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Everything posted by DwokImmortal

  1. Unfortunately, as you may have noticed, Bioware won't ban people. I still have a guild mate setting on absolutely exorbitant amounts of credits from the merchant/token bug and there are two republic alliances on Jung Ma who have been using the door glitch for three weeks now (run into the door at an angle near the edge and you can go inside it and become untargetable, but can plant and attack out).
  2. Alas, math without knowledge behind it is meaningless. You did expertise twice. Guard doesn't double-dip. The primary target completes all damage calculations, then the damage is split. You assume the defender has higher expertise than you. Blame bioware's terrible gear based PvP, not tanks. There are only two classes effected by mitigation in PvP since there is no auto-attack and almost all abilities have a special damage type (Only white damage can be mitigated in PvP). Sniper/Gunslinger and Guardian/Jugg. So reduction 2 doesn't apply. Reduction 3 is Bioware's fault. Reduction 5 doesn't apply.
  3. I'd kill for more options than: Peacock Red Spacesuit White-supremacist robes Why are 3/4ths of our gear options the Red Spacesuit anyway? I'm stuck grinding Social ranks for the Mystic Set from Voss just to look like a lightside Sith should.
  4. Snare does not build, nor is effected by resolve. This includes even 100% snares, which defeats the purpose of resolve
  5. That and DAoC rewarded pvp through additional utility or small stat nudges, not gear or special god stats.
  6. Sort of. People aren't being chain stunned, rather in most cases they are being chain snared (which is just as bad in huttball). Snare ignores resolve, and for some reason a lot of abilities that actually do disable (ex: force choke, smuggler nut kick) are classed as 100% snares.
  7. You were deathmatching (no one over 2k objective), and you had a pocket healer. Not terribly hard to put up those numbers. I can do it too. I can break 700k on a voidstar farm, but it doesn't mean that I have higher DPS. Only that i whacked more people with my stick and spent less time in the respawn box. We are a strong, solid class. But we are not high DPS.
  8. The primary problem I see with Assassin DPS is that is is too proc heavy, and that our resource penalizes us for bad luck. You can go entire fights without any primary dps procs. You can also go entire fights proccing every hit (But our resource pool only supports 1 proc per 5 seconds). What you end up with at 50 is a sort of 'capped burst' system where on average, you have steady dps over time(great for pve), but in pvp you range from 'decent' to 'very unlucky'. If you want to do dps, there are better classes for it, that are much easier to play. If you want a class that does a lot of things well and directly scales with how well you play, Assassin is a great choice.
  9. We get Force Shroud. Strips all negative effects and gives force/tech immunity.
  10. That's the point. The person he was replying to complained about a Maul opener. For those who don't play Assassin/Shadow, Maul is worthless, except in one special proc circumstance that is a small chance to occur after a connecting melee attack. The only high dps ability A/S has is an energized Shock (30% chance to proc the buff on Thrash)
  11. Most of the appearance toward the servers seeming empty is probably because of how small they made each server's population. Those coming from WoW may be used to thousands of people on one shard, where in swtor you get queues before you even break the 1k barrier. Add in people going back to school and work and it can feel pretty empty for an MMO. Jung Wa which spent the first three weeks with horrid queues now barely scrapes together ~600 people at prime time (judging by planet hopping and playing on both sides).
  12. As many posters have pointed out. It's the game. I run a smooth 30-40ms, with high FPS except for certain areas (warzones, random tombs ) and still there are some times when the server simply won't comply with basic input commands.
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