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Everything posted by zerosaint

  1. I've had a forum account since August 2009, but the account has been given over to my girlfriend. Don't assume that all Dec 2011 accounts are new. (Though I don't agree with the OP other than on #6 which BW has already stated will be fixed).
  2. aoc =/= swtor not even remotely. Funcom is just a bad company. Like terribad bad.
  3. Kind of off the main subject- but about this. I queued up for WZ at level 12 for the daily missions (and every day til 20). I had someone call me out as a lowbie who shouldn't be there, and by the end of that match I had more healing done, more kills, more medals and more damage than that person. A competent pvp'r will shine no matter what level they go in. Would you rather have a level 12 who works with the team or a level 30+ who doesn't understand how to pass a huttball. And the great thing in all this, by level 20 I had 1000 commendations and a complete set of pvp gear as well as a couple of nice titles and friends. Encourage players to come in and learn so that by the time they are 50 the are great. /threadjack
  4. These are all relatively minor annoyances. Also every time my level 20 Op eats a level 50 in pvp, an angel gets it's wings. But just to be clear, yes these things are annoying, if you find them gamebreaking, then go, it's not the game for you. But a bright yellow font doesn't make you correct.
  5. Fair enough, that's your opinion. I absolutely disagree with you on the 'subpar for a release' thing. I've played games like AoC, MxO and the original SWG where sub par for release was a downright fact. This feels smooth and fun for me. However that said, sounds like you're doing the right thing, but if you don't like it, don't stay, It's your own time your wasting. Not blasting you there, just pointing out that it's up to you to decide what you find enjoyable.
  6. I don't believe I targeted either my post or the content of it at you. My post was aimed at the level 50's. In fact if anything giving it 2 months and weighing your decisions is extremely practical. Personally, when my fun is gone, I will go. 2 weeks or 2 years.
  7. This is only true if you also see evidence in the game- which at least on my server I have not. In fact, if anything the people I interact with love SWTOR and are having a lot of fun, be it in groups, guild or /general. People see the flaws but that does not stop them from having fun. No, the forums are -not- indicative of the state of the game, not by a longshot. The forums are indicative of a lot of powergamers from other games who don't get SWTOR and all flock to the forums to rage. Go ahead call me a fanboi. It makes no difference because trust me I am WELL aware of the issues the game has. However when I weigh the issues with the game vs the level of fun and value I get from my subscription, I find that my enjoyment far outweighs the launch issues that will eventually get fixed.
  8. This needs to be quoted over and over again until the powergamers get it into their skulls. What is mind boggling to me is that this happens in every single game people who max out within a month of launch kick and scream for lack of content without realizing that the game is not designed to be burned through in a matter of days- no matter what game it is. In the end anyone who doesn't realize this only has themselves to blame. Furthermore, until people realize that game companies do not cater to hardcores- this will continue to happen over and over. Casual gamers who stretch the content but continue to pay and play without complaint are the people gamehouses love. I'm sorry but this is just the way it is.
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