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Everything posted by Monave

  1. [quote=Blistrich;4379871 I had more fun last night playing All Points Bulletin Reloaded. How screwed up is that? And I had more fun playing Hearts of Iron 2 if anybody else even knows of the franchise too. Have 43 more days left but don't plan to log in and I would rather play any of my old games sitting on shelf atm.
  2. Actually we were very burned out on the whole MMO scene when we left WoW (and I'm sooo happy we did!) but we decided to give this one a try to see how it goes since it was Star Wars of course and Bioware. We had our fun and had a good time but we just lost interest for many of the reasons people state and some more personal ones that others don't seem to have too much issue with. But just like any other MMO we have the 'haters' and the 'fanboi/girls' that refuse to listen to reason coming from the middle, and the "Class X is OP!!!!! Nerfs them to the groundz right now or I quits!!!" threads. Exactly the reasons why we were getting sick of the MMO scene...
  3. Don't you know that this is the most pressing issue the game is facing now? No light saber sound effects are game breaking RAAAAHHRRR!!!
  4. I hope I'm not insulting the OP but it does seem like they are not a native English speaker and not articulating their point quite well. At this point it seems like a thread on the definition of seasons to me...
  5. Do you actually have to check the forums to understand the lacking elements of the game?
  6. I believe the point the OP is trying to make is that Bioware has not delivered on past promises as pointed out with 1.2 and doesn't see why the same doesn't happen with 1.3. At least that seems to be the gist of it to me...
  7. This kind of sums up me and my friends sentiment. We're not going back to WoW or any other MMO. For that matter this may be the end of the line for MMOs for us as we have become jaded of the entire genre over the last 10 years or so. We came in with certain expectations - some were met and others weren't. Basically what looked good in paper to us (the extensive story lines and VOs) ended up not working so well in a MMO. They could have spent a fraction of that money to make another KotOR which would have been undoubtedly awesome.
  8. I am so happy that I couldn't afford a 6 month or the CE... "You have 43 days of playtime left"
  9. Sometimes nothing can be funnier than the truth... Believe it or not there are places in California where "summer" is a one week heat wave in late September or early October.
  10. Maybe they meant early summer in Australia!?
  11. This just seems to be par for the course in the MMO industry. They treat PAYING CUSTOMERS the worst of any biz type I have seen.
  12. This is the problem me and my 2 friends were having. It was getting clunky and clumsy leveling with all three of us together specifically for the reasons you mention.
  13. And sadly there are many that feel exactly as you do but we are seen as a group of ungrateful whiners. I guess if you don't love this game the way it is you're a whiner. Gotta love that mentality.
  14. Wait a minute here. You're accusing somebody of making assumptions after this thread you just made?
  15. He may be attacking you but I have seen a lot of back and forth between you both and I'm pretty sure you have made attacks similar to his. HIs attack on you not withstanding, Gungan does make a valid point because you are lumping everybody who does not enjoy the game as people who do not like story or spacebar through dialogue. You completely ignore all the posters like myself that are disappointed for various reasons DESPITE loving the story lines and being SW fans. As I have said in many previous threads, we came to this game to specifically experience something similar to KotOR. It just didn't work out for us as a GROUP, plain and simple. It's like dating a girl that has everything you thought you wanted but after six months you can see that the relationship is not working as you both thought it would. Take a break from dating and see how things sort out. It's very similar to this and not as simple as RAAAAAGEE QUITTTTT.... FYI, your post is similar to those extreme posts but just from the opposite view point. Just as extreme and unreasonable.
  16. This made me lol. WoW, the MMO that made me NEVER want to be a healer EVER again.
  17. Still waiting on your answer or you out of one liners?
  18. I cannot speak for the others but my friends and I have found leveling to be too fast (even with the great story lines which we NEVER 'spacebar' through) and too easy, especially when you are grouped with any amount of others. Me and one other friend can pull THREE camps of mobs at a time and thrash them. The leveling is too fast and easy. Even MORE story to slow down the pace would have been better. We came to this game specifically for the story lines. We looked at it like a KotOR MMO. A game that would incorporate the best elements of both genres. The problem we have was that it was an endeavor to try and level TOGETHER when all three of us are on. We have to make sure that we are all on the same point of the side quests on a planet so that we do not have to go run people through content to catch them up mission wise. I don't want to get into details but we found that the game wasn't very conducive to grouping as we level because of the extreme linear nature of the story lines and having to jump from one class story to the next disrupts the flow and feel of the game. The bottom line is that we love the VOs and deep story line but ironically it is the same reason why it was difficult to level as a group which was the specific purpose we came to play. I don't think this is a big issue for many here but for us it kind of defeated the purpose of playing this game. We aren't here to level or max out or toons in gear but rather have a good time together and as a means of staying in touch. We liked what we saw on paper but as we played the game, we started to realize that it was not quite working as we had hoped. No hate or rage. My friends have a few days left and I have 44 so I may try and get at least two story lines out of the eight I have going finished. One thing I found surprising was that I was never a altaholic till I played this game and that is specifically because of the story lines. We are NOT leaving TOR but rather taking a 'wait and see' approach if there will be changes to OUR liking and needs and if it happens we'll be back and if it doesn't we'll just have to wait longer. In the meantime we don't feel it's worth dishing out $15/mo for what seems like a single person RPG more than anything atm.
  19. I take him for his word, you do not. We agree to disagree.
  20. I think you're using the wrong benchmark for comparative purposes here...
  21. As I said I absolutely detest raiding and the whole environment and attitudes that go with it. But I do not resent there being content that I will never ever see as long as it does not negatively impact me. I basically believe that your rights end where another person's begins.
  22. He explains rather clearly why he was posting rather than logging into the game...
  23. Yes but EVERY customer on EVERY low pop server is being punished. Once again, why should ALL PAYING CUSTOMERS who had absolutely NOTHING to do with EAoware opening 200+ servers have to pay for management's poor decision? Answer the question logically please. P.S. The way you word it and your logical conclusion would have to assume that you mean EVERY even if you do not use the term.
  24. Ahhh I see. EVERY customer complained so of course it is EVERY customers' fault. Makes sense.
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