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Everything posted by Eysaathe

  1. Well, that is definitely disgusting. No one deserves to have an illness like leukemia, let alone being preyed on because of it... However, I have to agree... That might not be the best information to share in a public channell - I'm sure every server has their share of 13 year old jerks who are full of teenage angst just waiting to take it out on someone. I really have come across a lot of really nice people on this server though. I think just like in the forums, what you see in general is the vocal minority. The empty cans rattle the most.
  2. Ooo, intriguing. I haven't made it to Hoth yet, my BH is level 28. I do love the Chiss, though. Definitely my favorite playable race currently. Another thing I like about the Chiss... Kind of seems like not a lot people are choosing them as a race right now, so it's kind of unique at the moment to play one. Granted - that could just be my server..
  3. Yes!!! This!!! My BH is a female Chiss and she looks AMAZING! Everytime I see her face in the cinematic dialogue my heart skips a beat. I love her. <3 (fyi, I'm a girl, just love my Chiss BH)
  4. I definitely intend to continue my subscription. So far I really enjoy the pace of this game, I don't feel rushed to level. As someone who doesn't have a lot of time to play I really like that I can play for an hour or so and still feel like I've accomplished something. I'm also a bit of an altoholic, so I really love that the game is designed in a way to encourage playing all of the classes. Of course, I'm a huge Star Wars nerd so it plays into that aspect of my personality as well. As a whole, I think this game is great. I'm having a lot of fun. I'm excited to see what is implemented in the future. I'm not too worried about the little bugs here and there or the supposed lack of end game content.. I suspect the majority of the current players don't have enough play time to rush to level 50 so I bet by the time any of my character's get there it'll be a fuller experience than it may be now.
  5. I wonder what server you play on? There are hardly ever queues on my server (vornskr) and if there are it's less than 10 minutes. I was on Tattooine last night and soon after I logged in was invited into a group to do a few heroic quests, during which time we ran into numerous others who were doing the same quests. Then once I was solo again I ran into 3 people I had to wait after to complete quests and then in general someone asked for help with a storyline quest so I went and helped her... I was only on for maybe 3 hours total. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, mine is that this game is awesome and I'm having a blast and I can't wait to see what is implemented in the future.
  6. Ouch! I play on Vornskr... I don't think it's a bad server. I kind of figured every server has their jerks and elitests but there are still lots of nice folks that play on that server. What makes Vornskr so bad?
  7. This is totally unrelated... but I love that picture in your signature!! The little baby Trandoshan and Togruta are sooooooooo cute!
  8. ROFL - with a handle like Dickturnip I'd say you're stuck in the kids category Edit: Being playful, of course. Not intending to offend or upset.
  9. Bravo! I am doing something very similar to you. I am leveling two characters at the same time currently and having an absolute blast doing it. I am a casual player with many obligations that limit my play time so I suspect that by the time I make it to max level on any character the end-game experience will be fuller, with lots of folks to game with.
  10. This is why I always try to be as helpful as possible. Unfortunately the more vocal people are often the rude ones.
  11. Your comment about BioWare designing SWTOR for people who are "good" at MMO's... That's silly - there are many different ways to be "good" at playing an MMO. Maybe one person is really good at PVP while another doesn't like PVP but is great at organizing raids. Why does it have to be so black and white? It's incredibly selfish that you think just because someone doesn't have hours and hours to dedicate to becoming a master of an MMO universe means they shouldn't be able to enjoy playing an MMO like you do. If someone was eating a chocolate ice cream cone would you knock it out of their hands because you don't like chocolate? Grow up and stop acting like a spoiled child.
  12. All I can say to that is lol. As for casuals not being discouraged, I'm not. This game is already very friendly to casual players and for that I am thankful. WoW was not casual friendly, if you didn't have 5+ hours a day to dedicate to playing you were pretty much set up for failure. I think this game is great, it's a lot of fun and I'm glad that I can poke along at my own pace and still feel like I'm accomplishing something. Even if they do make changes that cater to a more hardcore gaming crowd, I won't complain - I'll adapt. Because unlike a lot of the hardcore gaming types, I don't have a problem with compromising and sharing a friendly gaming experience with everyone.
  13. While I do understand where you're coming from, I wouldn't go so far as to call it being penalized. It may be ugly to have some DS points when you've decided to move in the LS direction, but once you've made it to certain level of DS/LS I don't think the fact that you at point earned some DS points actually makes any difference.
  14. Hahahaha - I made a joke at my sister last night that once I get my Mandalorian that looks like one of the Jonas brothers I was going to romance him to see what happened. I hope he doesn't have a promised to Jesus ring or whatever those are called.
  15. I do see your point, and I think I might agree with you at least to an extent... But clarify for me: If leveling your legacy opens new character customization options, and possibly new races, and there's the possibility of frustration at not being able to apply these options to your current characters... how many alts do you propose we work on before choosing a main? I mean the way I'm understanding you, it sounds like I'll have 4 already made characters that I can't change by the time these new customization options are available and I'd rather use those options on newly created characters. Currently I'm playing two characters, a consular and a BH and there are at least three other classes I really want to try.
  16. There isn't a lot of information available about the legacy system at the moment. The only thing they've confirmed is that once you complete Chapter 1 on your first character you choose a legacy name that it is tied to all characters on that server; and that as you level your legacy it unlocks additional customization options at character creation. Beyond that, they're being quite vague. There will be an announcement at some point releasing more information.
  17. Obviously that is a strong possibility, and I didn't say that it wasn't going to be new playable races I just said that they haven't confirmed that yet. They will release the information when they intend to. They're avoiding the subject for a reason. Do some reading on it and you'll see how evasive they are. I'm sure the plans to the release the information coincide with the first major patch or something to that affect. And don't expect disappointment, because then you're creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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