.
  13. As far as I've got with my Operative, this is my summary of healing so far: PvE Effective?: Yes. PvP Effective?: Maybe. PvE/PvP Fun? No. Useless heals/talents, strikingly low utility, and an all-around tedious time managing multiple HoT's from the tiny buff-bar. UI Scaling will help. A little.
  14. I agree with this. To clarify, a lightsaber emits a blade of solid Plasma, the fourth state of matter and what composes Lightning. You're basically wielding a solid blade of controlled, over-oscillating lightning. While Black Lightning has never been observed, black plasma is possible, ergo a Black Lightsaber would be too. And that's just actual logic. Star Wars logic doesn't even need to follow that. Looking forward to the discovery of the White Color Crystal. Hopefully Bioware is aware of our pleas.
  15. Was about to post the same thing. My Jedi Sentinel(Watchman) chugged through levels, died more than I thought it could, and was an overall difficult experience. (Still love it though.) Decide to level a blaster class next, Trooper. As of 29, my Vanguard is an unstoppable tank of Firepower and Manliness. He decimates any sort of regular mobs, and I've stopped even checking the Elite/Champion status, since after accidentally pulling them a few times, he simply ate through them too. Oh, and I haven't died yet.
  16. Actually, the only reason Mace Windu has a purple lightsaber is Samuel L. Jackson. It was a personal request from Jackson to the Art Director, since his favorite color is purple. Jackson tries to have every character he acts have some bit of purple on them. In this case, his entire saber blade. Look that up.
  17. First off, let me say I understand the concept of rarity. Multi-colored Color Crystal schematics would certainly be a difficult item to come by, but I was surprised to see that Artifice only gets........four colors?! Red/Green/Blue/Yellow. Four basic colors. Only four customizations. Why is White not a basic leveling crystal? And Purple could be learned later on, after 150 or so, along with Orange. Lore-wise, I understand White is the hardest crystal to obtain, but that those who sought it could find it. It baffles that in an MMORPG, the pinnacle genre of customizable characters, we're only allowed four basic colors. I do know that an Orange color crystal is easy to come by later in the game, but if you want your Jedi/Sith to wield White/Pink/Purple, you'll stuck with killing world bosses or jumping through ridiculous loops. I've especially seen these complaints on RP servers, where players craft a story around their character, complete with preferred Saber Color, only to be limited to R/G/B/Y. It's pretty lame. Is there any possibility of Artifice being to train more colors?
  18. This is unfortunely true. I leveled 10-24 Combat, and felt underpowered, weak, and fragile. I did little damage to even standard mobs, and could only finish Elite-Champion mobs when I crit and proc'd enough. So literally, I just jumped in and hoped that this round would be my lucky one. Then I looked into Watchman/Focus builds, tried Focus, was meh, then specced into Watchman. And now I can carve through flippin' mountains.
  19. That's the general consensus of most classes, and until Bioware adds a (much-needed) Macro system to the game, it's something we must bear with. I made due by binding Merciless Slash to [3], and binding Slash to [Alt + 3], so that way I can spam fire either without removing my fingers from the movement keys.
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