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Everything posted by Tavend

  1. ...and if you aren't wiping then so what? Thanks for reading what I wrote and then replying to it without knowing what the hell I was even talking about. Go back and reread what it was in response to.
  2. More than likely they were racing to get the research notes for the new mount and weapons.
  3. So you, or they would rather die/wipe than use free heals because they feel like a game mechanic is cheating? That's just plain dumb. Sorry, but it is.
  4. Are you crazy? You have to be deaf, dumb, and stupid to die with Kolto barrels galore and med stations at the bosses. I mean seriously...c'mon.
  5. Yes, and other people see it the other way, so let's just move on. Next thread.
  6. Reading comprehension to you as well. Who the **** said anything about week 1? Veritas had 3 mil on day 1 of THIS weeks invasion.
  7. Perhaps on your server, but the big guilds on Ebon Hawk usually have over 3 mil points before the first 24 hours has elapsed.
  8. Why even bother mentioning that you placed in the top 10? So what? You spent time doing conquest for absolutely nothing. Something has to change or the same guilds are going to win week after week.
  9. You can never allow the player base to solve faction imbalances. It will never work, since we are pretty much hard wired to go where there are more people. Only way to fix pop imbalance at this point, is to put a cap on the overwhelemed side. when it rolls over to another server, same thing. Force people to play the underdog, or tell them to get lost. Forced pop balance FTW
  10. There's no need for Sages to melee. Use the Shadow if you want melee...unless what you are really saying is you want the ability to do everything the Shadow already can, plus heal? C'mon now, last thing we need is a god class to emerge and turn into a FoTM. We all know what eventually happens to FoTM specs.....
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