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Everything posted by Kalphitis

  1. If you care enough to post on these forums, maybe you'll care enough to read some GSF guides Plenty out there. Maybe start here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=729222
  2. I do feel like this is very probable, and that it doesn't pay attention to the better statistic (which would be lifetime total req or total games). Not going to lie...I'm seriously considering making a new character that only ever purchases and plays with 2 or 3 ships just so I can get better q priority. See how I feel about it in a few days... Would be cool to get some dev insight on this.
  3. Agree with the logic -- most people in other threads do not seem to though...
  4. If they nerfed TT and BO, would LLCs be more desirable compared to BLCs? Or would a direct nerf to BLCs be required to make LLCs a more viable option?
  5. Umm....? Sarcasm? A pistol is about as compact and movable as it gets. That being said, if you have a pistol and you hear another person's "Ca-*****!" shotgun loading noise -- your *** will start running the other way. Always. Both in real life and in games.
  6. Yea, that's why if you have a scout with LLCs you do nothing but search for a DO the entire game. That is the most productive thing you can do. Switch to another ship if a domination pops.
  7. Good, Nemarus, Good. Let the Farce flow through you ...
  8. Too often this forum has been cluttered with senseless threads discussing the power, or lack of power, of individual ships. Worse, it's often bogged down with pointless banter regarding individual components. The truth is, individual components do not count for much. Ships do not count for much. We don't count for much. We are all just pawns on a dejarik board, being controlled by mysterious, and powerful Admirals. Who are these Admiral puppet-masters? What is their end-game? What is so important about the communications network we constantly fight for? Why place us in random asteroid fields to duke it out in seemingly senseless combat? We will probably never know the answers to these questions, but we do have enough information to begin to analyze who has the advantage. So with that in mind, let's break it down. Fleet Admiral Bey'wan Aygo: First Impressions: Unless you have done the KDY flashpoint, you've probably never met Aygo, and assume that he is human based on his voice. You would be wrong. Aygo is the game's first (and only) Bothan! He will henceforth be referred to as 'Goat-Man'. Significant Facts: Unlike his Imperial counterpart, Goat-Man is referred to as 'Fleet' Admiral, not just 'Admiral'. Does that make him special? Considering that each of us has the opportunity to easily acquire the title of Fleet Admiral, color me unimpressed. Power/Authority: See him in action at the end of this . By no means does he seem very authoritative, but he's probably not a guy you want to screw with. As far as Republic leadership goes, he's very....typical and what you'd expect. He may be the Goat-Man, but he's certainly not the GOAT (Greatest of all Time). Sex Appeal: As a heterosexual male, I will have to defer to others on this one. Does the Goat-Man do it for ya? Admiral Zasha Ranken: First Impressions: Grand Moff Kilran was a bad-***. Ranken clearly learned a thing or two from him, and being present at the sacking of Coruscant makes for quite the resume bullet. Significant Facts: She leads Imperial Forward Command. Is that more impressive than Goat-Man leading the Republic First Fleet? I have no idea, but it sounds cooler to me. Power/Authority: Here is where Ranken really shines - check out this . Yes, you saw that right. She has a Sith servant that can force-choke opponents on command. While not force-sensitive herself, she has Sith that obey her and isn't afraid to make prominent Sith shut their faces. Admiral Ranken is like the Old Republic era version of Grand Moff Tarkin. When Tarkin told Vader to shut up, Vader shut the **** up! Sex Appeal: On more than one occasion while playing GSF, my girlfriend has walked by and said, "Hey, that girl is talking to you again..." She is right to be jealous, if I had the chance to get with Ranken, you bet I would! She is hot, and she sounds hot. Sexy dominatrix all the way. Final Verdict: The Goat-Man's got nothing on Ranken. I am forced to assume that the Goat will die in a future patch, due to the obvious superiority of his Imperial opponent. Agree/Disagree? Did I miss anything important? Do you feel the Goat-Man deserves more sex appeal points?
  9. Note that it did not say that I was AFK on either of these occasions.
  10. So, 3 times in the last 2 days I have noticed that another person that is Solo q'ing has jumped me in priority and got in a game sooner than me. Most recently, I logged in and saw Drakolich was in a game. I queue'd up, 5 mins later the game ended, and another game started. Drak got in, I did not. I asked Drak, and he said that he was solo queuing also. What does this mean? Matchmaking does exist! How does it work? Who knows. Drak was on his Drakolichsoloq character -- he doesn't have many ships on that toon. Also, his character is a low level, not 55. Earlier today the same thing happened when I got jumped by MMORPG. MMO is famous for only playing with a gunship. My conclusion: there is a matchmaker that matches players based on how many ships they either own on their current character, or how many ships are on their current load-out. It does not pay attention to legacy things, only current character. This still doesn't make any sense to me....and frankly it does piss me off since I hate waiting...but yea.... I feel like I get jumped in priority all the time, be it groups or other solo'ers.
  11. Regarding the Seismic choice: There are good arguments either way -- it's nice to have a choice like this. And yes, nothing wrong with taking concussions next patch. Nothing wrong with that at all. Interdictions will still be useful though, if you don't want to.
  12. Mostly agree with all your points. The T2 scout will not become OP. It is more likely that cluster missiles will become OP, but that is also a silly argument imo.
  13. Well, I supported it. Now you owe me a huge favor at a time and place of my choosing. For what it's worth, we're less than a month away from the release of another popular Sci-Fi/Fantasy MMO -- Wildstar. ESO was a joke, I think we all knew that before it launched. But this new game looks amazing. Personally, the only reason I play swtor is for GSF. When you combine the fact that the devs have stated they're not going to invest time in GSF anymore, with the fact that a better game is coming out....well you do the math. I mean sure, I'll hop in here every now and then as F2P to log in some flight hours, but meh
  14. I support this thread. More love for GSF.
  15. The Cattlescout disagrees. It hits, hits, and then hits again. It thinks about running for a split second, then just hits Distortion Field and keeps hitting.
  16. Depends....if I'm in a SF or Scout I always tend to play aggressively and try. In a bomber, I usually zone out in Domination matches or just fly randomly around dropping bombs/sentries in TDM without too much thought. In a GS, sometimes I just don't even care enough to move around. Despite my casualness though, I realize that I'll never be as good at flying casual as Chewbacca was.
  17. Photon Railgun: Does twice the damage of the slug railgun, but takes twice the amount of time to fully charge. In addition, the massive blast is too much for the ship's inertial compensators to handle, and you will get knocked back a distance proportionate to the railgun's charge, up to 5 km max. Who needs missile breaks when you can just keep firing in order to distance yourself from an enemy?
  18. I suppose the easy, and most plausible explanation, is that the queue is only checked by the system every so often....say 30 seconds. So every 30 seconds, if there is at least 12 on each faction, a 12v12 game starts -- if not, an 8v8 or no game starts.
  19. I notice this all the time as well. One important thing to consider, along with the game choosing whether or not to do a same faction or multi-faction match: how big will the game be? If the system always started games as quickly as possible, then we would only ever see smaller 8v8 games. The fact that we have 12v12 games means that the system is programmed to wait for a set amount of time if it 'thinks' that more people will join to make the game larger. I believe that 12v12 is the priority over 8v8. The obvious answer would be: if one faction has at least 12 players in the queue, and the other faction just had their 8th (or group of 8 to 11 max) join, the system MUST wait...but for how long? 5 seconds? 30 seconds? 2 mins? Now that we've established that the selection process is already programmed to allow for wait times instead of playing games as quickly as possible (in order to create the largest game possible), why do groups get queue priority to 'fill' up games faster? Why not wait then also in order to allow for fairness? OP: in your post, you pointed out that up to 3 people might get dropped if a group of 4 is needed to 'fill' up a game. At least that makes 'some' sense -- but I've also noticed that people get dropped in queue priority sometimes even if it doesn't matter. I obviously have no way to prove this, just observations.
  20. Just finished watching the movie, the cliff-hanger ending is a real tear-jerker...*sniff* Read on for spoilers.... .......... The Gunsheep's best friend, Cattlescout, gets ridiculously nerfed at the end. The final image is of Gunsheep vowing revenge against all responsible.... I can't wait for the sequel, The Gunsheep Strikes Baaaaack
  21. Nope, because those games have communities that are large enough to support it. Also, in those games you can have big groups, you're not limited to 4 like in this game.
  22. I get it. I understand it. I do. It doesn't mean I have to like it. It doesn't mean it's what is best for the game, overall. Again, if the community was larger, if we had cross-server, if match-making worked better....than yea I'm totally with you guys. But none of those exist. The needs of the many in GSF are getting overlooked to accommodate the few. < My personal opinion.
  23. I am trying to rally the queue fairness cause, but these arguments of yours make no sense whatsoever, and are not helping
  24. For me, it's only fun being on a team when you play against good competition. Being on a team and playing a random pug is much less fun than solo queueing, imo. I would agree with you Verain, if the community was larger, or we had cross-server, and we had matchmaking. As it is, I do believe there is a strong argument that can be made regarding removing group queues from the game. I think more people, overall, would have a more enjoyable experience. The other issue is of course queue priority. People in groups get in games faster -- they're having their cake and eating it too. Were you on 5 mins before they were? Yup, but too bad, you have to wait longer.
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