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Everything posted by zerosaint

  1. Sadly I cancelled my account today. In the 'comments' area, this one one of the primary reasons I gave. Groups of 3 Minions or One Minion/One Lieutenant every 20 feet is just so repetitive and mind numbing that it drove me to not want to play. I expected a certain amount of this and thus rolled on a PVP server-- where I Haven't seen a single other faction player outside of a warzone, and the elite mobs even stand still in one spot for easy killing. Between this and the overly large interiors that make every journey feel longer than it needs to be plus the rails I was just tired. Unfortunately I think this is a core game issue and not something that really has a resolution. EQ with Player housing, and other RP friendly utilities at least meant I had things to do when I wasn't questing or crafting.
  2. Actually 3 Level Brackets would be ideal here: 10>29 30>49 50 On lowbie alts I was able to pull down 30s without too much trouble. Beyond that it was pretty much resistance city.
  3. You know, I've never been a WoW player, I have played some other MMOs and until recently was fairly defensive of SWTOR's launch, which honestly I still feel was handled flawlessly (No matter what people say). However it's the game itself that I've come to see as an issue. Yes the storyline is amazing (I am not a spacebar commando) and I love feeling like I am a part of the universe. But the problems that I have seen which I have no comparison for are the rails, I have never felt so funneled in any game other than maybe pacman. Every world feels like a reskinned version of the last. Go to Area 1. Fulfill objectives (I.E. Kill X amount of mobs who stand around in groups of 3 minions or a minion and lieutenant packed tight enough to ensure that by the time we have reached our objectives we will have to fight our way back out and create more of a time sink). Go to Area 2 with different story motivations but essentially repeat Area 1's goals. Go to Final Boss Story Base - Same as 1 and 2 but acting as a culmination of the arc for that planet. And it never feels like it changes. I have cancelled for now. Between this gameplay and the animation bug that makes me insane in WZs I'm just tired. I hope sometime in the next year or so BW can take care of this somehow, but as it is the core design of questing, I don't see it happening. It's a shame. But don't tell me to go back to WoW, I've never been there. Instead, for now I'll just go.
  4. Dr. Freud would like a word with you sir. (I'm sorry I know it's just a word-choice slip up, but given these forums it's pretty darned funny).
  5. As noted this would absolutely explain why the client which was listed near 30gb has shrunk to 17gb. I'd already kind of given up on SWTOR, but I think this will be the straw for me. Sad thing is that there was a lot to enjoy and I am actually going to miss it. But when I stop having fun I take my money and go. That said, this, should it be valid is going to put a major black eye on BW's pretty face.
  6. The pure PVE solo side of this quest is nothing but grind, anyone saying otherwise is deceiving themselves. However, there's so much other stuff going on that I can relegate that grind to it's proper place- when I just want to tune out for a while.
  7. I'm assuming that you didn't pvp once during your trip to 50, right Professor Hypocrite? ETA: I'm so happy that the 50's are being taken out- they have gear and expertise that unbalance low level pvp. I'm happy to reverse Zolthie's statement and say I'm tired of gear/expertised out 50's ruining gameplay for low levels.
  8. 25 IA Op 11 Merc BH 14 Sith Sorc. Been playing since the 13th In all honesty though I'm admittedly casual. Game isn't my life, which is why I'm enjoying it.
  9. I'd rather see an increase in Valor and a decrease in Exp. I'm already 5 levels above the content my story is at.
  10. Good to see that Inquisitor and Consular got buffed those poor struggling classes had it rough!!!
  11. I love this game. I am not going anywhere, but I have to be honest, the two things that I really wish there was a way to improve right now are very much in line with the OP's complaints. I *know* that the planets aren't empty but because of the design of the worlds, lack of ambient noise in huge hallways for missions, it -feels- empty. I hope at some point BW will figure out a way to either add more noise or more npcs or both so that the world doesn't feel that way. Also the questing basically always seems to be a variation on the same culminating in a huge 'base attack' at the end of the world you are on. Again, these aren't game breaking by any stretch, but quality of life issues I'd love to see worked on.
  12. Holy God I can't believe that this is even an issue. 1) If it is for your character and you need it, 'need'. 2) If it is for your companion or money 'greed' Good lord it isn't hard.
  13. I've been aware of this thread since the original version and never really payed it too much attention. I've been pvping since prelaunch and though I was vaguely aware of the problem happening to me - something last night really snapped in PVP on my Operative, I'm not sure why it stood out so much last night, but boy did it really stink up my level of fun.
  14. Okay if you've talked to phone support and they won't help you then that is a problem. I wish you the best of luck because once I got someone it was literally a 30 second fix.
  15. You know, I've never seen a single post from anyone saying "THE GAME IS PERFECT" I love the game but can absolutely acknowledge it has issues that need to be fixed. I think what you se are people who are tired of seeing the same thread over and over and over from people who act as though they are the only ones that matter. To the OP, I'm not sure if this will help but I sold my phone and called up BioWare. Admittedly I had to sit on hold for an hour (It was right after launch and their support was jammed up). But if you press the button for tech support, when you finally do get someone they can fix the issue in literally 30 seconds. (though I am sure no one will even bother to read or try what is in my last paragraph because it is way easier to flip out and spew hyperbole.)
  16. Just curious what server and what your character's name is. I am on a PVPRP server Imp side and want to be absolutely sure I don't group with someone who thinks being IC justifies real life stupidity. edit: I'm sure though that you will have a fine justification for not giving that info- I haven't seen a single person who thinks it's a good idea do that yet.
  17. No, sorry. I have a job and family and have, if I am lucky time to run 1 flashpoint a day. If an item I am running for is dropped and some idiot rolls need for a solo pve companion who isn't even there- that is just absurd. I cannot fathom how anyone would think otherwise.
  18. I seriously don't care if people need for their companion if the following criteria are met: 1) They announce up front before the FP or Heroic or whatever starts that it is their intention to do so. 2).... 3) Just kidding I would have booted them after 1. Companions are solo pve-centric and have no business being considered in need/greed UNLESS it is cleared with the party well beforehand.
  19. I'm sure the people you group with will have a great appreciation of your opinion as well.
  20. Was your companion in the boss fight? No? Then I'm sorry but you're wrong.
  21. That this is even a question is mind boggling. If you need something for your PC, hit need. If you need something for your companion, ask the group. Common sense, people.
  22. I'm not even sure why we need a /spit emote at this point in gaming.
  23. I think the point I am trying to make, OP is that your message of "These boards are a flame fest" is cut down by the fact that you are in fact flaming one of the two sides you're looking at.
  24. Or maybe it's that when you read his incoherent scrawl 75% is devoted to what he himself describes as a Fanboy. I know the game has issues, I know there is work to be done. When I'm not having fun I'll leave. I am neither a fanboy or a hater. I don't actually have a horse in this race other than to point out that any objectivity the OP is trying to impart is completely shattered.
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